Calorie help!



  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    I am having the very same issue as you are. I'm 5'1 1/2", 47 years old, and 126 lbs. My lifting program is five days a week with all the major compound lifts and just a few isolation lifts and it takes me about 45 minutes to an hour to complete. I also spin for 55 minutes three times a week and do a body works class for an hour once a week. I average about 8 hours in the gym a week. According to Scooby' s Workshop my tdee is 2218 and I should eat 1996, a 10% reduction, to lose. I went with the 5-6 hours a week activity level because the next one up seemed like I should be slaying dragons during my workout and I'm working hard and sweating but not slaying dragons. Lol

    I don't even want to discuss the scale because it's making me crazy. I seem to have longer weight loss plateaus where I can go 2+ months without losing, then drop a lb, and then I seem to immediately gain back 2 lbs and hold steady for another month or so before I drop another lb. I have never taken measurements but clothes are getting smaller and I am getting tighter and firmer, SLOWLY. The main issue is that I'm hungry. I was trying to keep my calories to 1800-1900 a day but as of late I've been eating over 1900 and even had one day at 2300. I'm not really sure what to do. I'm only 7 weeks into my lifting program so I keep telling myself to have patience and I'll see results but I'm concerned that eating at the higher calorie level will make my progress even slower. I thought about cutting back on the cardio to get better results but if I do that I'll need to eat even less, and well, I'm hungry. Any suggestions?

    How lean are you? As in BF% wise. So are you needing bigger or smaller clothes? If your clothing size is getting smaller then what you are seeing is body recomposition. You are losing fat, but gains in lean mass (most likely water weight from lifting and possibly the smallest bit of noob muscle gains) are hiding the loss from the scale. It happens. Start taking measurements. The scale is great at selling half-truths and false impressions. Measurements have a harder time hiding the truth about recomposition, as do progress photos. If you are hungry, eat. Pick healthy snacks and don't shy away from carbs when you hit your protein goals. Not to say you need to go crazy, but bumping up even to 2000 for a few weeks won't destroy your progress. You may find that it actually works better for you.

    I'm about 25-26% bf. The clothes are getting smaller, and this weekend I put on a top that was literally hanging off me, so it is working just really slowly. I'm calorie phobic and did many years of low calorie dieting so the eating at higher calorie levels make me so nervous but I've been getting much better about it.

    Had to laugh at the 2000 calories not destroying my progress because I ate about 1995 calories yesterday and woke up feeling a little bloated and then freaked out because I was sure that the extra cals made me gain!! Yes, sometimes I can get a bit obsessed. lol But you are correct, and I don't think that eating 2000 a day would make me gain so I will give it a try. Just wanting this to work so badly and hoping I'm not wasting more time by eating too much. Patience. Must have more patience.

    I find that getting below the 25% BF level is a difficult process for me, I can get down (my lowest has been about 20%), but it is hard to sustain. I'm 5'2" and about 25% BF @ 130 lbs so really not far off from your stats except for age (33 years old here). As I got to my lowest weight/BF% I was a little nervous about bumping up the calories as well. I was nervous about maintenance so I'm still a little conservative on the calories, but I'm working on listening to my body and eating without logging/worry. Getting past the scale was also a big challenge/change. It took looking at pictures of my progress to realize that the scale was a lying piece of *kitten* that fed me half truths and messed with my head. Patience is the hardest thing to learn out them all.
  • girlie100
    girlie100 Posts: 646 Member
    my TDEE is 2500, so that would put me at 2250....
    Is that as high as everyone else's???

    I know muscle needs more calories but... that just sounds incredibly high to me.

    Aim for about 2000 (give or take) and you should be golden. 1600 is certainly too low if your TDEE is 2500. You're not going to sustain any progress in lifting by eating like a rabbit. You gotta eat to lift.

    Lol eating like a rabbit Love it.
    I do fast and I awhile ago I used to eat at like 1200-1400. So when I started lifting I decided to increase it but thought 1600 would be enough. Honestly while fasting 1600 has been hard to eat cuz I'm so full.

    Should I just increase it or do it slowly?
    Thanks ladies for all your info and support.
    I definitely want to do everything right from the start

    What fasting protocol do you follow?

    I don't so much follow a protocol or a specific fasting plan anymore. I have worked out what times work best for me and I have felt great on it. I work a lot of night shifts and don't want to eat crap at work so on days I work eat from 2(cuz that's when I wake up) till 8pm (so I can eat a quick snack at the starting of my shift) and lots and lots of water. If I'm on a day off I eat from 1-10pm.
    I have to say I Love it. And I Love working out before a fast.

    Ok so you are roughly between 16/8 and 14/10 I would shoot for 2000 as other posters said for a few weeks and re-assess. Fasting can be a great protocol but sometimes especially in women it can affect cortisol as it stresses the body and our lives are normally stressful enough, but stick with it as it suits your work pattern nicely and see if you start noticing any changes with the upped cals.

    But as others said scale weight is a b*tch and best to just keep taking measurements and photos
  • kellrell
    kellrell Posts: 31 Member
    Thanks again! Its so hard to be told to eat more after years of low calorie. Hard to adjust.
    But I have done 1800 and 1900 the last few days and seems to be going well.

    Can't wait to see if there are any changes. I want to be a sucess story!