MFP calorie goals versus personal calorie goals

jemethyst Posts: 107 Member
For those that have lowered their calorie goal from the one set by MFP, how did you choose the calorie goal you set? Ive noticed people in my weight range with a wide variety of calorie goals and Im wondering if I should re-evaluate mine.


  • kdaughertyfp
    kdaughertyfp Posts: 49 Member
    I originally set mine by using MFP. I have lowered mine from the original amount by using MFP when I record my weight. For the last few months I did not adjusted my calories automatically when recording my weight. I have recently discussed this with a dietitian. My question was that since I have lost more weight and according to MFP I should adjust my calories, but should I. Her suggestion was not to adjust them. I am currently continuing to lose weight using the 1650 calorie a day limit so I should keep it there.
  • tomaura7
    tomaura7 Posts: 4
    I set MFP (sedentary lifestyle) to 2lbs per week, and it has me at 2020 per day. I quickly realized that before starting I was probably consuming 3000-4000 a day. So I've stuck to that. But, I don't calculate the extra exercise calories, and stick to the baseline. Right now it is hard to stay under the MFP rate, so I guess there is an adjustment period as well.
  • eris1981
    eris1981 Posts: 58 Member
    The MFP calorie goal works for me when I stick with it, but I'm bad about calculating my dinner up to the last calorie and then getting hungry for a snack later. So, I lowered my goal by a bit over 200 calories so that even if I meet my calories by dinner time, it's not horrible if I have a small snack later.