Race on Saturday and i can barely walk

CaliRochelle Posts: 16 Member
I am not sure what I did to my back, but it hurts BAD!!! I am supposed to be finish C25K this week. Then finish off the week by running the Color Run Saturday. What do I do to help my back? Very frustrated. What other exercising can I do to keep up until I feel well enough to run? If needed, I'll just walk the run!

Thanks for your input!


  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Don't run through injury. Give up the race if you have to. My heart bleeds for you, but there it is.

    Try ice - an ice pack at least. Ice baths are the bomb, but I haven't been able to bring myself to lie down in one yet.

    I'd suggest a recumbent bike for cardio.
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    Sorry to hear that! I agree with Varda - give up on the race. You can set yourself back even further by doing too much with an injury (I speak from experience here!). If the pain is very bad you might want to get to a MD or urgent care ASAP. I've been dealing with back issues for 20 years now after hurting myself doing something stupid in my younger days. About once a year I "throw out" my back either by lifting something improperly or just a twist in a certain direction will do it too. Each time it's the same result - throbbing pain & muscle spasms making it nearly impossible to walk for the first day and very painful for a few days after that. Usually a week later I am able to ease back into exercise. For me moist heat works the best. If you muscles are in spasm they need to loosen up and heat does the trick.

    For therapy look for someone specializing in active release or sports massage. This is something I neglected to do in the past but I finally made an appointment to see a doctor who specializes in active release for athletes.
  • CaliRochelle
    CaliRochelle Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks you two. I have taken the week off from training. My back is feeling much better. Since it is the Color Run I am still going to go, but if it is in any pain tomorrow, I'll just walk. Thanks for the support
  • chantels1
    chantels1 Posts: 391 Member
    Thanks you two. I have taken the week off from training. My back is feeling much better. Since it is the Color Run I am still going to go, but if it is in any pain tomorrow, I'll just walk. Thanks for the support

    Good luck! Hope your back is feeling better today and you enjoy the run! Is it the one in Sac? Wish I was there, it's so close!! I'm a Nor Cal girl too!