7/25 - what do you do on the days that you're just not in it

lisamfick Posts: 257 Member
Today is already turning into one of those days and I'm looking some pick me ups. My son was awake at 4:45 this morning and would not go back to sleep so no morning workout for me. Then the TOM hit and my energy level went to negative 50. Then I come to work and have a staff member being so insubordinate that after dealing with that I'm so angry I'm still shaking. Just want to climb into my bed and sleep til tomorrow. So my question to you all today is what do you do on these days to push through and stay focused cause I'm struggling. food has always been my comfort and I know I should just workout but I'm stuck at work and have 6 hrs left...help :(


  • hmuh
    hmuh Posts: 379 Member
    Those days are the worst! I don't know if this helps, but I have a couple of days a month that I just say forget it and rest. I make a one-pot, healthy, comfort food like chicken with brown rice and spend some quality time on the couch in the evening. There is nothing wrong with that girl!
    Now if I'm just not feeling like knocking out a crazy insanity workout, or my schedule gets all messed up, then I just make sure to get in a lot of walking that day. Maybe even throw in some quick lunges, squats, or push-ups... Just something to keep moving.
    But for your day today, I'd start making plans to hit the sheets early. Rest up and come back strong tomorrow!
  • tigjer
    tigjer Posts: 46 Member
    Those are the days I go for a run...It clears my head and dissipates the anger...
  • hschumacher915
    I usually say screw it. Like today I worked 8:30-1:30 and then I work 4-10:30ish. I'm exhausted so my planned workout didn't happen between jobs. Sometimes you just need a day off. I'm glad I ran on my "rest day" yesterday so I don't feel so bad about not making turbo happen in the last hour.
  • JediSwan
    JediSwan Posts: 455 Member
    Today is also one of those days for me and I already missed yesterday's workout. MiniSwan2 was up a lot each night this week and ended up in our bed every night around 12:30, so I got kicked a lot. Needless to say, I haven't slept well all week and its finally hitting me like a wall! Ugh! I'm debating what to do. I really want to go home, get my jammies on, snuggle on the couch and watch movies with my little one and the hubby.
  • lisamfick
    lisamfick Posts: 257 Member
    Tomorrow is scheduled as a rest day. I think I'm just going to swap it for today and just curl up. Maybe I'll mow the lawn and add ina zig zag knee but I tthink that's it
  • krc99080
    krc99080 Posts: 147 Member
    I switch it up and do something different, or even just rearrange my workout schedule. Sometimes our body tells us when we need a rest day. Just becasue I say Sunday is my day of rest doesn't mean it has to be. If I can't motivate myself on Wed I'm not opposed to taking that day off and working out on Sunday.

    We're in this for the long haul, not just a quick fix so we have to be flexible about our schedule.
  • Chokis
    Chokis Posts: 131
    Sometimes we do need a break, and don't beat yourself for that. It's normal, we're humans, our body and our brain need a break from the crazy super-achievement goals we give ourselves! Haha! Tomorrow will be a better day!
    If I know I'm going to get in that mood, I just put my workout clothes on, including tennis shoes, so I'm all ready to exercise.