Any Primal/Paleo people having success with weight loss?

AbbeyDove Posts: 317 Member
. . . and if you are, would you friend me? I'm struggling to stay below my recommended calories, and it would be really helpful to see what other people are eating! I typically cook dinner for a spouse and a spawn who is five, so if you, too, cook for the younger set that would be great!


  • nemrut
    nemrut Posts: 398 Member
    I have 6 more days of the Whole 30 program to go and have successfully managed my weight by tracking with MFP. I was close to Paleo for at least six months prior to that. I am older (no kids at home), am not able to exercise very much at the moment due to a running injury, and close to my weight goal. My diary is open, but feel free to add me as a friend if you wish.
  • JumpingDog
    JumpingDog Posts: 125 Member
    I would suggest less nuts, heavy cream, cheese (if you make it a habit), and dried fruit. None of these things are terribly satiating and can end up being very high calorie; some more veggies wouldn't hurt either and their volume can be satisfying.
  • ali_b83
    ali_b83 Posts: 324 Member
    You're more than welcome to add me. I've lost about 80% of the weight since eating Paleo/Primal (about 8 months ago). Currently in the process of Whole 30, because I am curious to see if dairy or nightshades affect me. I have a 10,5, and 1 year old, and we try to feed them as Paleo as possible (admittedly, the 10 year old is not on board).
  • rkasper22
    rkasper22 Posts: 61 Member
    hi abbey! i just friended you. firstly, your food looks delicious! you've so inspired me :)

    one thing i notice is you are regularly below your protein needs and don't eat very much meat. is there a reason? all the other things are heavenly, but not very satisfying on their own. i would maybe cut down on some things like coffee cream to give you more calories for meat. also one thing that really helps me is to bulk up my meals with veggies. i see your lunch usually has a lot of veggies but your dinner is sometimes lacking. try adding some cooked veggies. that will help a lot i feel :)

    have you seen this? it might help give you some structure if you want -
  • leighn62
    leighn62 Posts: 142 Member
    I've been nearly 100% Primal for about a month and have lost about 9 lbs. I try to stay under 50 grams of carbs. I plan my meals the day ahead so if it looks like I will exceed my calories I make sure I exercise. I have read on Mark's Daily Apple that if you exceed the necessary protein (.5 to 1 gm) per lb of weight it could turn to glucose so if I need more calories and I've had enough protein I try to add fat.(maybe homemade mayo mixed with pesto to dip celery sticks in). I f you look at my diary you can see I make room in my carbs and calories for wine on the weekend.

    My family is not primal but I just cook what I cook and add a starch for them. Tomorrow night is shrimp Creole and they will eat it over rice and I will sub mashed cauliflower for rice. Enchiladas one night and I will put the filling in a zucchini boat for me. A side of slaw for everyone and some beans for them.

    You can do it! Limiting carbs as much as possible while you're trying to lose weight will speed things along. I started having better results when I started watching my calories and macros. You have to adjust macros to reflect Primal/Palos guidelines vs. The defaults recommend by MFP. Good luck.
  • _Amy_Budd
    _Amy_Budd Posts: 378 Member
    I've been Primal/Paleo for more than 2 years. Took me less than a year to lose the first 100 pounds, and I've continued to lose. I'm at around 130 pounds down total now - my lowest was 149 pounds lost, when I was in training for a half marathon.
  • HPB2
    HPB2 Posts: 23 Member
    I just started Whole30 on July 19th but plan to continue with Paleo/Primal. I haven't weighed in yet but I can tell it's working! :)
  • thefragile7393
    thefragile7393 Posts: 102 Member
    I am but I am not a total paleo either...I do eat cheese and my shake has a bit of soy in it.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    . . . and if you are, would you friend me? I'm struggling to stay below my recommended calories, and it would be really helpful to see what other people are eating! I typically cook dinner for a spouse and a spawn who is five, so if you, too, cook for the younger set that would be great!

    Took a quick peek at your diary, since it's public. I think you might benefit from doing a Whole30 challenge. I know it seems daunting with two others to feed, but your spouse is an adult, and you control what's available for the child. As it stands, your food could stand quite a bit of cleaning up if you're trying to be paleo.

    1. Tortilla chips aren't paleo. They're made of corn, which is a grain.
    2. Cheese and cream aren't paleo (though they are primal), they're dairy.
    3. Beans aren't paleo. They're legumes.
    4. Sunflower butter is technically paleo, but it's recommended to avoid due to the high level of Omega-6 and poor Omega-6 to Omega-3 ratio.
    5. Hershey's chocolate bar isn't paleo. Chocolate, however, actually is, just go for the dark stuff and try to avoid the soy additives. Check out the natural foods section and work your way up to 80% or more. To get started, try Enjoy Life brand. They're soy, egg, wheat, dairy, and nut free (made in dedicated facilities).
    6. You're too good at paleo-fying stuff. There's a lot of "mock danish" and "mock cheesecake" entries. They may be technically paleo, but that doesn't mean they're good for you.

