need help on why this is happening!!

So i just started upping my calories after going to a nutrionist and finding out my BMR was 1329. She put me on a meal plan of 1200 calories after eating only 800 calories a day minus the one day a week cheat day. After two weeks of eating at 1200 calories I gained. I'm freaking out and my initial loss needs to be 6 pounds more to go!!! I do at least 60 mins cardio for 6 days a week and i don't know what to do!! I'm hoping the scale won't keep going up.


  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Your body needs time to adapt and adjust.

    60 minutes of cardio might be too much on so few calories.
  • Deanna_garnermommy
    Deanna_garnermommy Posts: 118 Member
    Chill with the cardio, do it 2-3 times per week, do some strength training !
  • norcal_yogi
    norcal_yogi Posts: 675 Member
    Chill with the cardio, do it 2-3 times per week, do some strength training !

  • samiebadrie
    do you think less cardio will help with weight loss?
  • AnitraSoto
    AnitraSoto Posts: 725 Member
    Coming from a history of eating only 800 calories a day with an hour of cardio on top of that, you have been way under eating. Even with that increase to 1200 calories a day, you are under eating (especially once factoring in an hour of cardio a day). You never want to net below your BMR (which you say is 1329). You are already netting below your BMR, never mind once you factor in all that cardio...

    When beginning to up your calories, most will experience some fluctuations or gains on the scale. This is totally normal and is part of the process. Have you read the threads tacked to the top of the EM2WL forum? So much valuable info there as far as what to expect and how to proceed.


    Have you figured out your TDEE? You should be eating closer to that number than your BMR.

    And yes, back off on the cardio. Two or three days a week is plenty (preferably HIIT type cardio). All of that cardio is a significant stress on the body, and the body does not react well to stress... Also, you might want to start to incorporate some weight training (although to see any significant muscle gains you will have to be eating a lot more than you are).

    Remember, this is not a fast process, and if you are looking for quick results this is not it. Rather, this is a way to get your metabolism revved back up and eat at a healthy (and sustainable) level. Something you can stick with for life!
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    800 calories is starvation. Based on how much cardio you were doing as well, it is likely you were netting 0 calories. By upping to 1200, your body is still not being fed enough. Your BMR is 1329, which means that is what you should be eating if you were in a coma and the doctors needed to keep your organs functioning. You arent in a coma, so you should be eating well past 1300 cals. I know its going to be hard to think that eating more will help you to lose weight, but it will. As the others have said, drop the cardio. You certainly need a break, and your body does not need 6 hours a week of it. 3 days is enough and something more HIIT based is way better than a standard cardio. So if you are a treadmill junkie, try running/walking segments for 20 minutes.. same on the elliptical.. if you do the bike, try a spin bike and go as fast as you can for 10 seconds, then recover for 10 seconds and do that for as long as you can (which should only be about 15-20 mins)... If you really need to be in the gym 6 days a week, then pick up the barbell and learn to lift weight. Your body will thank you for it.

    Right now, you need to forget about the scale and the weight gains/losses. Right now your goal should be to preserve your muscle and get your metabolism eating again. You have basically starved yourself for way too long and your body's way of fighting back is to hold on to the fat.. Feed it.

    Read through the stickies, get a good understanding of why you need to eat properly and the right amounts..and then give yourself a good 8 weeks before you make any changes.