How far in before results?



  • DesignerToast
    I saw results about eight weeks in. Back looked stronger, lost an inch of hips and waist, butt was looking fantastic. I never really had much of one before so I was pretty jacked about that. Now I'm nearly to stage 5, and my stomach is starting to shrink and my thighs are finally starting to shed some of the last of what they had. I'm very pleased with the program and can't recommend it to people highly enough!!
  • Mouse_Potato
    Mouse_Potato Posts: 1,503 Member
    I had to take a week off twice during stage 1 (two deaths in the family in a three week period) and I still noticed results in less than six weeks. My boyfriend noticed within 3-4 (and was thrilled though he'd initially been opposed to me lifting!).

    I'm now halfway through stage 2 and there is a definite difference in my arms, shoulders and hips. I had to miss my pole dance class for five weeks and when I came back I got called "crazy skinny" and "all guns." Plus I could do lots of cool stuff even the more experienced girls couldn't do. :bigsmile:
  • Kittyclaw6
    Kittyclaw6 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi all,

    I am into my second week of NROLFW and I feel totally disgusting and fat! I haven't lost any weight (which is to be expected) but my cloths feel tighter not looser! I have about 25kgs to loose. Please tell me it will get better. I would also like to know what weight everyone started off with. Thank you.
  • jbnl1991
    jbnl1991 Posts: 149
    I am right there with you. I am in week two and feeling fat. The workouts are so short and skipping the intense cardio feels weird.
  • Mouse_Potato
    Mouse_Potato Posts: 1,503 Member
    Some of the ladies may disagree with me, but here is my take on how much weight you should be using: if you feel the rest periods are too long, you probably aren't pushing yourself hard enough. For the first few workouts, with the 15 rep sets, I did not use very heavy weights, but I tried to lift heavy enough that I probably couldn't do more than 15 reps and I always needed my rest periods. By the time I got to the last few workouts with 8 rep sets, I came close to failure on every set. The way I see it, if I have any makeup left at all at the end of a workout, it's time to up the weights! :wink:
  • Kittyclaw6
    Kittyclaw6 Posts: 4 Member
    I have definitely put on more weight and size! I am trying to tell myself that it is the muscles underneath all the fat, but it is so hard. My weights are heavy for me - deadlift 40kgs & squat 30kgs. I am usually drenched in sweat by the end of my workout which no other gym routine has done for me, so I know I am working hard, just not seeing any results.
  • Mouse_Potato
    Mouse_Potato Posts: 1,503 Member
    Just consulted my workout sheets from stage 1. At week two I was squatting 60 pounds and deadlifting 70. I'd say you're definitely on track. Keep at it and you will get results!
  • Kittyclaw6
    Kittyclaw6 Posts: 4 Member
    Thanx for your comments. It really hard to stay motivated, but I will def continue, because I really love lifting - more than I have ever loved any other exercise regime and now I actually like going to the gym! Just hope I see some results soon.
  • enoid1
    enoid1 Posts: 14 Member
    I'm in the middle of stage 2 and was feeling so fat this past week. Everywhere just looked so big!! I think it may just be water since lifting will draw water into the muscles. And since it's total body workouts 3x a week there really isn't any down time for the muscles to get rid of the excess water. I'm waiting for my rest week at the end of stage 3 to re-evaluate...I'm hoping my hypothesis is proven to be correct. (Otherwise I may tear my hair out!):explode:
  • Mouse_Potato
    Mouse_Potato Posts: 1,503 Member
    I love lifting, but I retain about 4-5 pounds of water to repair after each workout. It can be very discouraging. Plus I go over on my sodium quite regularly, so that isn't much help either. I'm trying to focus on how I look and how my clothes feel, not to mention "am I getting stronger?"

    I was feeling like I hadn't progressed much and then tonight I saw a couple I hadn't seen in a while. The woman said "you are getting skinny!" and her husband just said "look at those guns!" :bigsmile:

    I started on May 21st, if that helps any. I'm definitely getting results, even when I can't see them myself. Assuming work doesn't explode tomorrow, I will be doing Stage 2 Workout 3B. Can't wait!
  • lma0423
    lma0423 Posts: 78 Member
    Hi all,

    I am into my second week of NROLFW and I feel totally disgusting and fat! I haven't lost any weight (which is to be expected) but my cloths feel tighter not looser! I have about 25kgs to loose. Please tell me it will get better. I would also like to know what weight everyone started off with. Thank you.

    Felt the same way when I started and considered just going back to eating 1400 cals and spinning, but thankfully I continued and I am now on to the 16th workout and I feel much better. I havent weighed myself bc I find it discouraging and I'm pretty sure I havent lost any weight. But my arms and butt look so much better, also I feel like my stomach looks less bloated. I eat about 1750 calories a day (130 carbs, 70 fat, and 130 protein, although I rarely get that much protein) and I lift 3 times a week. I've started incorporating some HIIT, nothing major, like 15-20 minutes twice a week. So don't give up!