New to group, looking for buddies on same agenda !

I've been doing Paleo for 7 weeks and have lost 27 pounds. On general boards I find that people are eating a lot of processed foods, skipping meals and generally not eating clean. I'd like to buddy up with some fellow Paleos and learn from them as I took a quick look -see and don't know what some terms mean, haven't read much up on it except the basics, and would like to learn more and as always, GET SOME HELP ! I'd like to lose another 80 total and am feeling so amazing as of now from this diet and added energy - I love it !

Any tips and insight is greatly appreciated !


  • homesweeths
    homesweeths Posts: 792 Member

    You'll find some paleo/primal folks "skip meals" as well, only it's called intermittent fasting. I never used to be able to miss a meal -- I'd get light-headed and shaky if I didn't have something every 3 hours or so, but since implementing the ideas I read in Paleo Solution and Primal Blueprint, I'm almost never hungry and can go all day without eating if need be. Not that I do that often. However, I almost never eat breakfast (unless I had a lot of carbs the night before, relatively speaking), eat most of my calories between noon and 8 p.m., and have been losing weight at a steady rate for the past two months. I think this is called the "leangains" method, though I haven't read any of the theory -- it just works for me.

    Some people seem to do well with the "warrior" method, which is fasting 20 hours and fitting your food intake into the remaining 4-hour period of a 24-hour day. Sometimes my day will work out this way -- I'll eat a hearty lunch and something mid-afternoon and have no hunger for the rest of the day. Sometimes I still make myself eat something anyhow because I don't like finishing a day on 800 calories or less, but on days like yesterday, when I wasn't feeling well (we're dejunking and the dust really gets to me), sometimes it seems like too much bother. Sometimes at the end of the day I just eat a spoonful or two of coconut oil to up my calories past MFP's magical 1200 calorie figure! -- because I'm just *not hungry*. Isn't primal/paleo partly about listening to our bodies?

    There's another IF method I've read about where you eat every other day. I actually did that in my early 20s to keep my weight stable, but it wasn't a healthy thing at the time, more like an eating disorder. From what I've read, people are doing it while eating paleo style, and it sounds like they might be doing it in a healthy way. From the way my energy levels have stabilized with paleo/primal eating, I probably could manage this kind of IF but haven't felt the need or desire to.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    I've been doing Paleo for 7 weeks and have lost 27 pounds. On general boards I find that people are eating a lot of processed foods, skipping meals and generally not eating clean. I'd like to buddy up with some fellow Paleos and learn from them as I took a quick look -see and don't know what some terms mean, haven't read much up on it except the basics, and would like to learn more and as always, GET SOME HELP ! I'd like to lose another 80 total and am feeling so amazing as of now from this diet and added energy - I love it !

    Any tips and insight is greatly appreciated !

    As homesweet said, "skipping meals" is probably actually more common around these parts, but it's done in a healthy, planned manner. That said, feel free to ask questions here and you'll likely get a ton of great answers.

    Do you have any specific questions? "Tell me more" is generally pretty vague and may overwhelm you with all the different stuff that people could tell you about.

    That said, there's a "Recommended Reading" topic here (just use the search tool for it, it's titled exactly that) that has a ton of good books, blogs, and other resources for getting started.
  • momof2osaurus
    momof2osaurus Posts: 477 Member
    Howdy! I'll friend you! I log my food daily. :)
  • erica_bunny
    Hi, I'm also new to this group.

    I started eating paleo in January, and lost about 25 pounds by April. I let myself eat whatever I wanted for my birthday April 6, but that day turned into a weekend, which turned into a week, then a month, then my grandpa died in June and I was in the process of moving out of my apartment and in with my boyfriend. Yikes! Finally things got back to normal and I started eating paleo again this Monday. I'm in the middle of the carb flu, but it isn't as bad as the first time. Since April, I've gained 6 pounds back, but I'm ready to lose them again and continue towards my goal.

    Right now, I'm using paleo as a guideline, and think I'm fairly strict (with an exception of a tiny bit of dark chocolate and a Diet Snapple - with artificial sweetener - occasionally). I should stop these things by next week :) I know people who like to criticize my eating and nit-pick, but my view is that it is much better than all the fast-food and crap I was eating (daily) before. Everyone starts somewhere!

    I'm glad you've been doing well these past 7 weeks, with great results. Keep up the good work!
  • rkasper22
    rkasper22 Posts: 61 Member
    Hi friend! Welcome!

    I've been following paleo/primal/grain-free blogs and such for a few years, but only committed to actually eating mostly paleo this year. it's just the way i feel the best eating - not a lot of sugar, grain free, mostly dairy free. so boom.... apparently i eat "paleo" :). i guess all this i say to basically encourage you to do what works for YOU. don't let a label bug you. labels lead to shaming and feeling deprived sometimes, at least for me. just take care of yourself.

    i don't fast at all and don't think i will ever be in that camp. i don't miss meals. fasting is SO not something you have to do to be paleo, so don't be discouraged or feel intimidated or something. it works for some people, and that's so great! but it's not "required," so to speak.

    anyways, welcome, and if you need a buddy who makes mistakes and sometimes get discouraged, i'd love to come along side you and encourage you!