Just Started Metformin. I Would Like to Share my Story.

Okay, everyone. First off, I'd like to let you all know that I am BEYOND HAPPY that I joined this group (along with MFP). Reading everyone's stories has really given me the hope that I needed to not give up on my weight loss journey.

I'm 23 years old and I have a child. I've been diagnosed with PCOS since I was about 16, when irregular periods started. It didn't get too bad until after I had my daughter. I gained a whole mess of weight after her birth, I began to get LOTS of hair under my chin and a few thick strays on my back and shoulders, and really bad acne.

In 2011, I don't think I had a period at all. In 2012, I began to bleed non-stop. So basically, I've been bleeding on and off since then. I began to exercise mid 2012 and lost about 14 lbs and my period came back to normal, but as soon as I stopped exercising, I began to bleed irregularly again. I've been bleeding since May (on and off, but pretty constant). This is my main concern. My OBGYN gave me Provera to help with this, but I've never taken it (I have anxiety and I get all weird about pills.) I went to go see my doctor (I don't see my OBGYN as I don't have health insurance and he's too pricey), and he put me on Metformin, 500 MG once a day for this month to help with ovulation and weight loss. I am NOT insulin resistant, by the way, Now, I've been on it for a week and it seems as if my bleeding is going to come to a stop (I hope).

My questions:

1. How long will these ugly side effects of Metformin last? I get super nauseous and weak, headaches, and gas.
2. If my bleeding doesn't stop soon, should I take Provera AND the Metformin? Has anyone ever done this before? (My OBGYN said the Provera will stop the bleeding and then will start my actual period. The bleeding that I have now is basically "overflow" so to speak.)
3. Should I be taking Metformin even though I am NOT insulin resistant? I think I am getting there though. My fasting glucose level was at 96 (out of 70-100 I think). I feel as its a little high, but my doctor says I'm fine.
4. Is there any advice you have for me about PCOS, Metformin, and/or diet? I am using MFP religiously, been walking 5 times out of the week, and trying to not eat sugar or sugar sweeteners. I have been getting real bad sugar cravings this week for some reason. Maybe its the Metformin or maybe I am actually starting to ovulate (I'm breaking out too and I'm moody, so maybe I'll get my actual period soon.)

I know this is long, but I hope some of you can share your advice. It would be greatly appreciated.

i am not really trying to conceive because my main concern is to lose more weight and stop this irregular bleeding. But deep down, I do want another child but I don't want to try and fail, as it would crush me. I'd like to get these health issues taken care of before I even TRY. Thanks everyone. <3


Feel free to add me!


  • onlymeA
    onlymeA Posts: 1 Member
    I just started taking Metformin too and was getting sick all the time. Finally I consulted a health care professional and found out it was my diet. I wasn't eating a balanced meal, like I would eat only one thing, so I added more sides to my meals. Plus drinking a glass of milk in the morning helped a lot. Hope this helps a little.
  • StephanieMoon6
    StephanieMoon6 Posts: 28 Member
    I just started taking Metformin too and was getting sick all the time. Finally I consulted a health care professional and found out it was my diet. I wasn't eating a balanced meal, like I would eat only one thing, so I added more sides to my meals. Plus drinking a glass of milk in the morning helped a lot. Hope this helps a little.

    Thank you for your advice. :) I definitely need to eat a bit more balanced.
  • xcga33i
    xcga33i Posts: 26 Member
    I just started taking met again 2 weeks ago. I am still feeling the tummy issues. But I am loosing weight so I can live with it for now. I think met and running 3-4 miles every other day is helping.

    Do you know what ur insulin level is? U should keep your glucose under 99 and insulin under 25, but doc told me lower is better. Mine is currently 30. Yicks! I don't think doc would have put u on met if u weren't IR but u can't tell by ur glucose numbers.
    Good luck.
  • Thank you for sharing your story here, it is a very hard and brave thing to do. Like onlymeA said, having a more balanced diet helps and so does watching the amount of fat you eat ( helps with the gas and bowel movements). I also added in a probiotic ( you can use either the pill form or one of the yougarts.

    As for the acne and hair issues. Ask your doctor about Spironolactone. That is a blood pressure medication but it is also used a lot to treat PCOS side effects like acne and hair growth. I am on this now and have had great results with it.