Here goes!

Good morning fellow clean eaters! Going to do my best to make this a safe haven for you to openly discuss clean eating in a positive environment.


  • Tme2change
    Tme2change Posts: 185 Member
    I appreciate your efforts! Thanks for everything not everyone knows how to be clean.
  • conniedj
    conniedj Posts: 470 Member
    Thanks for setting this up!!! I am a clean-er in progress--and just appreciate people who don't push the crap. What do I mean by crap? The conventional/ faulty/old school speak that all thing sin moderation = no harm. I wish that were true, but it just isn't!

    I am happy to be with like minded respectful peeps!
  • dzuli823
    dzuli823 Posts: 115 Member
    Oh this is great!! Thanks so much!!
  • Mslmesq
    Mslmesq Posts: 1,000 Member
    Yes, thank you very much for this board. I'm actually not a picky eater when it comes to food...actual food that is. I just prefer not to add chemicals, drugs or pesticides. Is that too much to ask? Sheesh.

    Glad to be among like minded people.

    Oh, and p.s., since i can say this here. I do believe chemicals and pesticides can make one gain weight. Of course there can be side effects with chemicals added to foods. It's as absurd as the big pharms saying their drugs have no side effects. <slaps palm to forehead>
  • RunningRichelle
    RunningRichelle Posts: 346 Member
    Oh guys, YAY!!! I'm so glad you're here! All the things you've said are wonderful and right on point. Thanks so much for joining my effort :-)
  • kts1988
    kts1988 Posts: 108 Member
    thanks so much for starting this group! it will be nice to have a shared space to talk about eating and living clean, especially since some of the people in my daily life don't quite "get it."

  • saratague
    saratague Posts: 49 Member

    I'm hoping this group is a little more active than the other clean eating groups I've joined in the past.

    I'm newish to clean eating and not at 100% - I don't buy everything farm fed or organic, but we're doing about 10x better than we used to. I'll admit though, I still some me some processed foods but am trying to be at at least 75% clean.

    I'm always looking for new recipes, money-saving tips, and just general information.
  • RunningRichelle
    RunningRichelle Posts: 346 Member

    I'm hoping this group is a little more active than the other clean eating groups I've joined in the past.

    Me too! I looked for other clean eating groups to join, and they just aren't very active! Or there's the big one that's not very well-moderated.

    I'll make some sticky threads for the topics you mentioned! And if anyone else wants to join as a group-runner, speak up! I was thinking Connie, but don't want to overload anyone.
  • conniedj
    conniedj Posts: 470 Member
    I'll be happy to be a group runner! Not sure what that means~but I am up for the task!

    I do a lot of research, and as such come accross great articles that have to do with food, food safety, GMO issues, etc.

    Are you guys interested in learning/reading more? Are there any other topics (besides recipes) that you all are into or interested in??
    SJVZEE Posts: 451 Member
    I'll join in :) I'm currently transitioning to a whole foods, plant based diet right now, with a goal of eventually adopting a vegan diet. Some things I'll always eat will be a bit processed, like canned beans (I refuse to spend the time making these from scratch lol), but overall my diet is pretty 'clean'/whole foods (and I only buy organic canned beans-that counts for something right? :) ).
  • RunningRichelle
    RunningRichelle Posts: 346 Member
    I'll join in :) I'm currently transitioning to a whole foods, plant based diet right now, with a goal of eventually adopting a vegan diet. Some things I'll always have to eat a bit processed, like canned beans (I refuse to spend the time making these from scratch lol), but overall my diet is pretty 'clean'/whole foods (and I only buy organic canned beans-that counts for something right? :) ).

    Glad to have you! And yes... I don't have time for that either! Loving the profile pic!
  • RunningRichelle
    RunningRichelle Posts: 346 Member
    I'll be happy to be a group runner! Not sure what that means~but I am up for the task!

    I do a lot of research, and as such come accross great articles that have to do with food, food safety, GMO issues, etc.

    Are you guys interested in learning/reading more? Are there any other topics (besides recipes) that you all are into or interested in??

    I thiiiiink I've put you as an admin! And yes, bring on all those topics- the food safety, GMO's, all of it!
  • Yay! Thanks for setting this up. I've made the mistake of posting some "clean" topics in the forums and wow...that didn't go so well!

    We eat probably 80/20, with the 20 being when we go out to eat. I try to avoid GMOs at all costs, but I do eat some processed organic snacks. I tried making my own crackers once for the kids and it was an epic fail. I'm the "mean" Mom because we don't do fast food or the typical kid snacks, but my kids don't fight me too much now.

    We are thinking of switching to raw milk too since there's a local farm nearby that supplies it and they are grassfed! Anyone else do raw? I heard it's really easy to make your own butter from raw milk?

