Not hungry... 10.5 months post op

jmwolffyy Posts: 212 Member
So the past two weeks, I just do not have an appetite. I stocked up on protein bars and yogurt because those are things I can eat when nothing else sounds good. I usually like a variety of meat, but I haven't been able to eat much of it before I feel full. And it's less than I was eating a while ago. I can eat small amounts through the day, and that is what I am doing to make sure I get enough in, but I don't know what could be going on. Has anyone else had an appetite plunge at some point? What tricks did you use to push through it? Did you force yourself to eat, or is it okay to have a minimal intake for a couple of weeks?


  • Agate69
    Agate69 Posts: 349 Member
    Are you tracking your food? Ask your nutritionist at the surgeons office what minimum calories, or at least minimum protein consumption per day should be.

    Mine told me to make sure I got in all the protein recommended and the rest would take care of itself. Now 3 years out, that still holds true. If I eat too many carbs, I am too full to eat the protein. Thus the first rule they gave me is eat the protein first every time you eat something. Then if you have room, eat the green vegies, then if still room, eat the yellow vegies and then fruit last.

    There are still many meats that fill me up to fast, and I have given up on lettuce salads, it is just too much bulk and not enough nutrients.

    Getting in 100 gms of protein for me is about 800 - 1200 calories...... Back at about 10 months, 900-1000 calories seemed ok for me. I lost 92% of excess weight in 9 months, and the rest of it is a very slow slide over the last 2 years... I am still changing shape, even though my weight has been rock solid stable for 2 years, all I am losing now is body fat..... but very slowly.
  • Laura8603
    Laura8603 Posts: 590 Member
    Make yourself eat. You could permanently mess up your metabolism which would make long-term success impossible.
  • jmwolffyy
    jmwolffyy Posts: 212 Member
    Make yourself eat. You could permanently mess up your metabolism which would make long-term success impossible.

    This. I forced myself to eat a protein bar yesterday and then at dinner time I was actually a little bit hungry. Today I have gotten most of my yogurt and am starting on another protein bar. I am trying to pick at things throughout the day too, although today got off to a bad start (flat tire), so I am behind on everything. I will keep at it though!
  • shirleygirl910
    shirleygirl910 Posts: 503 Member
    Try putting your self on a schedule of sorts too. Eating at the same time. Your body is not giving you the cues right now, so you have to make a schedule. Eat your protein first, and make sure it's not too dry. That may be a reason you can't eat too much and you get full fast. Try to get off of the protein bars and shakes, eat natural protein as much as possible. There are still a lot of additives in the bars and they could cause other problems.
  • MaggyMaizy2
    MaggyMaizy2 Posts: 148 Member
    I'm nearly one year post-RNY. I need to get most of my calories in by 4 PM. I just can't eat much later in the day. My NUT cautioned me about depending on protein bars because, in her words, they are not complete proteins. I do a lot of Garden burger and Morning Star products because they digest more easily. My surgeon keeps telling me to give it time. When I asked him about calories, he told me to concentrate on the protein and everything else will fall into place.
  • katbirdinpa
    katbirdinpa Posts: 105
    I lost my appetite for over a year. Totally normal. Try to eat/drink something. You need 45 grams of protein daily.
  • jmwolffyy
    jmwolffyy Posts: 212 Member
    Thanks, all, for your responses! I am focusing on the protein, and I have just gained a very close friend who is helping me stay motivated daily to get in my minimums, so I am gradually getting back to "normal" - or something like it at least. Lol. I am mixing up the protein bars with homemade meals that are super high in protein so that I get plenty of it. And my friend is not above using guilt to make me eat. ;)