Intro's YALL!!!

DoingItForME724 Posts: 130 Member
Let's get to know eachother!

I'm 23 yrs old, stay a home momma of 3 little boys(3yrs,13months&7Weeks) I broke my ankle 5 weeks ago and am so anxious to start losing weight! I struggle with portion control and mindless eating. I'm 5'2 and 190lbs. I've always been "thick" but now im just a butterball! so ready to lose some weight! I'm slowly trying to lean toward the paleo diet but I love bread!!! :(

My goal for August is to lose about 7 pounds, more would be great!

Add me if you need an accountability buddy!


  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    Hi, I go by the name Aglaea. I'm 34 and divorced since last year, no kids. I'm a night owl in Europe so posting times will be a bit random depending on how early I have to get up the next day.

    Sorry about your ankle, did you just give birth, then break it two weeks later? Or did I misread something? In any case, what a hassle it must be with three young ones at home. A speedy recovery!
  • DoingItForME724
    DoingItForME724 Posts: 130 Member
    Nope you didn't miss anything!

    Had baby via c-section, 2 weeks later broke my ankle, 1 day later threw my 1 year a party! it's been challenging to say the least!

    Looking forward to seeing your post! GL!
  • Omoe11
    Omoe11 Posts: 235 Member
    Hi everyone!

    My name is Olivia, I'm 20 years old and I'm from Michigan. I'm a full time college student and in the past 2 years I've lost about 57 pounds. I joined this site this past january and love it! About the last year/year and a half I've gained about 15 of the 57 pounds I have lost. It's been really hard to start losing again and getting back to exercising like I had. I joined this group to help me keep motivated and accountable. I want to lose the 15 I gained back, and an additional 10 pounds to reach my ultimate goal. But for august my goal is to lose about 7 or 8 pounds. Please feel free to add me as a friend :)
  • DoingItForME724
    DoingItForME724 Posts: 130 Member
    goodluck olivia!

    friend request sent!
  • scronen
    scronen Posts: 98 Member
    Hey guys...My name is Stephanie, I'm 32 and a SAHM of twin boys and currently living in Hawaii. I have a loooot of weight to lose but for this month I would be happy to lose 5lbs. I've already proven I can lose that much last month with minimal work. So maybe this will push me to do better! Feel free to add me!
  • helenrosemay
    helenrosemay Posts: 375 Member
    Hello everyone, I'm Helen, I just turned 40 in June, coincidentally when I started trying to loose weight. I'm unemployed, which helped me to gain the weight, and live on my own in Leeds UK. I joined this site as I know logging my food and discussing loosing weight really helps me and motivates me.

    Oh and I'm a massive Dr Who/Sherlock fanatic, can gossip about that subject all day.
  • bigjoost
    bigjoost Posts: 53
    My name is Joost, I am 24 years old and I live in the Netherlands. I am about 2 meters (6'5) and I started MFP at 126 kg (278lbs) after many years of trying to lose weight already but still gaining. Turns out I was eating a lot more than I thought. On the 17th of August I will be 25 and I would like to be 110 kg (242 lbs) at that point. I will then be lighter than I've been for at least 5 years. I am a student but have a vacation job right now. I try to exercise at least 3 but hopefully more times a week. I am excited for the August challenge and hope we can all do very well and motivate each other!
  • Katey12891
    Katey12891 Posts: 41 Member
    Hi fellow August challengers!
    My name is Katey. I am almost 20 years old (On the 28th of August) and I am 5ft7 and 68.4 Kg (150lb). I have already lost 25 KGs (55lb) since October last year and now I just need that push to loose the last couple of kgs. I live with my partner of 1.5 years who I met at my highest weight and has supported me the whole time (with the occasional naughty meal) Nice to meet everyone :)
  • bekkahlokey
    My name is Bek. I'm 25 (26 at the end of August!) I'm currently 5'4" and 140lbs.
    I live in St. Louis, MO with my husband of (almost) 2 years.
    I used to dance 7 days a week and when I stopped I put on a bunch of weight. I've been working on getting it off for just over a year. In the beginning of my journey I lost my first 18 lbs pretty easily. Now I'm trying to get the last 10 off (I've lost 5 since I start on MFP after gaining about 4 back first).

    Mostly I just need people to encourage/help encourage me. I also want to get down to a 23% bf. Currently at about 26%.
  • katorihanzo
    katorihanzo Posts: 234 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I'm K, I'm 23 and I'm from Canada. I'm still a university student but I'm planning on making a big move across the country after grad in the spring and I want to be a healthy weight by then.

    I don't have a ton of weight to lose (I'm down 20lbs - my counter is wrong - another 23lbs to go) but it does take me longer to lose since, I admit, I don't get the exercise I should. Any weight I've lost so far is almost completely diet based. I plan on trying to change that this year.

    I lost my first 10lbs over about 8 months and another 10lbs over the last 4 months.

    My goal for August is to lose 3.4 lbs. That will put me at 180lbs. In the long run, I want to be 160lbs (right in the middle of a healthy weight for my height, 5'10) by May.

    Long-winded intro, but I'm excited for this!
  • Capt_Inzane
    Capt_Inzane Posts: 733 Member
    My name is Glen I'm a divorced dude just trying to get my self in shape. Coincidentally I just signed up for a personal trainer and my first session will be tomorrow so I hope to be doing well. I'm currently 279 lbs and at my highest was 350! I've been successfully logging my food/exercise for the past 90+ days in a row and my diary is open to those who would like to look.

    My birthday is Aug 6th so my present to myself was the trainer and I hope to put it to great use!

    If anyone wants to add me as a friend feel free to do so I only ask that you stay positive and try your best!
  • eroyboy93
    eroyboy93 Posts: 32
    Hi everyone!

