Fast Diet Challenge Introductions!

lizz2013 Posts: 331 Member
Introduce yourself and what you are hoping for from the challenge, plus any ideas for how we can make the most out of this.

I've being doing the Fast diet for about 3 months, although I haven't been as strict as I should have been so I really need this to keep me going and to get the most out of it. I'm stuck on around a 10lb loss at the moment. My usual fast days are Monday and Thursday and sometimes I do 3 fast days, if I've got a lot of social events etc (i.e. been a bit of a fatty that week) Hoping for another 67lbs loss and as quickly as possible in a healthy way!


  • Emmy501
    Emmy501 Posts: 33 Member
    Hello. I just started the 5:2 last week. I would like to get menu ideas. Are you working out? My fast days have been Thursday and Sunday. I have not been very good with my food choices the past day or two, ugh. Keep up the good work, Lizz. :smile:
  • mrsmcf
    mrsmcf Posts: 41 Member
    I'm Gina - been on 5:2 for six weeks, down 17 pounds. It's HARD - thought maybe this challenge would help keep me motivated. Would love to be down another 20+ pounds at the end of this challenge.
  • Gianna44
    Gianna44 Posts: 124
    I'm back to MFP after finding this challenge while researching 5:2 and would love to join. I started today and would like to lose about 25 pounds. This seems to be the first thing that has made sense to me in awhile - the idea of counting calories or points everyday overwhelms me, so I'm just going to start by recording the 2 fast days and eating regularly the other 5. If I don't lose by doing this, then I will start counting on the 5 days as well to see if I'm overdoing it.

    Looking forward to getting to know everyone!
  • laserqueen
    laserqueen Posts: 10 Member
    Hello all!

    This is only my second week of following the 5:2 plan. I am very happy to find this group just starting out. I have juice fasted before, so have learned that I can make it through some very hungry times without perishing. I would like to see a good jump start on my weight loss during the three months of this challange. I am still working on enterting food and exercise consistantly....

    Good luck everyone!
  • I've been on 5:2 for about 6 weeks and have lost about 5 pounds. I actually was down 7, but have gained weight back after three weeks of on and off travel. I'm not sure why because I stuck with the program, but it's hard to keep a grip on calories when you eat out a lot. I also think the problem was that I compressed my fast days to accommodate the travel schedule, so I had a string of fast days scheduled every other day, then extended periods of no fast days. I'll be able to follow a regular schedule until the third week in September, so I'll see if my theory is correct. My fast days are Tues and Fri.

    Also, I'm coming to terms with the need to count calories on at least some of the feast days. Sigh. I was so hoping to put that whole practice behind me,

    If I could drop another 20 lbs, I think both my doctor and I would be satisfied. I doubt very much that it is achievable in three months, though -- my weight loss is very slowwww due to my age and a thyroid condition. It took me almost 10 years to lose 20 lbs -- so any downward movement is welcome.

    I also seem to have some hip pain due to subclinical systemic arthritis -- so I'm anxious to see if this plan helps alleviate that pain.
  • auntjenny74
    auntjenny74 Posts: 72 Member
    Hi! Thanks for starting this! I started doing 5:2 in mid-June, did it successfully for a couple weeks and then let life-stress get in the way, ate everything in sight and then gained it all back. This time my husband is loosely doing it with me, so I feel like I have a really good support system. This is my second week of fasting again, and I am already down 5 lbs, much of which is water weight, I am sure.

    I think this go-round, my key to success has been planning everything out well in advance. I have been putting ALL meals into the tracker on the weekend prior, so I am prepared to stick to my plan when the week gets hectic. I would like to lose another 15-20 lbs.
  • heatherk0908
    heatherk0908 Posts: 50 Member
    First week on this diet, my second fast will be tomorrow. My normal fast days will be Mondays and thursdays unless we have something planned that particular week.
    I need to lose another 10-15 pounds to get to my initial goal weight (and then I'll re-evaluate). Would love to get there by the end of this challange! So glad to have found some support!

    If anyone wants to add me, they can. My diary is open to my friends and I log pretty much everything.
  • CynthiaEvans
    CynthiaEvans Posts: 37 Member
    Hello everyone, thank you so much for this challenge! I believe in fasting and know that doing fasts can be very beneficial to the body in ways beyond weight loss. I had deceided a few weeks ago to start a 5:2 plan but had not gotten around to developing my plan. Joining this challenge is a motiviation for me to get started and speed up my weight loss. I love myfitness pal!
  • velocity60
    velocity60 Posts: 83 Member
    I'm Valerie and I'm just joining today ! I'm 52 and found it so much harder to lose , so i'm ready to try 5:2 !:happy:
  • janatarnhem
    janatarnhem Posts: 669 Member
    Hi, I'm Jan

    Just completing my second fast day...woohoo! Want to be able to fast like it is second nature!