  • I'll join in :) I'm currently transitioning to a whole foods, plant based diet right now, with a goal of eventually adopting a vegan diet. Some things I'll always have to eat a bit processed, like canned beans (I refuse to spend the time making these from scratch lol), but overall my diet is pretty 'clean'/whole foods (and I only buy organic canned beans-that counts for something right? :) ).

    I've made beans in the crockpot and I have to say, the canned were better! Yum. I heart me some beans!
  • conniedj
    conniedj Posts: 470 Member
    Hey Sharino11~! whenever I see your name I want to sing: "ma-ma-ma-myyyyy Sharino"

    We are GMO free in our house--the fishy crackers and cheezits were the last thing to go. We do buy vanilla icecream....which may use sugar beets.....but that is pretty much it! I too am the mean mom who won't let her pooooooor children get mc'donalds....anymore.

    I switched us to raw milk this year. It was interesting, because there were no co-ops/herd shares with a drop in my town. But I found one and they were willing to work with me if I got X number of people to sign up! It's an amazing resource! I will post a link if anyone is interested in trying to track down raw milk. Many of the co-ops also lead to veggies, meats, eggs, honey among other products. Let me know if you have any questions I might help with in tracking down resources!

    I also have a CSA (Community Shared Agriculture) share. Awesome. And a teeny tiny garden.
  • Mslmesq
    Mslmesq Posts: 1,000 Member
    I haven't gone to raw milk yet, although I bought it a few times. Husband seemed grossed out by it though. I do like Stauss Milk because it's organic grass fed and non homogenized. I prefer to remove the fat myself.

    Connie, what do u think about alkaline water?
  • Hey Sharino11~! whenever I see your name I want to sing: "ma-ma-ma-myyyyy Sharino"

    We are GMO free in our house--the fishy crackers and cheezits were the last thing to go. We do buy vanilla icecream....which may use sugar beets.....but that is pretty much it! I too am the mean mom who won't let her pooooooor children get mc'donalds....anymore.

    I switched us to raw milk this year. It was interesting, because there were no co-ops/herd shares with a drop in my town. But I found one and they were willing to work with me if I got X number of people to sign up! It's an amazing resource! I will post a link if anyone is interested in trying to track down raw milk. Many of the co-ops also lead to veggies, meats, eggs, honey among other products. Let me know if you have any questions I might help with in tracking down resources!

    I also have a CSA (Community Shared Agriculture) share. Awesome. And a teeny tiny garden.

    HAHAHA! Myyyyyyy Sharino. That made me giggle.

    Well, we used to drink raw camel's milk! My inlaws live in Lancaster, PA and there's a cool organic farm there that sells camel's milk. It has some pretty interesting medicinal value to it, and at the time my youngest son was so sickly. So, we drank that for a few months, but the cost is prohibitive.

    I'm going to go to raw milk again or start making almond milk with my vitamix, I think.

    I'm curious too...what supplements do ya'll take?
  • Mslmesq
    Mslmesq Posts: 1,000 Member
    Sharino, I regularly take a vitamin b12. And when i remember, i take a everyday vitamin from i think rainbow light....a brand from whole foods. I don't take any meds or other supps.
  • MamaDee2
    MamaDee2 Posts: 843 Member

    I'm hoping this group is a little more active than the other clean eating groups I've joined in the past.

    Me too! I looked for other clean eating groups to join, and they just aren't very active! Or there's the big one that's not very well-moderated.

  • conniedj
    conniedj Posts: 470 Member
    I have read that camel milk has a good deal of butter fat--which makes it really good for someone who needs the really good fats! I love raw milk. But admittedly--when I was a teenager working on a dairy farm milking cows--it grossed me out too! But the amount of research I have done.....hands down made me seek it out. Glad I did! I LOVE the taste now-as do my kids!

    Re: alkaline water....not sure that I buy that it has powers of an antioxidant. There are so many readily available sources of good antioxidants that I wouldn't intentionally seek out alkaline water for that purpose. I have RO in my house--which is supposed to keep the PH at 7...which is optimal. What are your thoughts and experiences with it?

    For supplements: I source non-gmo, non-soy. I take Green Vibrance everyday ( amazon...can't say enough about this stuff)!. I wanted to juice but realistically-- the time, effort and expense were all a huge investment. I also take a iodoral, and a NOW thyroid support. I take Resveratrol, Queceritine and ubiquinol for workout support and for the antihistamine properties (queceritine). I take tart cherry capsules instead of OTC NSAIDS. I love them....take them for PMS and DOMS ( Delayed onset muscle soreness). Though that seems like a lot-- I am not a slave to any of them. I do the green vibrance with a whey powder a splash of OJ and water--this is my breakfast!