    Overall, what you're eating isn't terrible, save for the above-mentioned points. You're on the right track, certainly, but I think you'll do better if you work to improve upon it.

    Additionally, you're drinking a lot of coffee, and with it, cream. That racks up the calories without the satiety. Try cutting back on coffee altogether, or learn to drink it black.

    Also, try cutting out the dairy completely, if nothing else to learn to go with far less of it. It's rough, I know. I sympathize, I love milk and cheese. However, the lactose in milk and dairy products causes a disproportionate insulin response (ie - though it has fewer carbs than white bread, it has an equal insulin response to it). It's possible that even the relatively little lactose in the cheese and cream is stalling you out and causing you to keep your cravings (making you feel hungry, even if you really aren't).

    Again, try a Whole30 and see if it makes a difference for you. After it, you can start reintroducing things to see how they affect your body and your weight loss.
  • Shane37301
    Shane37301 Posts: 32 Member
    I've been on paleo for 14 months now and have lost a total of 73lbs and have been maintaining for 4 months now. This is the hardest thing I've ever done with the best results. I no longer need hypertension or cholesterol medication, also my type 2 diabetes is fully in control with diet and exercise only.
  • ThePrimalSpartan
    ThePrimalSpartan Posts: 59 Member
    Hi! You're more than welcome to friend me. I've lost 50lbs so far, and all from following a Primal/Paleo lifestyle. :)
  • CajunTexan33
    CajunTexan33 Posts: 76 Member
    Yep! I am actually gluten and dairy intolerant and lost 6 lbs within the first week! Mostly trying to add muscle right now and decrease body fat..not strictly lose weight- but I eat very clean.. as in..only fresh foods- fruit, veggies, nuts, seeds egg whites, etc.. Oh.. and red bull zero. Naanderthals had redbull, right?! lol
  • courtniemarie
    courtniemarie Posts: 172 Member
    I was recently re-evaluating my mostly paleo diet and came across this helpful article.

    I have likely been eating too much fat from not-so-good sources.
  • StacyReneO
    StacyReneO Posts: 317 Member
    I had to cut back on fat too. I felt fine, but I am definitely not losing weight that way! It's so hard to find a balance though. I used to be a South Beach Dieter and it worked really well for me - but I could get a lot of protein from 'low fat' sources and dairy products like greek yogurt. Now I stay away from anything that says 'low fat' so it's hard getting all my protein in without fat working it's way in as well (and I don't do dairy either)
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    Yes, I've lost 70 lbs in the last year with a mostly paleo, somewhat primal diet. I don't keep a public food diary anymore, but you are welcome to send a friend request if you'd like to talk.
  • ronniiieee
    ronniiieee Posts: 10 Member
    paleo friends if you have your diary open please add me. I need some ideas on how to eat more. I love the lifestlye but i'm working out and sometimes dont even eat 1200 calories. I need help to eat more so I can continue my weight loss
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    I had to cut back on fat too. I felt fine, but I am definitely not losing weight that way! It's so hard to find a balance though. I used to be a South Beach Dieter and it worked really well for me - but I could get a lot of protein from 'low fat' sources and dairy products like greek yogurt. Now I stay away from anything that says 'low fat' so it's hard getting all my protein in without fat working it's way in as well (and I don't do dairy either)

    I do not agree that cutting back on fat is good advice for most people. Many people are already eating too little fat and that is one main factor in weight loss resistance (since reducing fat means increased carbs/sugar). However, the fat needs to come from healthy sources such as animals, coconut, palm, avocados, etc.

    I went ketogenic Primal (high fat) a year ago. My health problems quickly vanished (BED, depression, chronic pain/fatigue, pre-diabetes, GERD, chronic illness/infections ,etc etc) and weight loss has been effortless. I do track but I am more concerned with my macro ratios than calories. I have now been Paleo (no dairy) for 10 days and things are even better!

    PS. My diary is open to the public. I am currently enjoying my first Whole30. It took me a year to give up the dairy and I love how I feel without it. And the weight loss seems to have kicked up a notch.
  • rotnkat
    rotnkat Posts: 393 Member
    paleo friends if you have your diary open please add me. I need some ideas on how to eat more. I love the lifestlye but i'm working out and sometimes dont even eat 1200 calories. I need help to eat more so I can continue my weight loss

    Hi and Welcome!!!

    I just added you!!