    Good luck everyone :flowerforyou:
  • loui1234
    loui1234 Posts: 26 Member
    Hi, I'm Louisa

    I did my first fast on Monday and doing my second tomorrow. Aiming to lose about five kilos to start with (i weigh 63 now) and then see how I feel!
  • KarlaH9801
    KarlaH9801 Posts: 362 Member
    I unintentionally halfway started the 5:2 on monday, when I only consumed 700 something calories. I like the feeling of hunger not taking control of me, but me of it. It made me feel strangely powerful. So I looked up 5:2, and I think it sounds wonderful. I will do my fast days mondays and thursdays as well. Interested to see if this works out....

    Anyways, I am currently 249.2, and looking to be 170ish eventually. I was hoping to be low 240s, high 230s by my birthday on the 20th. It's a long shot, but it really has helped me refocus.

    See, I started off at 301 at Christmastime. I saw my Doc in April, and after some labwork, he wanted to put me on cholesterol meds! At 30 years old! I said forget that, and completely turned my life around. Portion control, healthier choices, occasional indulgence, and moving more became my way of life. And eventually my whole family. Even my sister, my mom-in-law, aunt-in-law, future sis-in-law, and her mom.

    And you know what.....I love it! So......GO 5:2 GROUP! WE CAN DOO IIT!
  • Hi everyone!

    I'm Gabriella, and I've been fluctuating in weight over the last 5 years. I'm 5"7 and I weigh 166 (UK) lbs. I want to weigh 143-147 lbs.

    I've been on diets before, and I've managed to get down to what I want, but I've always gone back up. Usually I haven't crossed the 160 lbs border though, and doing it this time has made me really say that enough is enough.

    So now I've started the 5:2 diet. I began on Monday (5 August) and my 500-days are Tuesdays and Thursdays.

    I'd like some people to help me stay motivated, to comment on things when I've done well, and to help me up if I do less well. But I also want the anonymity of the Internet.

    If you feel like you want to support me (and receive some support back) in my mission, please follow my blog and help me reach, and remain at, my 'happy' weight :)

  • johnna1212
    johnna1212 Posts: 43 Member
    Hi, I just started yesterday. I have to admit I didn't do very well. My hubby is a late night snacker and I followed suit. I did pre- plan my meals and put everything in my food log before i ate it. It was easy to stick to, until "Mr. Bowl of Ice Cream" walked in.

    I am trying to lose 35lbs total. I am down 5. It's just so slow. I do exercise at least 90 minutes a day and I am building a lot of muscle.

    I'm excited about the 5:2 plan. I think Monday and Thursdays will work for me.
  • littlegem65
    littlegem65 Posts: 108 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    My name is Deb. I started MFP in late June and saw something about 5:2 here. It intrigued me, so I went out and bought The Fast Diet book and read it from cover to cover in a day and started my first fast the next day. Dr. Mosley's first fast was for four days and he ate nothing. I figured if he can do that, I certainly can make this diet work for me. He suggests that to make this diet sustainable for the long haul that women eat 500 cal. (and men eat 600) on fast days. I have opted to not eat anything on my fast days because I know that once I start eating that sometimes it is hard to stop. So…I go the whole day not eating anything and go to sleep and wake up the next morning and then weigh myself. I have also fasted two days in a row. I don't always though…it depends on my social schedule for the week. I always fast two days out of every week and sometimes I fast three days. On nonfast days, I eat whatever I like. I also try to stay close to my calorie goal, but have gone over it. I am currently walking 4 miles an hour on M - F.
    I have been on 5:2 since late June. I am in the middle of my 7th week and have lost 20 pounds! I am 48 years old and have hypo-thyroid disease (sluggish metabolism) and am on medication for it. I was diagnosed 5 years ago and have gained 20 pounds in that time. This 5:2 WOE is the only way I have been able to lose weight in that 5 years! I am super pumped about this strategy and welcome anyone who wants to friend me. Please let me know if you are a part of this group if you request me as a friend. Thanks!
  • luvsunshine1
    luvsunshine1 Posts: 878 Member
    Hi all, I'm Cindy and I appreciate your starting this group. I just read about this yesterday and did my first fast day today. Seems to have gone really well. I am trying to find the best way of eating to be the healthiest possible. I would like to gradually lose weight as well. Since I have just started the program, don't have a lot of suggestions but look forward to reading everyone elses.
  • sanjoparolas
    sanjoparolas Posts: 549 Member
    Hi, I'm Sanjo. I started in July after hearing about this from a friend. It seems to make a lot of sense and I feel I can be successful with it. I do some exercise -- body weight circuits and tabatas and walking and yoga poses. I eat mostly vegan because that's what I prefer although in social situations I may not always be super strict. Anyway, nice to meet you all and I wish you success!
  • lonypony
    lonypony Posts: 130 Member
    Hi all, My name is Leonie. I started 5:2 3 weeks ago. I feel great. I lost 2.2kg the very first week. I gained a little the next but probably that was due to me 'stuffing' up one of my fasting days (miscalculated my calories). I am looking forward to my third weigh in on Saturday, and I will measure my waist again too.

