
sgmomma Posts: 299 Member
Constructive snarky and rude...i've had a lot of that on this site lately and i'm sick of it. :)

Ok when i started almost 2 years ago i immediately jumped on the EMTWL bandwagon... did c25k and jillian michaels in the first year lost almost 40 lbs. I was eating at 1900 calories. Then since Nov of this last year I majorly hit a wall. My weight has not moved out of the 151-155 range. At christmas we were super busy an moved also so for about a month i on exercised if i had time which was rare and didn't count calories. Weight stayed in same range. February I picked up my running again an re did 30DS and RI30 no change and ate at 1900... April I dropped to 1700 cals....nothing still. June I started a Kettlebell dvd series still eating at 1700 and running about 10 miles a week until end of june where i started my half marathon training.

Here we are end of July i've been running an doing my kettlebell dvds and eating at 1700 and nothing is budging...not inches not weight. I'm so frustrated...I'm glad to be maintaining but i've still got about 15lbs to go...

Ok, my diary isn't open bc I don't record the foods themselves...i detest spending time everyday entering my food into the database. I weigh and measure everything. When i got dinner i get the calorie count figured per serving. I'm very diligent. When/of we eat out I track what i can.

I'm 25 years old lost about 40lbs to date need to lose about another 15lbs. i'm 5'3. I have been on a thyroid medicine for last 5 years and it tests perfect everytime so that shouldn't be it... anyone have any ideas.


  • Kristendcampbell
    Kristendcampbell Posts: 786 Member
    I am guessing you are not eating at TDEE, and you may need to redo your calories. If you redo the TDEE and see where you need to be at and eat there I bet you start losing again.
  • sgmomma
    sgmomma Posts: 299 Member
    Calculating at 3-5 hours moderate exercise since i'm averaging about 6 hrs a week says to go back up to almost 2000 seems so high but maybe it is the answer
  • GingerbreadArtist
    GingerbreadArtist Posts: 212 Member
    Being a "shorty" as well (I am also 5'3" - barely)... I can relate to how difficult it can be to get the numbers correct. It seems our numbers between what we should eat at a minimum (BMR) compared to what we should eat when adding daily activities - the range isn't very much! And we seem be barely hovering over over 1,200! It peeves me to see people respond how low 1,500 calories can be... but when someone is short... 1,500 can be perfectly fine for someone who is sedentary. So anyway.... just my rant.

    For your question, have you considered food sensitivities? Are you sensitive to Gluten (wheat), eggs, milk, etc... that is keeping your insides in a state of inflammation (that you might not realize)?

    I know my weight loss efforts are more effective if I avoid gluten and diary.
  • Kristendcampbell
    Kristendcampbell Posts: 786 Member
    2000 doesn't suprise me, heybales will I am sure step in and respond or you can message her. Sounds resonable based on your acivity level. I know of others that work out like that and some and they are taller and theirs is 2600. So if you do it, just increase by 150-200 every day until you get there. Good luck
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    heybales = him. ;-)

    55 lbs to lose - big margin for error for still seeing success.
    15 lbs to lose - small margin for error to see success.

    1900 and eventually no weight or measurement loss.

    Ate some unknown amount, probably more for some period of time doing less activity, no loss or gain.

    Back to 1900 with more activity and no loss.

    Down to 1700 with same activity and no loss.

    Still at 1700 with more activity and no loss.

    You have been eating at TDEE during that whole time. How?

    The unknown calorie level during the break was probably closest to full potential TDEE. Everything else is suppressed TDEE.

    Why, less room for error.

    Is your daily life 40 hr desk job sedentary and bump on a log outside of any exercise?
    Is exercise really only 5 hrs a week, you said more?
    Is exercise every day, and every day is as intense as you can make it?
    Do you have some food sensitivities or allergies, perhaps unknown to you since not full blown side effects?
    Sleep well, other stresses in life?

    Sounds to me like it's time to get best estimates of everything, the rough guide isn't working.

    But it also looks like you are at the low end of the estimate, the only way you decrease calories and not lose is your body is already stressed out with suppressed metabolism, and you lowering the eating just made it all worse.

    Probably time for a diet break. Depending on answers regarding exercise intensity, probably time for an exercise break too - before it breaks you and forces some time off.

    You train with a HRM? Decent estimates of HRmax and your HR zones for good training?

    Start with this to get best estimates of bodyfat% (unless you have a tested figure), which gives BMR, activity calculator based on actual time and effort, and realistic goal deficit and macro suggestions.

    Does your marathon training include long runs over 1 hr yet? If so, only count 60 min of that run in the activity calculator and let me know, I'll explain what to do with the amount over 60 min.
  • twinmomtwice4
    twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member
    My advice is to increase your calories. Every single time I stalled in my weight loss it was because I wasn't eating enough. Usually it was because my activity level would increase but I'd still eat the same number of calories, causing too large of a deficit. I was lifting heavy but also doing cardio every day, in addition to riding bikes with my kids taking them and picking them up from school.

    If you're scared to do too big of a jump, just try to increase maybe 100-200 calories per week and see where that leads you.