    My name is Elly, I'm 19 and I'm from Melbourne, Australia. I am currently studying business and hoping to get in to law down the track. I've only used MFP for a couple of weeks, but so far I am loving it and it is helping me keep on track.

    I organised this challenge to help with motivation and accountability as I usually lose a couple of kgs and then fall off the bandwagon.

    I want to lose quite a lot of weight in the long term, but this august I am hoping to drop about 5kg or 11 pounds. That would be great! I am going to work damn hard for it too :)

    Feel free to add me :D
  • Katey12891
    Katey12891 Posts: 41 Member
    Hi everyone!

    My name is Elly, I'm 19 and I'm from Melbourne, Australia. I am currently studying business and hoping to get in to law down the track. I've only used MFP for a couple of weeks, but so far I am loving it and it is helping me keep on track.

    I organised this challenge to help with motivation and accountability as I usually lose a couple of kgs and then fall off the bandwagon.

    I want to lose quite a lot of weight in the long term, but this august I am hoping to drop about 5kg or 11 pounds. That would be great! I am going to work damn hard for it too :)

    Feel free to add me :D

    Im studying business as well! Except I am going towards accounting and marketing!
  • Newsieruns
    Newsieruns Posts: 5 Member
    Hi everyone!

    My name is Amber and I live in Arizona. This is my first time joining a group or posting even in a discussion about my weight. I am hoping this keeps me accountable! I am 26 years old and a practicing dental hygienist, studying to be a dentist. I was lucky to live a healthy/active lifestyle that kept me from every having to diet until after I had my first son. I took advantage during the pregnancy and gained more weight than I should have. Then, shortly after his birth, I had an umbilical hernia surgery that delayed my exercise habits. I have no excuse now...two years later...and am finding that I am lacking motivation. So here I am!

    I am currently 5'7" and 162 lbs (73.5 kg). My ultimate goal is 135 lbs, but for this challenge, I would love to lose 8 lbs. Being at 154 lbs would be the lowest weight since my son's birth, so that would be awesome! I'm excited to do this challenge with you guys!

    I've only used MFP on my cell until recently. I am still becoming familiar with the full website and how it all works, but feel free to leave me a message or add me...and I will hopefully get back asap...once I figure it out :)
  • kathrinelukes
    Hey everyone!

    I'm 5'5" and 147 pounds with a goal of 135.

    I'm 21 and currently in the best shape of my life. I'm joining the Marines at the end of September, so I have to be :).

    Currently I'm in Indiana for an internship with a corporate fitness program, but I'm from Nebraska. Anyways, the Marines want me to lose weight, which I've never had to do before and it's proving to be a challenge! I exercise A LOT, but haven't been losing very quickly since I've been working out so much. I'm trying to stay motivated and I hope this group will help me with that!
  • anna_lisa
    anna_lisa Posts: 486 Member

    My name is Analisa I am 36 and sick of being fat. I am the mother of two amazing girls 10 and one that just turned 5. In my twenties at my highest weight I was closer than I would like to admit to 300 lbs. I managed to lose almost 150 lbs by 30. After baby #2 I had a harder time losing and then went back to school and sitting to study didn't help my weight. I would like to get back to feeling good. I had maintained my weight lose for several years. I would like to be a size 5 again. I am a size 13/14 I have about 50 to lose. I look forward to the group
  • FitnessWithPaul
    FitnessWithPaul Posts: 274 Member
    Hello people of Earth,

    My name is Paul and I'm 26. I'm super new to MFP and still exploring the site. My highest weight stood at 245lbs, 5lbs shy of 250. 250 is usually the cut off weight for certain capacities. I knew something had to be done, but I just never did finish what I started. Over the last 3 years is when I started to pack on the unnecessary weight and never really thought of why I gained the weight. By process of elimination it was simply because I held my emotional feelings in after an almost 4 year relationship. I was in denial and didn't want to face the truth. Having realizing what happened and putting things into perspective I see things clearly now. I always thought weight gain after a break up was for the movies, but it does happen in reality, it happened to me.

    I'm sick of carrying the extra weight that I don't need stressing out my body. I'm ready to make a change for the better. By the end of August I'm GOING to ACCOMPLISH my goals of clean dieting and exercise.

    I'll quit my rambling and just say, give it all you got and push the pace! We got this!! Best of luck to everyone! :D
  • youdontknowwhatyousaw
    Hi, I'm Melissa, 39 years old with 2 kids and living in a suburb of St Paul/Minneapolis Minnesota, along the border to Wisconsin. I lost a bunch of weight while being a SAHM, but, gained most of it back when I went back to work 5 years ago. I worked in the food industry, but, changed jobs in January, I now work in a day program for the mentally disabled. Since the job change I have lost most of the weight I gained and am only 5 lbs away from my preworking weight and 43 lbs from my pre-baby weight.
  • Desyreeolvera
    Desyreeolvera Posts: 32 Member
    Hi my name is Desyree Im 22 and a Fashion designer so image is everything in my line. I started this in january and lost 17lbs but lost the motivation and gained all of it back. Im currently down 9lbs last month. Hopefully this will keep me accountable and help, its always nice to have a group of supporters, we are all here to do the same thing.
    Feel free to add me as well!
    Good luck Everyone:)
  • Melissa999999
    Melissa999999 Posts: 48 Member
    Hi I'm Melissa! A 35 year old mom of 2 girls - they are 13 and 9 - living in a southern suburb of Minneapoilis/St.Paul Minnesota. I currently only work part time but hopefully that will change. For the month of August I would like to lose about 10 pounds. I have been trying to lose weight on and off for the last 3 years but never really successful - I would lose it but then it would come back. I'm not going to allow that this time. Ultimately I want to get to 160 lbs/72 kg.

    Have a great August y'all and good luck!!