    I love the ease of this WOE. I do find I am not over-eating the way I used too, and I am more thoughtful of what I am putting in my mouth. I have tried different recipes and foods to find that they aren't so bad after all (in particular I have never been a beans person!).

    I had a blood test before I started and really the only thing was that my thyroid was very low. My doctor wants me to re-test in 3 months so it will be interesting to see how it goes. All my other readings were in normal range, although I have high BP and would prefer my cholesterol a bit lower. My BMI was 29.

    I love food and cooking and want to get ideas not only for my fasting days but also on the non-fast days. Always wanting something new to try. The other thing I like about this WOE is that on your fast days it is alcohol free. 2/7 for me is great - not that I am a slosh but we nearly always have wine with our dinner. I find now only after three weeks, I have not had wine at all with dinner so far this week! Better and better ...

    I look forward to being a member of some like-minded 5:2ers.

    Cheers, Leonie
  • Pamela_in_Progress
    Pamela_in_Progress Posts: 197 Member
    Hi all! Day 1 for me tomorrow. I joined MFP in April and slowly lost 10 lbs. I haven't had a loss in weight or measure in about 3 weeks and I think it's time I took a different approach. I'm hopeful!
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    Hi Everybody!

    Thanks for starting this group! I'm going to add a spiritual aspect to my 5:2 fasting and will be adding purposeful/intentionally humbling myself with/by prayer, seeking God's Face and "repenting for my MANY sins" as well as meditation and bible reading to this 2 day per week fasting for the next 3 months. My fasting days will be Mondays & Thursdays. I'll do a "Media Fast" (i.e. computer, news, media distractions) on Fridays...from Sundown Friday evenings to sundown Saturday evenings. I'll make this day (Fridays/Saturday) my feasting (on yummy good stuff) and purposeful focusing on God, helping people, and making myself relax and enjoy God, His Word and creation, family and friends and strangers/people and make one day per week and day of PEACE and JOY (God Willing of course).

    I'll do my weigh-ins on Sundays. I'll start my 5:2 fasts tomorrow.

    My main "meals" for this fast will be Almased Protein Powder shakes mixed with Trader Joe's Super Red Drink Powder (ORAC Berry blend), and/or Amazing Grass Triple Grasses (Alfalfa Grass, Wheatgrass, Barley Grass) powder, Barlean's Organic Oils Essential Woman Omega Swirl (is a blend of organic flaxseed and evening primrose oil) and/or Barleans Pina colada or other flavored fish oils, also some type of organic Flavor Extracts (either Coffee, Lemon, Almond, chocolate and more)-,mixed with 1/4 tablespoon of Raw Organics golden ground flaxseed & organic chia seed shakes. these are approximately 250-300 cals each. I'll have two or three of these on my fast days and some fruit or veggies, a salad or homemade veggie broth for lunch mainly or maybe dinner.

    I'm kinda scared--not of failure, but of success...I know it sounds weird to be "fearful" of success, but I'm going for it. I believe doing this, I will release 24-30 pounds--forever. Yikes and no looking back:drinker:

    ETA: I'll use water as my base for my shakes. I've been drinking these weird concoctions and they are surprisingly tasty--the Amazing Grass powder tastes "earthy" but after a couple of days it taste pretty good and with all the stuff I mix in almost taste like a chocolate milk of sorts. The Trader Joe's Super Red Drink powder makes the shake taste sorta like a strawberry milkshake---just FYI.