Finish phase 1, did not lose too much weight but....

When I start it was awesome, extremely sore, I'm a babysitter so I was running like a duck, kids love it lol but I only lost 7 pounds... Considering water and other stuffs... My mom notice change, I didn't but I got better at the works out, I am stronger thats for sure but my legs hurts!!!!! I'm not flexible and I can't do the legs exercise as much as the arms... Any suggestions? How to lose more weight and flexibility ? Thank you.... And also when do I see change in size?


  • stephanj
    stephanj Posts: 898 Member
    ONLY lost 7 lbs???? Dude that's awesome!!!

    wait until you get to 5,6,7,8. That is when I started seeing major body changes (slimmer arms, legs, abs). it takes 6 weeks for it to really start showing. I take a little longer to transition to the next week, if I feel like I haven't mastered the earlier moves yet. You haven't said what you are doing for nutrition, but you must be doing something right since you are getting results. Flexibility is the only thing you will not get from Jillian. I have been doing her dvds for years and that girl never gets more flexible, just not her thing. Get a yoga dvd and do a few times a week or after JMBR spend an extra 5-10 minutes stretching, that will help.

    Awesome job!
  • marieann82
    marieann82 Posts: 150 Member
    Awesome work! A 7# lose is great! I am half way through my second round of BR and have not lost weight. I am much more muscular though.

    I think it's like 10-15# for a pant size-but that all depends on the person and their body. Just keep up the awesome work and you will be noticing your progress.
  • pevs2002
    pevs2002 Posts: 3
    Ok, cool thank you! Ill wait! My nutrition is better than it was lol I try to eliminate certain bad foods... My major problems was that I used to skip and at night eat everything... But I been a good girl lately so ill try to keep it up!
  • fearlesskcl
    fearlesskcl Posts: 159 Member
    7lbs is awesome! Definitely can't complain about that!

    I'm on Workout 7/8 now.

    In Phase 1 I only lost like 1.5lbs but definitely appeared a bit more muscular.
    However in Phase 2 so far I have lost like 5lbs which is awesome for me, especially as I have 2 rounds of the 7/8 workouts to go!!
    People are telling my that I look like I have lost weight and gained definition in my shoulders and arms.
    So just keep pushing. The workouts get harder but also more fun in my opinion!

    My main advice is to trust the program and good nutrition is the key to success! In Phase 1 my eating was off but in Phase 2 I have picked up my game! Hence the amazing results! Good luck!
  • pevs2002
    Awesome, well I still haven't loss more weight BUT omg I'm stronger and more flexible and more stronger, my body is getting lose (might no be the right word) someone told me to more cardio if I want to see more results, I sweat a LOT! Even my health is better so I guess is doing something! Some exercise are so hard