Beating a nasty Addiction

amandaruff13 Posts: 19 Member
FAST FOOD......Two words I cannot stand! I did horribly today with it because I was on the road for work & very busy so a drive thru was better than starving I guess.....

Every Friday at my work our clients get to go out to eat & to battle this not only for my pocket book but also for my waist line...I made extra of what I had for dinner tonight....

Grilled chicken with fresh mushrooms, onions and bell pepper.....I will also have 1/2 cup of cottage cheese and total it wont even be 300 calories!! It was sooo yummy tonight I cannot wait to have it again tomorrow.

So what do you guys do to combat to the "fast food addiction"?


  • JuantonBliss
    JuantonBliss Posts: 245 Member
    Well I'm a vegetarian so I really don't have that problem; pretty much eliminates just about everything on the menu for me lol HOWEVER! I did just start working at a fast food place today and I'm afraid that I will start snacking on fries and what not just because they will be there and it will set me back, so I sympathize with you there. If I were in your shoes I would do what you plan on doing tomorrow, pack your own lunch and bring it with you. I would recommend doing that with snacks also that way you don't become tempted with doughnuts, etc. that may be in the office. If you want, you could even tell the people not to serve at whatever fast food places you go to lol Also tell your friends this. Tell them to refuse to get you anything from any fast food places. You could be telling yourself "well, I could get a salad blah blah blah" Yes, you could, but the salads are just as bad as a burger.
  • luvchele21
    luvchele21 Posts: 5 Member
    Fast food is always on my mind. I eat it when I'm hungry, I eat it when I'm bored, I eat it out of habit, I eat it because it tastes so good. I do alot of driving all day and its a constant battle with wanting to stop and get something. Especially when its time to pick up the kids. I usually get something while I'm sitting there waiting on them. And now with some places offering $1 drinks, I want to stop and get that. But I know if I do I will end up getting something else. Since starting back on MFP, I HAVE to make sure I make something or eat something before I leave. Today, when I headed out to get the kids, I took an apple and a bottle of water with me because I had just ate lunch. I brought my tablet with me and read Chris Powell's new book on it. It occupied me. It really helped. The fast food addiction is no joke!!!!!
  • BunBun85
    BunBun85 Posts: 246 Member
    I'm really happy to say that I've managed to beat the fast food addiction. I've eaten it occasionally, had one of the local sandwiches in Italy when on vacation, but it really makes me sick. (I have some serious simple carb issues.) I've come to find out though that my cravings for fast food were really just a salt craving. Now when I get the same occasional cravings I will have a handful of peanuts, some pretzel sticks or something else light and healthier to fill in that salt gap. I really like tomato slices, lightly salted, on a thin slice of whole grain bread with low fat mayo and then a thin slice of feta cheese on top.

    Do you want to know something embarrassing though? When I was still living at home, my mum would ask me to pick up dinner from someplace like KFC and I would get an extra family size of potato wedges. I would eat all those potato wedges and throw the box out over this bridge on my drive home. I had calculated that it was just enough time for me to smoke a cigarette (I still smoked at the time.) to cover up the smell on my breath... then I would go home and eat a regular dinner as well. She still doesn't know about it. Fast food addiction is a serious thing and cold turkey is the best way to go.
  • amandaruff13
    amandaruff13 Posts: 19 Member
    Slimmyslim.....I completely understand that!! I use to pick up dinner for my family like at McD's and order an extra chicken sandwich & eat it on the way home then would eat two more McChickens at home, plus a large fry & a diet coke...... I always hid the wrapper under the seat of my car! I just shake my head at my nasty habits...just disgusting and horrible what I was doing to myself!!

    Today I had NO FAST FOOD all day!! It was really hard considering my clients at the group home I work at all went out to eat tonight...UGH! Totally harder than I expected but it will get a little easier as it goes!

    I appreciate you all commenting.... I am glad I am not the only person in this world that has struggled with this. Food is such a hard thing for me to deal with....I dunno how to handle it sometimes, I cant have left overs or even keep the food out after I make my plate at a meal time. I MUST put it away before I ever go sit down or Ill eat more and more till I am sick!!! Cant stand myself when I do that.