
Hey Everyone,

Feeling very disheartened today. Just had some of my husbands family round and yet again no-one has mentioned my weight loss. Considering I cannot tell that I've lost weight when i look in a mirror, or when wearing my clothes as they still don't fit, its really starting to piss me off. If i cant tell and no one is mentioning anything about it then what point is there.

seriously though, 3lb off 2st marker and NO-ONE CAN TELL.:sad: I feel like i just want to give up. Ive been trying so hard to even get to this point and i still have 2st to go until i will be at a happy point and a further 1st to my ultimate goal. :explode: :cry:


  • pennystextiles
    pennystextiles Posts: 45 Member
    Firstly, there is absolutely nothing to be disheartened about! You are fab and have lost nearly 2st! Secondly, I never get comments from family really, especially if you see them often! Sometimes people either do not want to bring the issue up or are ignorant to the issue or possibly jealous at your success. It could be a plethora of things. The only way I knew I was making a difference was I saw one of my colleague who was off on maternity leave who commented that I had lost loads of weight!

    Certainly don't worry about anyone else's opinion but your own, as you are monitoring your success and we can see from the photos how well you are doing. I can see your ticker going up too, mine hasn't budged since I started 30DS! I wish it was going up like yours!! :)
  • ProgressNotPerfection32
    ProgressNotPerfection32 Posts: 1,155 Member

    I understand your frustration. It took time for my family in the beginning also. Don't give up, you have come so far!! Remember, this is about so much more than being skinny, it's about being fit and healthy. You will get there.
  • SaberEsPoder
    SaberEsPoder Posts: 130 Member
    I really needed this thread...I've been working out and changing eating for only a few weeks, but it is SO easy to get discouraged by not seeing visible results! If you work this hard, it should reflect right away, right? Except it is not like studying for a quiz and then going from a D to an A. I have to remember that each pound is 3,500 calories, and that is A LOT of work! A little nervous to start lifting weights because muscle weighs so much more than fat and seeing the number stay the same/go up will be hard, so I'm doing more cardio for a few more weeks first. Progress, thanks so much for the visual :)
  • ProgressNotPerfection32
    ProgressNotPerfection32 Posts: 1,155 Member
    Glad I could help ???? I know how frustrating it is. I've lost 2 lbs in 8 months. But im slimming down because of exercise. Don't let the scale be your only focus. Judge based on measurements, how clothing feels, how you feel physically. Those are all things that matter, more than a number.
  • danirosevoelkel
    danirosevoelkel Posts: 511 Member

    I understand your frustration. It took time for my family in the beginning also. Don't give up, you have come so far!! Remember, this is about so much more than being skinny, it's about being fit and healthy. You will get there.

    I was just going to go and find this exact post! I love it and it keep me motivated. One day they are gonna take a double take and be like, "whoa, when did this all happen." And by then you won't hardly need to hear it because you will know and feel amazing!