Introduce yourself



  • TheAluminati
    TheAluminati Posts: 1 Member
    Hiya all.

    33 oldfag from Connecticut USA, married, with twins on the way. Decided I didn't want to be a fatass anymore. I've tried to lose weight a few times in the past, but I never really stuck with it. I was 250 lb (113 kg) when I got married, dropped to 220 (100 kg) at my "best", but ballooned up to 250/113.

    Since I've always been a fatty, I'm gonna try to raise my kids better than I was raised.

    You all are inspirations. I see a lot of guys (and girls) with nice bodies and I wish I had that when I was 19, 22, whatever you all are. Never let anyone say that 4chan didn't give anything good to the internet/world, because you all are here and doing damn good work.
  • 16 M

    Training for powerlifting, on SS, did multiple routines in the past figuring out what I wanted, etc.

    Currently cleanly bulking.
  • weightgain9001
    weightgain9001 Posts: 6 Member
    easy to read mode engaged

    -male 27
    -5'6'' / 168cm
    -123lbs / 56kg
    -near bristol UK
    -trying 4 gains.

    -shoulder dislocated 7x between 2003-2012
    -had operation (oct 2012)
    -maybe success plox?

    currently doing: physio, pilates, full body machine isolations, clean bulk (2800cals (enough maybe?))
    starting SS next week and ditching machines

    if anyones in a similar situation (injury or fragile-skeleton-mode) keep in touch!
  • Daguava
    Daguava Posts: 3
    Sup /fit/izens,

    I'm a 20 year old college kid in Wisconsin. I decided it was time to stop fatass'ing it when I began to outgrow 38" shorts and was contemplating the next size up. At this point I decided I could get my life in order and lose weight, or be a fatasfatass and buy new clothes and do nothing to better myself.

    6 months and 51 lbs later I'm at 185lbs (down from 236), and looking to get down into the 150's-160's before starting a good bulk. I know I'm still a long way off from my goals, but for the first time in my life I think I'm going to make it.

    I've taken up cycling in the last few months, and have been enjoying it, good way to get the heart pumping w/o worrying about the impact of running.
  • Hey /fit/izens,

    I'm an 18 year old Serb. Currently weighing about 71kgs and about 6'1 tall. Gotten into fitness in early June because I figured out I wanted to do something with my life besides playing video games and drinking. I've always been skinny and I wanted to change that.

    Long story short, I got into a gym and started lifting. Been making some decent progress even in this short period. I don't really have a set goal, in general I want to improve everything about myself. Confidence, lessen the social anxiety and start looking better. I use a standard routine most people use when starting out here and it's all in Serbian so I'm translating what I can for this site.

    For cardio I jog and cycle.

    That's all from me, /fit/anons.
  • runashi
    runashi Posts: 1 Member
    Hey there, 17 y/o fatass here. Only started cutting back on food this week due to laziness. Decided to man up and stick to an actual routine. Hope we all make it.
  • fitizengainz
    fitizengainz Posts: 7 Member
    oh man that caught me on the heart strings. I'm going to lift extra hard tomorrow for you bro! good luck with the twins! :D
  • falcynn
    falcynn Posts: 5
    Sup everyone, 22 year old former land whale here (used to be 300 lbs. at 5'9" when I was 17. I'm still fat, but thank god I'm not that fat anymore). I've been making decent progress the last 5 years just from cutting down on junk food/soda, but I now I'm trying to get serious about it by lifting, doing more cardio, and getting a little more strict about my diet.
  • KloLuk
    KloLuk Posts: 11 Member
    easy to read mode engaged

    -male 27
    -5'6'' / 168cm
    -123lbs / 56kg
    -near bristol UK
    -trying 4 gains.

    -shoulder dislocated 7x between 2003-2012
    -had operation (oct 2012)
    -maybe success plox?

    currently doing: physio, pilates, full body machine isolations, clean bulk (2800cals (enough maybe?))
    starting SS next week and ditching machines

    if anyones in a similar situation (injury or fragile-skeleton-mode) keep in touch!
    check my post above yours, i have a herniated disc in my lower back. except in my case, I haven't had surgery to have it corrected, its too risky, I'm living with it
  • jaz9213
    jaz9213 Posts: 3
    Hello /Fit/zens

    21 yrs, 5'0 (well, 4'11.75), somewhere around 119 lbs

    Not lifting yet, focusing on getting back into fighting shape (MMA). Trying to be ring-ready by December. Went to university 4 years ago at 98 lbs and was up to 128 mid-way through my 2nd year. Got it under control and then started to slip again with all the stress and excessive partying that comes with senior year. Trying to cut down to 100-105 by early-mid Sept and then may start lifting.
  • Hey guys,

    20yr old Aust. male. Working on building up strength before deciding whether to a BB split or start working in some oly lifts. Anyone local to the GC looking for a gymbro hit me up.
  • Hey guys,

    20yr old Aust. male. Working on building up strength before deciding whether to a BB split or start working in some oly lifts. Anyone local to the GC looking for a gymbro hit me up.

