Hellooo I'm new :)

EllieYuruker Posts: 54 Member
Hello all,
Im Ellie. 21 Mother of one almost 15 month old. 5"4 and 131lbs (this week whereas last week I was 121lbsish) I work 20 hours a week and live with my parents in Birmingham (UK)
I have never sturggled with my weight or body image before but since having my little girl something has affected me. Im not sure if it was being left by my daughters father (another boy thats messed me about) or just the pressure of needing to lose the weight fast.
This is what I did at first. Lost my weight and more too quick (3 stone in under 8 months is far to quick for someone who isn't too large to start with)
I then put back on bingeing and have been yo yo ing ever since. This past 1 and a half has been my longest and biggest binge so far and has made me realise i need help. (over 4000 calories 5 days in a row!!!!)
I have counselling for low self esteem but as much as I try to she doesn't touch too much on my eating habits but I think thats because she doesn't specialise in it.\
Im going to the drs tomorow morning and I am going to mention it (this is going to be sooooo embarrassing and horrible) but i realise I really need help. Any advice on what I should ask etc?

Sorry this is so long and if you have got this far thank you for reading and sorry for the spelling mistakes I am rather tired! :)



  • idahomommy
    idahomommy Posts: 28 Member
    Hello! I also have a therapist that is not taking a big focus on my food issues. Part of it is that I drew a line on that subject and how far I'm willing to discuss it, part of it is that we've been focusing on a bigger issue (that relates to it indirectly) that really takes precedence, and finally - like yours, she doesn't specialize in it and I think her views are a little relaxed about it. She's concerned but has let me "get away" with it because she understands that it's my coping mechanism and theoretically it will go away when we work out my other stuff.

    ANYWAY.....I would ask the doctor if they can recommend a counselor that does specialize in eating disorders and related things. If you have depression or anxiety or things like that, I'd bring up the subject of medications if you're willing to take them. Sometimes that can really help, along with counseling, but I know it's not for everyone (I fought it for over a year myself).
  • EllieYuruker
    EllieYuruker Posts: 54 Member
    Heya, thanks for the reply. I have suffered from anxiety and depression in the past and been on citalopram and off it And now back on due to depression.
    I feel similar to you but my Counsellor doesnt realise it's such a big issue and I'm to embarrassed to keep bringing it up xx
  • liveyourlifex
    liveyourlifex Posts: 149 Member
    hi! im also dealing with binge eating disorder. it started when i was recovering from anorexia, so its really embarrassing now that im on the opposite side of the chart. i would definitely see a therapist specialized in eating disorders because once you talk to someone about it, its literally weight lifted off your shoulders. when i talked to my therapist, i felt like she was the only person who understood what i was going through. i took many many many medications but nothing worked for me so far... i also suffer from anxiety and depression but citaophram doesnt do anything for me :/ over a year, i gained 50+ pounds and with the use of laxatives, ive been stable (which is something no one should do... but i cant help it). im counting calories this week and ive been below 1800 so far, for the past 3 days. try to space out your calories and keep yourself busy.. do your nails, go out shopping, read a book, take a bath, anything!! good luck
  • idahomommy
    idahomommy Posts: 28 Member
    hi! im also dealing with binge eating disorder. it started when i was recovering from anorexia, so its really embarrassing now that im on the opposite side of the chart. i would definitely see a therapist specialized in eating disorders because once you talk to someone about it, its literally weight lifted off your shoulders. when i talked to my therapist, i felt like she was the only person who understood what i was going through. i took many many many medications but nothing worked for me so far... i also suffer from anxiety and depression but citaophram doesnt do anything for me :/ over a year, i gained 50+ pounds and with the use of laxatives, ive been stable (which is something no one should do... but i cant help it). im counting calories this week and ive been below 1800 so far, for the past 3 days. try to space out your calories and keep yourself busy.. do your nails, go out shopping, read a book, take a bath, anything!! good luck

    Don't give up on the meds if you are really determined. I had tried about three types under the care of my ob/gyn. Then I got referred to a psychiatric nurse practitioner (it's not as crazy as it sounds - they specialize in meds for mental health things- and apparently they are very common). She knows her stuff. We tried some things that didn't work and I'm currently on a combination of things that appears to be helping. She has assured me that once we find the perfect combo, I'll be glad I kept trying to find the right thing.
  • Hey there.. Just be open with the doctor. They will listen and not judge you. I take citalopram too and that definitely helps with the depression/anxiety which I always found was a bit trigger with my binges. I rarely binge these days - I may over do it a bit at the weekends but its not that uncontrollable binging I used to suffer with. The doctor will probably refer you speak with someone who is more specialist and they will be able to help. You are not alone!

    The most important thing I found was not to starve yourself after a binge.. Just try and eat normally else the hunger will get to you and you are more likely to binge again.

    Feel free to add me as a friend :-) Good luck
  • DucksandOranges
    DucksandOranges Posts: 96 Member
    Welcome! Glad to hear you're on the road to recovery and getting professional help. Don't forget you're not alone - there are lots of people out there who have similar struggles. I know sometimes it seems like no one does...

    It may not be overnight but each day is a new day and an opportunity to treat yourself as well as you deserve to be treated! Best of luck and hang in there!
  • EllieYuruker
    EllieYuruker Posts: 54 Member
    Hiya all, sorry ive only just got round to replying!
    I definitely do keep myself busy with my little girl, shes the most hyper child i have ever met haha!
    I am back to a different dr next week instead of the one that told me i needed "prioritise my health" because of the appointment times they were giving me were when i didn't have childcare!
    I will bring up the eating again and hopefully get a better outcome.
    Im also looking in to a different counsellor (the lady I have is really lovely but I need to put myself first)
    Trying to be positive and not put myself down and challenge my thoughts :)
    Hope we're all okay x x x x x
  • jen_zz
    jen_zz Posts: 1,011 Member
    Welcome! :flowerforyou:
  • rkasper22
    rkasper22 Posts: 61 Member
    hey girl, i'm a 23 yr old who has been struggling with similar things ({with food and boys!) so i get it. i'd love to friend you and chat. you can do this. i've struggled with EDs for probably 8 years and things are SO much better than they were. keep being honest. honesty is a disorder killer! it's hard to suffer without shame. keep doing your thang and reachign out to us here.
  • EllieYuruker
    EllieYuruker Posts: 54 Member
    Thank You all :) You all seem like brill support! xx