July 22-28 Results & Weigh-In

mommamellymac Posts: 205 Member

Great job this week! I am trying to keep up with Monday postings but my Mondays are SO hectic! I am so sorry about being late the last two weeks!

Here is your weigh-in for the week! Good luck!!!

Start Weight:
Current Weight:
Goal Weight:

Weekly struggle: {Are you tracking? are you eating correctly? are you working out? Did you forget something?}

WEEKLY NSV: What was your weekly non-scale victory. What made you squeal with delight and made you proud of you?}

GROUP CHALLENGE: Lets lose 20lbs as a whole!!!

10lbs lost: achieved! 7/14/2013
20lbs lost:
30lbs lost:
40lbs lost:

INVITE YOUR FRIENDS! Remember, we are an open group!

If you don't want to do the challenge anymore, please let me know. If you are not active after two weeks, I will remove your name from the chart. Any suggestions? Concerns? Send me a message! You can also add me to see when I post!


  • jmom376
    jmom376 Posts: 234 Member
    Start Weight: 218.60
    Current Weight: 214.40
    Goal Weight:198.60

    Weekly struggle: {Are you tracking? are you eating correctly? are you working out? Did you forget something?} I had a pretty good week except for one afternoon. I was kid sitting and they had a can of cream cheese frosting in the frig.. Very bad idea to take one spoonful.. I logged about 300 calories in cream cheese frosting and the only thing that was frosted was the spoon.. oops.. Jumped right back on track the next day.

    WEEKLY NSV: What was your weekly non-scale victory. What made you squeal with delight and made you proud of you?} I did about 2 1/2 hours worth of water aerobics instead of just sitting beside the pool. I really felt the workout in my lower body. I also made a lot better food choices this week than I have the last couple of weeks (except for the frosting).
  • Janice0711
    Janice0711 Posts: 154 Member
    Start Weight:185
    Current Weight:184
    Goal Weight:165

    *This week I had alot of exercise...every night I helped my daughter teacher her music class for Vacation Bible School....not just singing, but clapping & stomping & "River dancing" for 3 classes every night...great exercise...drank lots of water....but the church ladies also had dinner for us every night....so, I stayed the same....OH, well...next week...Good Luck next week! Janice
  • erillyn
    erillyn Posts: 65 Member
    Start Weight: 148
    Current Weight: 146
    Goal Weight: 135

    Weekly struggle: {Are you tracking? are you eating correctly? are you working out? Did you forget something?}

    TRACKING!!! I have a hard time being able to track the food I eat at my parents house because I'm not the one cooking the food. But I always eat a healthy portion of when they serve though!

    WEEKLY NSV: What was your weekly non-scale victory. What made you squeal with delight and made you proud of you?}

    My clothes are every so slightly loose on me, kind of nice!
  • phreekles
    phreekles Posts: 216 Member
    Start weight: 128
    Current weight: 125
    Goal weight: 119

    I haven't really kept to my calorie goals very well this week. I have probably eaten about 1500 calories a day (when not fasting) when my calorie goal is 1200. Also, I researched through many websites what my BMR is now that I've lost weight and was shocked to find out its only around 1400 calories! For some reason I thought it was around 1700 and when I ate around 1500 I thought it wouldn't matter as I'd still be losing weight anyway - but this has been a big wake up call! Also, I've been finding it difficult to log this weekend as I went out for a three course meal on Friday and then went to a bbq party yesterday. Will try harder next week!
  • dsclemente
    dsclemente Posts: 70 Member
    Start Weight: 140.0
    Current Weight: 137.1
    Goal Weight: 127.0

    Struggle: I want to go to the gym a little longer but I'm just sooooo tired!!

    Weekly NSV- my clothes are fitting better or a little loose.
  • mommamellymac
    mommamellymac Posts: 205 Member
    I'm gonna wait until the end of the day to post the results...still missing a few!
  • jazzminx
    jazzminx Posts: 236 Member
    I've been bad :( I missed two weeks ago because things have been super hectic, and I missed this past week because we were out of town visiting my in-laws. I know I'm up, but we just got home and I usually weigh in in the mornings so we'll see how bad it is tomorrow.
  • acasey0123
    acasey0123 Posts: 640 Member
    Hey I just joined this group I need something to keep me motivated. I was originally 183 back in April 2013 but went to hospital for a week so I lost 18 pounds and managed to keep off 13 and then I lost couple pounds on my own. It's very hard for me to shed the weight

    CW 170
    Goal weight for this challenge 160
    Ultimate goal 150