What do you say to naysayers?



  • strychnine7
    strychnine7 Posts: 210 Member
    Ha! Excellent timing on this post. Sisson's blog entry today:


    I immediately thought of this thread when i saw it just now.
  • tekwriter
    tekwriter Posts: 923 Member
    I have been off the plan but still admire the principles and continue to work towards things. I normally will point people asking questions to this group to get info. There are some people you just can't talk to. They are hardcore about every thing except what they know. Please don't send them to this group. I just ignore them.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    I generally tell them how good I felt and how my skin/mood/sleep/weight improved when it's one on one but this is from a message board I'm on where a group is talking about Paleo and people are asking good questions then someone comes along posting articles about how it's not a good way of eating so I'd like to be able to gently but correctly counter.

    Do you have some example articles? I know Dr. Cordain has explicitly addressed a few, including one site's "diet rating" section. Sometimes that helps. You can also address the specific points in the article (ie - Paleo =/= Atkins, gluten-free diet =/= fake-wheat, etc).
  • emilyrtanner
    emilyrtanner Posts: 22 Member
    I usually say some version of the following...

    1. I have not cut out any foods that are necessary for healthy human survival. (This is in response to those people that say, "its not healthy to eliminate entire food groups")
    2. I feel better/sleep better/look better/have more energy/digest better/insert a million reasons here. (This is in response to the "why" or "its not healthy")
    3. Thats great that grains/dairy/legumes/soy/sugary crap don't make you feel bad, but they seem to upset my system. I indulge once in a while, but when I do regularly, I see ______ health problems surface. Even when health problems do not surface, I feel better when I eat less of those, and more vegetables/meats (This is response to people that say, "There's nothing wrong with hummus/soy sauce/tofu/a cookie/yogurt/whatever else" - I find that they usually are saying this because they are defensive - they might think you are trying to insult their diet)
    4. I eat a huge variety of delicious, interesting meals and I never feel deprived. (This is in response to "Don't you get tired of steak and salad?" or "Why don't you have a little fun, indulge a little")
  • mirandaeaston
    I tell them I have a food allergy. When I eat that food my butt swells up. Lol
  • melaniefave41
    melaniefave41 Posts: 222 Member
    I love never feeling guilty about what I eat or feeling I shouldn't eat despite being hungry. Couldn't say that pre-paleo.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    I don't say anything. I punch them in the face. After all, we are totally trying to emulate cavemen, right????

    (I don't really punch them in the face, but those who hear my story and then dismiss/ridicule my experience-yeah I wanna go all cavewoman on them! There are lots of those goofballs here on MFP-lucky for them they are behind a computer which gives them licence to be rude and condescending without any consequences.)
  • paleojoe
    paleojoe Posts: 442 Member
    I just say, "ok then don't eat paleo".
  • lindzmt22
    lindzmt22 Posts: 335
    I lost weight eating bacon, steak, and butter... BAM! : )
    Exactly .... although I've had folks look at me odd when I ordered a ribeye, double veggies, no potato, a side of bacon and some butter ... which I proceed to put on the steak. All of which I enjoy with a glass of red wine. As they are shaking their heads, I mention that I've lost 30 lbs eating like that. And then we move on.

    Omg....this just made me so hungry. Gahh. lol