Friends wanted

I have been putting a lot of thought into how i am going to be accomplish my weight goals and i realized that if I want to be successful on my weight loss journey I am going to need the support of others. I am turning to this group because no one around me has as far to go as I do. They try to understand and want to be helpful but let's be honest their 20 or 30 lbs is nothing compared to my 130 lbs. so here I am asking for help (kind of a new thing for me)


  • Ben_Avery
    Ben_Avery Posts: 22 Member
    Friend request sent.
    130lbs is quite achievable.All up from my heaviest weight which was late last year/early this year i've dropped 127lbs, but only been measuring since Feb ( the reason for the discrepancy in my ticker ). It's just a matter of easy does it and exercise in your own time. Ignore all hype about fast weight loss and high amounts of exercise. The exercise will come once your body is ready and your energy levels return. No point pushing things and doing physical damage to slow down your weight loss.

    it's mostly about common sense that I've found. You need to eat the foods that you know you should , cut out the sugars and carbs, and increase the veges and fruit in moderation. Drink a lot of water. If you love alcohol ( which I DO!!! ) unfortunately, you might need to have a break for a while. It is amazing how much weight you can loose just by doing that one step.

    Set realistic goals - the first might be to go down a belt notch, or complete a week of really healthy eating. Mine was to go skiing with my kids. This year so far I've put in a month of skiing from not being able to do it for the past 20 years due to weight.

    Remember movement of any kind is exercise. If you don't like Gym's, or walking around the streets you can do house hold chores or a task you enjoy instead. I chop wood a few times a month for an hour or two. Amazing how many calories you can burn through.

    If possible, I'd recommend you talk to a doctor and/or nutritionist. I understand this is not possible for everybody.
  • CardiacKev28
    CardiacKev28 Posts: 172 Member
    Friend me please! I have a lot of weight to lose and we all must help each other and do it together, so count me in!
  • LillyWillow
    My goal is also to lose 130 pounds. Eating the right proportions and planning my meals is the hardest step for me. Being healthy really is a huge life style change for me.
  • judgejess
    judgejess Posts: 36 Member
    I friended you. Feel free to friend me, too! :)

    I may have written this yesterday, but I've come to the realization that I can't go at this alone.

    WW's group dynamics didn't work for me, perhaps because I was in a room of svelte yoga-mommies--with perfectly coiffed hair and outfits from Sax Fifth Ave-- trying to lose "that last five pounds."
    (I promise I'm not cynical? LOL. Ok, maybe a tad cynical.)

    OA is not currently for me, as I need practical advice on what to do. Believe me, I've prayed to every deity that exists and tried meditation, mindfulness, etc. But I need something more.

    Like you, I think it's important to realize that we're in this journey together, and my hope by joining this group is that we can route for each other, cheer on the successes, and prove a source of comfort when we have a spell away from the goal like a plateau, etc.

    - jess
  • schaaf95
    schaaf95 Posts: 10 Member
    You are correct, those who are only looking to loose 20 lbs or the 5 lbs of vanity weight have no clue the struggles that we have to go through to get healthy. Usually the decision to get healthy is made because of a health issue that pos up sometime in our lives, whether it be a failing kidney, liver, diabetes, high blood pressure, etc. While surgery is an option, it may not be available because the health issues are present. And the "magic pill", been there done that, not a long term solution for us. You have support, those who know what you are going through on this journey, the physical and the mental struggles that will be faced. By the grace of God, I am close to the finish line, but know what you are going through, my journey was not easy. Feel free to friend my and I will support you and anyone else in this group. Success in not based on an individual, but a team.

  • rosebud0509
    rosebud0509 Posts: 5 Member
    I sent you a friend request. Anyone feel free to also add me as well.