
chuckles9189 Posts: 343 Member
that body weight matrix is a little b*tch.

I'm still sore and starting the next workout today.


  • Val_from_OH
    Val_from_OH Posts: 447 Member
    You are not kidding. My jump squats are really hop-squats, and I still limp the next day. I don't get how in Stage 3 workout A is just absolutely brutal, and workout B is kinda easy. I guess the intervals on B are supposed to be challenging, but they don't compare to the body weigh matrix!
  • tartsul
    tartsul Posts: 298 Member
    i have a love/hate relationship with the BWM. i was doing it facing the mirror and i had a hard time keeping my concentration just because it looked funny! my husband also got a kick out of watching me (he comes with me the first time i do a new set of exercises to help me with form). i was dying at the end as well...but that means my muscles are working!
  • chuckles9189
    chuckles9189 Posts: 343 Member
    @jinxed-- I agree! I felt exhausted after workout B, but nothing compared to A. And then in the last stage, with the HIIT after workout B i thought I read the book wrong because that workout was SOOOO exhausting.

    This book is silly. but totally effective.
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    I got an eye full of the body weight matrix thingy when I started looking at Stage 3 yesterday. It looks a lot like Plyometrics from P90X, which I love! We'll see how I love the matrix in a couple of days :laugh:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,221 Member
    I *hated* the BWM. Hated it. I always thought I'd throw it in following work-outs when I didn't feel as "exhausted", but I NEVER HAVE.

    That was a bi-atch, for sure!
  • FootsoreRambler
    FootsoreRambler Posts: 80 Member
    Yup. BWM was eeeviiill. Which means I should probably do it every now and then. Ugh.