Long Distance relationships?



  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    Ya know, I wouldn't UNLESS it was the best time and I was crazy about him. I have a friend who lives in Austin and met a guy during summer a couple of years ago. He's from SWEDEN!! They fell in crazy love while he was there (1 week). They kept in touch by phone and skype. He'd wake up everyday at 5 am to Skype with her at 10pm. Crazy!! They visited each other every 2-3 months. He adored her! They did this for a year. She got pregnant, he was applying for visa or something once baby was coming (before that they were trying to figure out who was moving where). Well she had baby boy early! He was going to arrive in 2 weeks. So he watched his son be born via Skype!!!
    This is not a friend of a friend but one oft sweetest gal pals ever. He absolutely adores and worships her and she'd sooo in love with him. *sigh*

    He now lives in Austin with her and baby! :)

    So if it were like that? Hellz yeah!

    I googled Swedish men. Was not disappointed.

    edit: after a few more google.searches, my dreams of a trip to Scandinavian countries is now a very involved desire 8}

    Yeah, I've had that desire for a few years now ;) I have a really sweet gaming friend from Sweden and I always threaten to visit him. Well, he thinks it's a threat, I think it's a very real intention, haha
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Ya know, I wouldn't UNLESS it was the best time and I was crazy about him. I have a friend who lives in Austin and met a guy during summer a couple of years ago. He's from SWEDEN!! They fell in crazy love while he was there (1 week). They kept in touch by phone and skype. He'd wake up everyday at 5 am to Skype with her at 10pm. Crazy!! They visited each other every 2-3 months. He adored her! They did this for a year. She got pregnant, he was applying for visa or something once baby was coming (before that they were trying to figure out who was moving where). Well she had baby boy early! He was going to arrive in 2 weeks. So he watched his son be born via Skype!!!
    This is not a friend of a friend but one oft sweetest gal pals ever. He absolutely adores and worships her and she'd sooo in love with him. *sigh*

    He now lives in Austin with her and baby! :)

    So if it were like that? Hellz yeah!

    awww this story gives me hope :heart:
  • Tube_socks
    Tube_socks Posts: 808 Member
    I know! Btw, she was 37-38 (looks like she's 25) when they met. She had been in a 10 yr relationship with a dude who was very detached and hard to connect with. She left him and said she had accepted that she was not going to meet The One since she had that long relationship. Then a year later, she met Sweden.
    I have seen them together. Seriously, she's the sweetest gal (helped me through my divorce) and it was awesome seeing such a happy gal be even happier with him!
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    I know! Btw, she was 37-38 (looks like she's 25) when they met. She had been in a 10 yr relationship with a dude who was very detached and hard to connect with. She left him and said she had accepted that she was not going to meet The One since she had that long relationship. Then a year later, she met Sweden.
    I have seen them together. Seriously, she's the sweetest gal (helped me through my divorce) and it was awesome seeing such a happy gal be even happier with him!

    aww that's a great story! I met a girl sat night who had been with a guy for 10 years only to find out he had been cheating. yikes!
  • RunIntheMud
    RunIntheMud Posts: 2,645 Member
    Keep in touch via email, text, facebook, etc. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst. Long distance relationships can work, but it takes commitment from both parties. You can't walk into it with high expectations, though. Just get to know him. Maybe plan a weekend getaway around Labor Day, Columbus Day....lots lof long weekends coming up. Definitely easier to see someone when you have a 3 day weekend. :)

    Worst case - It was "summer love" and a great vacation memory.

    Best case - You have fun getting to know him and everything works out. :)

    Good luck!
  • Prahasaurus
    Prahasaurus Posts: 1,381 Member
    "You have to have a little faith in people..."

    From one of the greatest US films of all time: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3RCpsbr7HEw

  • Follow_me
    Follow_me Posts: 6,120 Member
    I just got burned by one.
