
oxavecamourxo Posts: 270 Member
Does anyone get all of their calcium from whole foods? No supplements or fortified foods. If so, what do you eat every day? I feel like, in order to get enough, I'd have to eat a whole lotta broccoli and kale.


  • musenchild
    musenchild Posts: 182 Member
    I'm very interested in this as well. If I make my goal, it's generally at least half from fortified almond milk.
  • Telpa
    Telpa Posts: 21 Member
    I love kale. I make kale chips, which is an easy way to eat a ton of it (much easier than raw).

    Other than that, I just drink Vitamin D and Calcium orange juice everyday (so no, I don't get it from whole foods) :)
  • angelsandhealth
    I never reach RDA but I recently had a blood test and my levels were fine.

    We don't actually know how much calcium we require - the same as we don't really know how much protein we need - but what we do know is countries with the highest dairy intake have the highest rates of osteoporosis. It's not about quantity but quality.

    I use to believe that once the food we had eaten was in your intestine ALL the vitamins and minerals (V&M) rushed into our body and went to where they were required. But it doesn't really happen like that. V&M float around the body in our blood ready for when we need them. If we have all we need stored floating I the blood then our body won't ask the intestine (which has a membrane like the brain) to filter through any more V&M. The body is very intelligent!

    Eat a whole foods plant based diet, easy on the fats, get plenty of sunshine, exercise and take a vitamin b12 each day and you'll have all corners covered :)
  • feffynj
    feffynj Posts: 10 Member
    I've heard information similar to what angelsandheal wrote. A balanced diet of whole foods should likely not cause concern. During my strict vegan days I had blood tests done as well and no deficiencies came up. I've always taken a daily multi-vitamin, though.
  • veg_runner
    veg_runner Posts: 38 Member
    The fact of the matter is that we don't really need 100% of the RDA. Watch this video by Dr. Mcdougall, an amazing doctor for plant based nutrition if you don't know of him already.
  • Katzedernacht
    Katzedernacht Posts: 266 Member
    Sesame seeds have a decent amount of calcium , I add them to several meals. :B
  • HurricaneLindsay
    HurricaneLindsay Posts: 39 Member
    I get most from greens, tofu and soy milk. I don't worry about hitting 100% every day.
  • Kymmu
    Kymmu Posts: 1,650 Member
    Bok choy is high in calcium!