What's Your Food Plan?? Is it Working?

Arkhos Posts: 290 Member
Hello Biggies! :smile:

Just wondering what food plans/calories are you following and is it working for you? Are you doing the "Eating more to lose" or 2000 calories, or ??

I'm going to be adding in testosterone as mine is low and I'm having trouble dropping weight over the last 9 months. Right now I'm trying to keep calories between 1800-2000, carbs at 120-160, protein close to 200, and sodium below 1500. Before this I was at about 2300-2400 calories, carbs at around 200, protein at 250, and sodium at 2500 - pretty much focusing on calories and protein but my weight would fluctuate the entire 9 months, and I hardly ever lost 1lb a week.

I work with a personal trainer and exercise 4 times a week for an hour with her the entire 9 months as well. She can't figure out my diet either.

Thought I'd ask other big losers :wink:


  • CapnDonkey
    CapnDonkey Posts: 108 Member
    I use this site to count the calories I eat every day. I don't set my macros as well as I should, but I try to get more protein than I need every day because I'm lifting, and I don't eat very many carbs based on calorie content alone. I eat between 1200-1300 calories a day, and I lift 4 times a week, and do cardio 5 times a week. From December to now, I have lost 45 lbs. I don't eat a lot of carbs with my new eating habits, and I find that it keeps my blood sugar stable and I don't need to snack at all. I'm not doing keto or paleo by choice, it just seems I'm reaching for primarily veggies and meat whenever I do eat. My company caters lunch once a week, so I eat whatever they bring (pizza, subs, burgers, chinese, taco bar, etc...) I just plan ahead, and only eat 500-600 calories of whatever they got, and then stop.

    I still drink, too. But only once or twice a week.
  • dactonaw
    dactonaw Posts: 14 Member
    Well for me, I set my goal for two pounds of weight loss a week, which for my height of 6'10 was like 2400 a day at sedentary. If I ate a little bit over because I wasn't particularly willful I tried to never let it go over 500 calories. I usually lost 2 lbs a week. I never really had a special diet except watching my diabetes. It really helped me to split it into 5-6 smaller meals, snacking a lot. I also drank straight black coffee about a pot a day because it really killed my appetite (green or black tea also but they did not taste as good). That or drank a lot of water, I found out most of my hunger was just from dehydration. (drink until your urine is barely yellow or clear). For the first 80 lbs I never exercised. I know it sounds terrible but you can really lose weight without exercise it just makes it take longer. If I was really just unwillful enough to not eat, I just gobbled celery (since it is fiber and water and once digested actually burns a few calories instead of adding any). I hope it helps, I just started weight lifting again I'll get back to you when I can do some research on it, figure I'll need to know it in a bit anyway.
  • CapnDonkey
    CapnDonkey Posts: 108 Member
    I lift HEAVY. I use the "Savage 4x4 Strength/Hypertrophy Split" routine and it is still kicking my *kitten* after 6 months. It is definitely making me stronger. I'll try to upload the side by side pic I took that shows my arms, chest, and shoulders after 6 months of strength training. Weights are your friend. Makes the 70 lbs I've lost really show, since I only dropped one clothing size (3XLT to 2XLT shirts, and 48" pants to 46)
  • CapnDonkey
    CapnDonkey Posts: 108 Member
    Couldn't attach the pic without destroying the quality.

