Weigh In #1

Slivnfree Posts: 152 Member
Please post your starting weight and your goal weight to be by Halloween.

That way we can have weekly weigh-in every Thursday.


Current Weight: 179lbs
Goal weight by Halloween: 164lbs
Total weight lost so far in Challenge: 0lbs

Remember everyone losses and/or gains weight daily so only worry about your numbers on Thursdays. Don't give up and try your best! Feel free to Add members from this group to keep you motivated!

Good Luck!


  • ilovetoeatsweets
    ilovetoeatsweets Posts: 36 Member
    I try not to weigh myself daily. This drives me crazy and makes me feel that I am not getting anywhere. I will challenge myself to weigh in weekly (I will make it Thursday). I have been getting more active and did 3 days of Zumba this week. I may not be the most agile in the class, but at least I'm spending one less hour on the couch. 15 pounds is almost 10% of my weight now. I truly believe this is doable.

    Current Weight: 197
    Goal weight by Halloween: 182
    Total weight lost so far in Challenge: 3lbs
  • branbury
    branbury Posts: 43 Member
    CW 164 (was down a pound, but put one on and am plateaued)

    GW 149 (that would be my ideal weight, too!)
  • FHowA46
    FHowA46 Posts: 66 Member
    Good idea, so we can all see how each other is doing and motivate each other.

    My CW last wed was: 145lbs
    GW for Halloween: 130lbs

    I'l change my weigh in day to thursday, If I can weight that extra day!
  • Hestion
    Hestion Posts: 740 Member
    My SW was 242 on Thursday just gone.
    GW 227 by Halloween
  • FruitSalad76
    FruitSalad76 Posts: 82 Member
    CW 185
    GW for Halloween 170
    TWL 1 lb
  • danielle2198
    danielle2198 Posts: 18 Member
    Current Weight: 149lbs
    Goal weight by Halloween: 134lbs
    Total weight lost so far in Challenge: 0lbs

    I'd like to lose more than 15, but that's a good, safe, attainable number.
  • Oddwee
    Oddwee Posts: 8
    Current Weight: 167lbs
    Goal weight by Halloween: 152lbs
    Total weight lost so far in Challenge: 0lbs

    I'm excited to get started and have a goal in mind. Good luck to everyone! I know we can all do this. :)
  • Jameson1984
    Jameson1984 Posts: 100 Member
    SW: 190.5
    Challenge GW: 175
    Total lost: 0
  • TheGymGypsy
    TheGymGypsy Posts: 1,023 Member
    I lost a pound this weekend, FINALLY breaking a 3 month plateau!
  • Butterflykisses123
    Butterflykisses123 Posts: 112 Member
    Challenge SW: 158
    Challange GW: 143
  • christie_jean
    christie_jean Posts: 6 Member
    Current weight 143
    Goal weight 128
  • Ariana120689
    Ariana120689 Posts: 85 Member
    Current Weight: 198 lbs
    Goal weight by Halloween: 175 lbs
    Total weight lost so far in Challenge: 0lbs
  • ilovetoeatsweets
    ilovetoeatsweets Posts: 36 Member
    Ok so I weighed in on Thursday. I have gained 2 pounds...I could just say "whatever" or I could tell myself "one more". My choice? I will do more. My motto" Just one more"....Anything. When I'm in zumba, I tell myself to do "one more dance". When walking at night, I tell myself "one more lap". When working with weights "one more set". I know this will all pay off in the end.
  • I'm a little late, but better late than never! :smile:

    Current Weight: 148lbs
    Goal weight by Halloween: 138lbs
    Total weight lost so far in Challenge: 0lbs
  • broox80
    broox80 Posts: 1,195 Member
    Current weight 223
    goal weight for halloween 210