Getting extra serious!

Nutmeg76 Posts: 258 Member
Who is with me? Let's do this. Maybe we can have some sort of "challenge"?


  • coltrane23
    coltrane23 Posts: 30 Member
    Sounds good to me. I've been treading water for a while now, and I'm good with where I am but I think I can be even better. I've hit all of my original goals and now I'm trying to figure out what my new goals should be.

    I started by aiming for bigger lifts, figuring if I'm adding muscle I should also be burning off fat. It sort of worked, but in the last couple months I've been stuffing myself some nights in an effort to pack on muscle and my lifts haven't budged. I've actually gotten weaker based on rep maxes--going strictly off of my deadlift and squat I can tell I'm not where I was just this past spring.

    Mainly, I want to get leaner around my middle. Currently 220# at ~25% body fat. I don't want to focus on a number, but I think if I got down to ~18% body fat I'd be thoroughly satisfied. I don't really have a target weight, but I suppose that if I were to lose body fat I'd probably lose weight too.

    My plan is fairly straightforward: more HIIT/sprints, and less obsessing over macros. I suppose I'll still track what I eat, but I'll start eating according to my hunger (or lack thereof) instead of trying to hit a macro for the day. I will eat when I'm hungry, not according to a clock, and when I'm not hungry, I won't eat.
  • Nutmeg76
    Nutmeg76 Posts: 258 Member
    Well, that never happened! What a slcaker I
    This time i am serious. I started a 30 day "Clean eating" challenge becaues i NEED to. I gained some weight during our move from AK to OH. So, there it is, 30 day "primal".