Evening Primrose Oil

teachfl2 Posts: 95 Member
Hi everyone! I read online that Evening Primrose Oil capsules can help with endo pelvic pain. I just bought a bottle at the grocery store and wanted to see if anyone has used them/heard of their benefits. Thanks!


  • anabelsmummy123
    anabelsmummy123 Posts: 9 Member
    Hiya, i started taking it 3 years ago and out of the blue after 6 years of trying fell pregnant naturally. I do not beleive that was the total reason obviously but it cant have helped. I find it does help me if you take it all month its kinda like it build up in the system...also tomatoes have helped me with pain, if i eat a lot of fresh, not cooked tomatoes during the month i find my pain isnt as bad...hope you get some results

  • melba_321
    melba_321 Posts: 65 Member
    I've been taking Evening Primrose Oil, Royal Jelly, Fish Oil, organic aloe juice & natural vit E supplements (daily) for years and I have noticed that it's helped a lot.

    During pain days, I add in Raspberry leaf, MSM, Turmeric, Olive leaf, Nettle, Passion Flower, Scullcap and/or Valerian Root and this has seriously helped me with taking 80% less of my prescription pain meds and muscle relaxants.

    Triggers for increasing pain and flare-ups have been (for me): non-organic beef, anything corn, non-fermented soy, gluten, food dyes, chemical preservatives, table salt (I replaced with Himalayan and French sea salts), artificial sweeteners & bleached sugar, pre-packaged foods, junk food & fast food.

    Foods that have seemed to help a LOT by adding them in my diet: organic extra virgin coconut oil (for cooking), Extra Virgin Olive Oil (only used "cold" and not heated...I add after steaming veggies or in fresh salads), avocados, green tea (unsweetened with fresh ginger, lemon and/or mint leaves), chamomile tea, quinoa, amaranth, millet, flax seeds, chia seeds, hemp seeds, more fish and seafood (especially salmon with skin), fresh berries (all kinds) and drinking more water.