Need recipes for Butternut Squash

msweetamy Posts: 8 Member
I am getting a TON of Butternut Squash from a friend - their garden exploded with it this year.
We never had it when I was growing up, so I have no CLUE what to do with it. I've eaten it at restaurants, so I know I like it, but I need recipes!
Some fresh recipes and some that I can freeze and use in the future please!


  • goldylocs37
    goldylocs37 Posts: 108 Member
    Oven baked butternut squash fries, taste much like sweet potato fries with half the calories:
  • Lynn_babcock
    Lynn_babcock Posts: 220 Member
    Peel it, boil and mash, put in those 36oz yogurt tubs in the freezer. Keeps about 6 months like that. Then you can take it out and mix some brown sugar and cinnamon for a sweet side (that's how my family normally made it.. they used a little butter too and baked it). It's pretty good with just a little salt added too. Good thing to use to bulk up smoothies.

    **Edit** I should mention that's 3 different ways of making it.. not just one :)
  • pebbles0044
    1) Parmesan squash crisps. Take panko bread crumbs, parmesan, seasoned salt in 1 bowl. In another
    Cut squash in 1/4 inch rounds and tossed in olive oil.
    Dip in bread crumb mixture. Bake on cookie sheet (spray it with cooking spray) for 25 min or until crispy at 450. (Went well with blackened seasoned salmon!)
  • pebbles0044
    2) Stuffed squash. Instead of stuffed green peppers you would
    Use squash. Very good!
  • msweetamy
    msweetamy Posts: 8 Member
    thank you all!