Thursday 8/1

okishkash Posts: 142 Member
Can you believe it is August already! What is your plan for the day?


  • okishkash
    okishkash Posts: 142 Member
    I walked 5.5 miles yesterday. Plan to do the same today.
    It is very hot here so I plan on drinking plenty of water.
  • TrinaGoss
    TrinaGoss Posts: 198 Member
    Well, I stayed motivated last night and got a work out in!! Tonight I'm going to ride my bike around the lake - 6.75 miles. And I'll try to do better with my food intake. I've been eating a lot of high calorie, high fat foods lately!!

    Have a great day!
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    I have a trainer session after work tonight - legs & abs. I'm also walking with a friend on my lunch break. I had my lunch packed and ready to go - and it's still in the refrigerator at home (grr) so my challenge for myself today is to find something healthy to eat and not go to the burger place next door instead. The scale is moving again and I don't want to mess that up.
  • sgouti1
    sgouti1 Posts: 98 Member
    I plan to stick to my pre-logged day, drink plenty of water and get in a little exercise after work. If nothing else, I'll go for an hour long walk. Also, I'm not going out tonight as I normally do on Thursdays, becasue with the week I've had at work, I know I'd be tempted to have a few drinks to blow off steam, and I'm STILL trying to undo the damage from last weekends shenanigans (i.e. +3 lbs!!!, which is now down to +.6 lb), so I don't even want to chance it!

    In other news, our 10 year anniversary is tomorrow (how is that even possible?!), so Saturday night we're going out to a very she-she fancy dinner where I'm sure we'll have a bottle of wine and too much butter. OH WELL :)

    Everyone make wise choices today - day before weigh-in!!
  • krk5235
    krk5235 Posts: 220 Member
    Oh My God what a day, cooked all day, sweat running off me and my aching back!!! Yes I had some wine too:drinker: Smoked a turkey, 2 pork shoulders, made 3 dozen deviled eggs, 18 pounds o baked beans, bags of sliced veggies, 4 gallon of cole slaw, 3 cakes, one apple crisp. time to expire