What is your goal weight??

What is your goal weight?? How much weight have you lost?? And how far do you have to go?? Just curious about others around my size. Those of us with a higher starting weight obviously have further to go, and it can be frustrating sometimes! My goal weight is 190 pounds. (I'm 5'11). I have lost 91 pounds, and I have 83 to go! <3


  • aliann30
    aliann30 Posts: 291 Member
    Wait...are we twins? :bigsmile:

    We are the same height, and sounds like I'm not too too far from your CW.

    My goal weight is 180ish. I'm also 5'11'', and started at 318. I'm currently hovering around 282, hoping to break the 280s soon. The smallest I remember being was around the 180s-190s when I was 14 years old.

    You've come so far, that's so awesome! Congratulations on your progress!! :drinker:
  • lessofme150
    lessofme150 Posts: 105 Member
    At this point I will be happy once I get back into Onderland. It's been about 18 years since I have been down that low. Once I get back I will re-evaluate. I think I would like to get down to 150 but also don't know how I would look at that weight. So far I have lost 42 lbs.
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    My goal weight is 155. I'm 5'6". So far I've lost a total of 80.8 lbs.
  • emilym820
    emilym820 Posts: 993 Member
    Highest: 350
    Current: 344
    Goal: 175
  • alyssarof2012
    alyssarof2012 Posts: 33 Member
    What is your goal weight??
    120 - 125 lbs (I'm 5'2)
    How much weight have you lost??
    About 12 lbs (weighing in and updating later this morning)
    And how far do you have to go??
    A lot. lol 185 -190 I try not to look at the overall loss to go, and just break it down into smaller numbers.
  • angiepopangie
    angiepopangie Posts: 1 Member
    My goal weight is 165. I am 5'10. I have a LONG way to go but I will get there. :)
  • KiltFuPanda
    KiltFuPanda Posts: 574 Member
    6'2", current weight 363. Now that I'm on a "cutting" regimen, I'm going to see if I can hit the magic 300 before the end of the year.

    After that, I'll go have a BodPod bodyfat test done to figure out what my % really is - calipers and tape tests have been giving me odd results for years, and I would love to have the truth. If I'm at 15-20%, I'm going to stop there - I don't need to be leaner than that.
  • demarii06
    demarii06 Posts: 340 Member
    I'm 5'8 and started off at 350lbs. My current weight is 276 so I have lost 74 pounds so far. And hope to lose another 75 before the year is up(crazy right? but im super dedicated). I have a total of 126 more to go.
  • dandelionandburdock
    dandelionandburdock Posts: 1 Member
    Let's say 20 stone (280lbs or 127kg). I still have a very long way to go.
  • Shadowcub
    Shadowcub Posts: 154 Member
    My goal? Well, the BMI charts say I have to get down to at most 189 pounds (from my current ~445) in order to be "healthy".

    To tell the truth, getting down to 299 (as in, under 300) would make me happy. 249 (under 250) would make me ecstatic!

    But honestly, getting down to under 400 would SIGNIFICANTLY lower my risk of diabetes, improve my high blood pressure, etc. so that's what I 'm shooting for first.

    Oh, and I've lost about 11 pound so far, from a starting point of 457 or there about. So even under 400# is still almost another 50, and 3-4 times that total before I'd consider myself "done" losing weight and starting to work on maintaining it.
  • iquiltoo
    iquiltoo Posts: 246 Member
    My highest was about 350. I lost about 50 after surgery last year, and was happy to be able to maintain that, much to my surprise. This year when I joined MFP I was 300, and have lost 20 lbs to date, for a total of about 70. I only show the MFP loss here, but I may update that when I am closer to goal, which for now is about 140. When I get there, I will reassess to see how I look and feel as I am pretty short and I think that's at the high end of the range for me.
  • I would love to be under 200. I haven;t really lost any weight yet I just started on my diet and exercising again. I have about 150+ to go.
    need to stay motivated here =(
  • bsquibbles
    bsquibbles Posts: 18
    Highest: 430
    Current: 347
    Goal: 270

    I know my goal seems ridiculous, but I just can't focus beyond that at this point. I hit 300 pounds at 14 and 400 pounds at 19. I haven't seen 270 pounds since I was 13. For me, getting out of 'threedom' is the ultimate goal right now. If I saw 299 on my scale, I'd be the happiest 299-pound person in the world.
  • smacmillan86
    smacmillan86 Posts: 153 Member
    My goal weight by the BMI chart to be "normal" would be 150lbs at the high end for my height (5'7). I've lost 34.6lbs since I started March 17, and have 219 lbs to go. Honestly though I'm just thinking in short term goals, getting under 350 will be a big deal for me. Then under 300, etc. Thinking of the big picture is a little daunting.
  • tokig0313
    tokig0313 Posts: 99 Member
    My goal weight by the BMI chart to be "normal" would be 150lbs at the high end for my height (5'7). I've lost 34.6lbs since I started March 17, and have 219 lbs to go. Honestly though I'm just thinking in short term goals, getting under 350 will be a big deal for me. Then under 300, etc. Thinking of the big picture is a little daunting.

    I like your approach! I've been taking my weight loss in 5% increments from my starting weight. My current goal is to make it out of the 300s. From there I'll be aiming to make it down 10% of my starting weight, then I believe down to 275 before 15% etc.

    Keep up the great work!
  • jemethyst
    jemethyst Posts: 107 Member
    I'm 5'10 and current long term goal weight is 241 ( basically I wanted to get under 250 and then go from there based on how I felt). 241 is an odd number but it's 150 lbs less than my starting weight of 391. My first mini goal is to get under 350, and I'm celebrating milestones such as 25% of that mini goal.
  • My highest was 489
    current is 346
    goal is under 280.

    While I know that goal weight seems high, considering my highest weight, my average weight in high school was 220 being athletic and extremely active...I think 280 is a good starting goal weight. My lowest weight in the past few years was 300 and I was almost clothing size back to what I wore in high school. Funny how bodies change so much over the years.
  • trbarnerdavis1
    trbarnerdavis1 Posts: 2 Member
    Height: 5'1

    Long way to go
  • Highest: 352
    Current: 315.8
    height: 5'10
    Short term goal: 310 one # under the gained baby weight
    midterm goal: under 300
    long term goal: 200
  • lovelyx091
    lovelyx091 Posts: 217 Member
    Highest: 374
    Current: 363
    Goal: hmm around 190 maybe? As long as I'm healthy and comfortable.
    First Mini Goal: 340