Day 7: August 7th

Happy Hump Day!

How did your day go?

What did you do for exercise? Break it down for us!

What did you struggle with?

What are your wins for the day?

Did you drink all your water today?

Your challenge today: no BLT's (bite, lick, taste)


  • ariel1116
    ariel1116 Posts: 555 Member
    How did your day go?
    its going really well

    What did you do for exercise? Break it down for us!
    today i did a lot because i was working off my birthday food from yesterday. I did 20mins of turbo jam 45mins of zumba and 1hr of walking the dog. its still early so i might do more

    What did you struggle with?
    It was hard to walk out side because it was so hot outside

    What are your wins for the day?
    pushing through the burn and just remembering that i need to work out a lot to make up for yesterday

    Did you drink all your water today?
    so far i drank 8 cups but its only 5pm so i can drink a lot more b4 bed.
  • valerie91711
    So far my day is going well!!

    I haven't yet exercised, but I plan to after work tonight to relieve some tension!

    So far it has been good, no struggles....yet!!

    I have ate on plan all day :) woo hoo GO ME!!

    So far I have drank 60oz
  • fiveoaks66
    fiveoaks66 Posts: 21 Member
    What did you do for exercise? 3 mile run

    What did you struggle with? Still trying to figure out how to get enough protein- I am aiming for 140-180 g per day. Does anyone know if it is ok to have 2 soy protein shakes a day?

    What are your wins for the day? I was glad to feel sore from my lifting yesterday- even though I only used a set of 5 lb dumbells (the heaviest in the house)

    Did you drink all your water today? Oh, yeah...
  • jadelovesveg
    Happy Hump Day!

    How did your day go? Pretty good

    What did you do for exercise? Break it down for us! Today I took a rest day as I felt a bit sick yesterday so I guess my body needed it!

    What did you struggle with? I ate processed foods - soya bolognese at lunch and soya chunks at dinner. I'm running low on protein shake and trying to boost my intake with other foods, but we had no beans or pulses around! And as I didn't exercise I went 600 calories over my goal!

    What are your wins for the day? I may have not exercised, and I may have eaten a little processed soya protein, but I resisted the urge to make it a cheat day! I said no to fries!

    Did you drink all your water today? Yes! Easy!
  • hawaiiblonde
    Happy Hump Day!

    How did your day go?

    What did you do for exercise? Break it down for us!
    I took a nature walk with the kiddoes- 1hr 17 mins and 3 miles! :)

    What did you struggle with?
    NOTHING! I totally rocked my diet and exercise!

    What are your wins for the day?
    Eating my low calorie home-made pad thai for dinner instead of beer brats and pasta salad!!! Also, getting in my exercise in the beginning of the day so that I dont have to worry about it later!

    Did you drink all your water today?
    Oh yeah! Always!

    Your challenge today: no BLT's (bite, lick, taste) DONE!!!
  • mraychel03
    How did your day go? It went great.

    What did you do for exercise? Break it down for us! 30 Minutes of Softball. Pitching and Catching with the kids. I count it because my heart level stayed at 130. Also I did my Insanity Plyometric Cardio. Not fun or easy and that is about 40 minutes.

    What did you struggle with? Eating all my calories back. I know I have to but sometimes it seems like too much food.

    What are your wins for the day? I burned over 1000 calories. Way good. I got to have microwave popcorn for a snack.

    Did you drink all your water today? I do everyday. It's like I am addicted.

    Your challenge today: no BLT's (bite, lick, taste) I didn't cook the hubby did so that was easy.