    Also 20 y/o Aus brah here! I'm from SA though
  • fitizengainz
    fitizengainz Posts: 7 Member
    good on you buddy! you're going to make it :D

  • 19 yo college student in germany

    I assume you're a German, or are you another nationality in Germany?
  • 30 years old from California. Currently on weight loss. Started at 298 in May this year (my highest ever). When I stepped on the scale and saw that number I decided there was no way I would ever let myself get to 300+, so I started a new diet that same night and have done a pretty damn good job of sticking to it. Stopped consuming 99.9% of the amount of soda I used to drink (I've had maybe 4 cans total in the last 3 months) and stick with water everywhere I go. Also, not ordering/making fatasfatass portions is key along with better, less processed food in general. As of now I'm down roughly 40 pounds. Funny thing, I didn't realize how fat I was until now that I can tie my shoes comfortably. Crazy.

    My main exercise so far has been walking/jogging on treadmills at the gym. I plan to hit the weights once I reach 250 which I imagine will be next week. Small goals seem to work for me.

    Maybe a little more than was necessary for an introduction, but there you have it. Hello.
  • Hey yall, from Cali, 6'1'' 205lbs-ish, trying to get my compounds up currently.
    Doing a mixup workout i made: bill starrs 5x5 intermediate one week and one week doing a push pull split (focusing on compounds both weeks but with a lot more accessory on the second week).
    Started working out at 18 cuz fatty 230lb. Got my diet under control, marathon training and lifting got me down to 170. Been focusing on bulking for awhile and I was up to 215 before my cut in spring. Been kinda ****ty on my diet but Im in the zone to cut and get that pack for the tail end of summer.
    Im up and down cali all the time, if anyone wants to work out im down
  • Sup /fit/izens

    I'm 19 y/o Airman First Class - USAF

    I haven't actually shipped out for basic or tech school year but I swore in and joined with rank, kinda a tubby boy who got out of shape once I quit sports, I am athletically gifted, Varsity freshman year of HS, played in the Little League world series, but just stopped playing sports in high school and ballooned to 200lbs, I'm 5'11" and I'm trying to get back into shape for boot camp, I'm cutting pretty hard right now, and in the last two weeks I've increased my running distance from .3 miles to .8 miles (in 5 minutes) so hopefully I'll be able to pass the PT test before I even leave! Any and all tips will be accepted GRACIOUSLY! Also, after bootcamp I'm in tech school for 4 months, so I'd love information on how to pack on serious muscle since I'll be working out every day after boot, and boot is basically just a forced cut.
  • Hey there, 21 year old student from Ireland.
    Right now I'm focusing on weight loss. I've lost a lot of weight before (last year) and was very close to my goal weight but I went through some depression and piled a lot of it back on. I'm determined to lose it all again though, but weight loss is really easy so I know I can do it.
    So far I've lost 17 pounds in the last 3 weeks and am over half way towards my first goal weight.
    I used to play a lot of sports when I was in secondary school (high school?) like rugby, basketball, gaelic football etc. I used to be quite slim but then I had surgery because of a condition from childhood, surgery fixed me but messed up my digestive system, the doctors told me I had to watch what I eat for the rest of my life because I'd put on weight a lot quicker now. I also had to stop playing sport until I finished school because of recovering from surgery and I seemed to lose all of my strength afterwards. That was when all of this started.

    I imagine I'm going to be near my final goal weight by about christmas, and at that point I want to start building muscle and getting stronger again.

    Sorry if that was too long for an introduction. Feel free to add me or whatever, look forward to seeing how you all progress.
  • trmead
    trmead Posts: 1 Member
    -20 years old, college student
    -drank a lot of beer freshman year and got kinda fat (210 lbs)
    -have cut down to 180 so far while making some strength gainz
    -long term goals: be able to wrestle a grizzly bear, deadlift a car, marathon to the top of everest, etc.
  • BlackRosey
    BlackRosey Posts: 1 Member
    Uh, hey guys, I'm trying to tone out my body and just lose as much fat as possible. I don't really lift anything more than a 5kg dumbbell, but I would love to change that and lift 53kg (my weight).

    You could try to talk to me, but I'm insanely awkward and just a beginner at fitness, I only started eating well and (kinda) working out consistently since June.

    I'm pretty much just a lurker on both /fit/ and mfp.