Recipe Ideas
Well, I'll try and make this a 'sticky' thread when I figure out how. But here is one of my recent favorites. I wanted to make something delicious and customizable last Sunday. I wanted to make 12 portions of it- a couple portions for my Mr. and I to have for dinner that night, and a work-week’s worth of lunches for both…
Resources! Links! Yay!
Figured this could be helpful to any 'Clean Eating' newbies! A few of my favorite places to get info- feel free to chime in and add your own!…
Talking Clean!
Connie had the great idea to make this a sticky- basically a little housekeeping! We, the members of this group, are all here because we want to make our lives as healthy as we can. Clean eating is a pretty broad term, and is subjective. No one is perfect. We're not here to antagonize one another, either directly or…
Here goes!
Good morning fellow clean eaters! Going to do my best to make this a safe haven for you to openly discuss clean eating in a positive environment.
Best Cooking Oils! Check it out!
Coconut oil, and Dr. Bronners
I am so laughing at myself. I have become the person that I would have called "granola" 10 years ago! My favorite go to things are coconut oil and Dr. Bronner's Almond liquid soap. I got the coconut oil originally to cook, but now use it for: cooking baking eating Facial moisturizer Body moisturizer boo boo's on my…
Slowwwwwwwwwwww! here! What gives people? I bet your are all out there dirty talkin', dirty eatin', and covered with mud!!! ; ) (KIdding) Last couple of weeks, I have been busy and socializing a bit more ( eating out). I can't believe how bloated and yucky I can feel for upwards of a week after that kind of food!! and it's amazing…
So tomorrow is the big day
Tomorrow is the big day Oct 1 I get to start this new 6 month program at work, however with the government shut down who know maybe it will be longer.... any who I'm looking forward to Oct 1, I've made it I'm going to start over put my foot down on my food and say to the hell with it throwing out the bad and in with the…
Not directly related to eating, but...
My so sent me this link today. As I watched it, I became more and more angry. What are these top 1% of people up to, I wonder? Perhaps they are spending massive amounts of money to convince us to eat and drink things that will…
Chart of Alkaline foods
Taking a short walk after dinner aids digestion
For many people, the food-induced stupor that often follows a big meal is a good excuse for a nap. But for some, a brief walk shortly after eating is a quick way to burn some calories and aid digestion. Over the years, researchers have found that a post-meal walk, as short as 15 minutes, can in fact help with digestion and…
10 Banned Foods
I found this list of 10 foods that are OK in the US, but banned in Europe, Australia, China, Japan, Russia, etc. I knew farm raised salmon was bad, but I didn't realize Russia banned all meat imports from the US. Monsanto has us under its thumb.
Here is something I think most people fail to understand; the focus of eating clean isn't necessarily weight loss, it's overall health. Am i wrong here? I also think many people assume weight loss = health. Which is only partially true, hence why there is such a debate between the eat whatever you want crowd and the people…
Ab Pix!
since it's all slow up in here, I thought I would post a "post your ab pix" post in honor of Running Rochelle showing us hers!!! Triple Dog Dare you!!! : )