August Goals



  • kgerm317
    kgerm317 Posts: 191 Member
    AUGUST SW (7/26): 184.6
    AUGUST GW (8/30): 179
    I weigh-in every Friday..
    8/2: 187.2
    8/9: 185.2

    8/9: VERY pleased with myself. I lowered my beginning calorie goal, upped my water goal and started the Shred this week. I feel great! I was worried that going back down to a 1200 calorie diet was going to leave me hungry and feeling sluggish. But I am eating back exercise calories, drinking between 8-10 cups of water a day and am feeling great!

    8/10: 30DS L1D5
    8/11: Cleaning (huge manufacturing building that takes 6-7 hours of vigorous cleaning) and some yoga after to stretch and hopefully prevent myself from being too sore to move!
    8/12: 30DS L1D6
    8/13: 30DS L1D7
    8/14: YOGA
    8/15: 30DS L1D8
    8/16: 30DS L1D9
    *Will also be doing a 20 minute walk on my lunch break at least 2-3 days, but I don't know which ones, yet...
  • Cheeky_and_Geeky
    Cheeky_and_Geeky Posts: 984 Member
    AUGUST SW: 160lbs
    AUGUST GW: 155lbs

    8/4: 159lbs
    8/7: 159lbs

    I started MFP last month & lost 8lbs. I expect to lose 5lbs this month. I'm a SAHM but I start working next week! So I'm worried about being able to exercise & eating healthy but I'll be on my feet all day so hopefully that helps. I hope we all meet our goal weight & anymore who is active on MFP & motivated, feel free to add me!

    8/9: 158lbs
    So now I'm 2 lbs down, got 3 to go! Hope everyone accomplishes their goals! (:
  • Cheeky_and_Geeky
    Cheeky_and_Geeky Posts: 984 Member
    AUGUST SW (7/26): 184.6
    AUGUST GW (8/30): 179
    I weigh-in every Friday..
    8/2: 187.2
    8/9: 185.2

    8/9: VERY pleased with myself. I lowered my beginning calorie goal, upped my water goal and started the Shred this week. I feel great! I was worried that going back down to a 1200 calorie diet was going to leave me hungry and feeling sluggish. But I am eating back exercise calories, drinking between 8-10 cups of water a day and am feeling great!

    8/10: 30DS L1D5
    8/11: Cleaning (huge manufacturing building that takes 6-7 hours of vigorous cleaning) and some yoga after to stretch and hopefully prevent myself from being too sore to move!
    8/12: 30DS L1D6
    8/13: 30DS L1D7
    8/14: YOGA
    8/15: 30DS L1D8
    8/16: 30DS L1D9
    *Will also be doing a 20 minute walk on my lunch break at least 2-3 days, but I don't know which ones, yet...

    Great job! Keep it up! Great goals. You can do it!
  • Hollywoodm55
    Hollywoodm55 Posts: 155 Member
    8/5- 130
    8/12- 130

    So my weight stayed the same...:grumble: I just have to stick with it and hope it goes down this week. On the brightside I feel great! I feel firmer, stronger, and more comfortable in my own skin. Best of luck to everyone!
  • suzumichan1
    suzumichan1 Posts: 20 Member

    Sadly I gained. Been eating out way to much! need to cut back and try harder!
  • chandanista
    chandanista Posts: 986 Member
    SW 7/26 : 170.

    8/2: 167.6

    8/9: 165.6

    Two pounds lost...but today I'm donating blood, last time I donated I got really dizzy so in preparation I did a bit of a meat-and-carb reefed the last 2 days. Gained a pound, I stayed within maintenance and granted it isn't fat (more likely it's glycogen restoration) but it's sad how quick it's come on. After my donation today I'll go back to my goal count the next 2 days and see how Friday goes.
  • sturgeonwife
    sturgeonwife Posts: 4 Member
    Here I go again gaining and losing the same 15 pounds over and over. At my high point 190 5 years ago. Since then I am averaging 165 pounds, as soon as I DROP TO 149 I have consistanly let myself relax and all my old habits fall back into place. So here I sit back at 160 pounds again!!!!!!!!!!!

    It starts by allowing myself to drink coffee with sugared creamer of course :).

    MY GOAL FOR THE REST OF AUGUST : No coffee, and hold myself accountable by entering on MFP daily.

    I hope with support from all of you I can finally say goodbye to this roller coaster.
  • Hollywoodm55
    Hollywoodm55 Posts: 155 Member
    Here I go again gaining and losing the same 15 pounds over and over. At my high point 190 5 years ago. Since then I am averaging 165 pounds, as soon as I DROP TO 149 I have consistanly let myself relax and all my old habits fall back into place. So here I sit back at 160 pounds again!!!!!!!!!!!

    It starts by allowing myself to drink coffee with sugared creamer of course :).

    MY GOAL FOR THE REST OF AUGUST : No coffee, and hold myself accountable by entering on MFP daily.

    I hope with support from all of you I can finally say goodbye to this roller coaster.

    I feel the same way! I'm trying not to let myself drift back into that zone of comfort and slack off but I'm scared it will happen! You can do it, good luck!
  • Cheeky_and_Geeky
    Cheeky_and_Geeky Posts: 984 Member
    Here I go again gaining and losing the same 15 pounds over and over. At my high point 190 5 years ago. Since then I am averaging 165 pounds, as soon as I DROP TO 149 I have consistanly let myself relax and all my old habits fall back into place. So here I sit back at 160 pounds again!!!!!!!!!!!

    It starts by allowing myself to drink coffee with sugared creamer of course :).

    MY GOAL FOR THE REST OF AUGUST : No coffee, and hold myself accountable by entering on MFP daily.

    I hope with support from all of you I can finally say goodbye to this roller coaster.

    I'm in a similar situation. My highest has been 185lbs & I'm usually somewhere between 160-170lbs. Last Fall, I got down to 145lbs & of course, stopped logging in to MFP, started sneaking in treats, fast food, etc & after New Years, I was up to 155lbs! I am determined to get down to a healthy BMI (132lbs) & I've got 24lbs left to go! Feel free to add me if you want (:
  • Katiekat1182
    Katiekat1182 Posts: 83 Member
    So I'm a little late to the party, but I think I would like to loose 3 lbs by the end of August. I did really great with MFP before I got pregnant with my second, and have just recently started to get back on track with my eating and exercise. My goal is to work out at least 5 days a week and to log my food everyday (even if I made choices I don't like).
  • kgerm317
    kgerm317 Posts: 191 Member
    AUGUST SW (7/26): 184.6
    AUGUST GW (8/30): 179
    I weigh-in every Friday..
    8/2: 187.2
    8/9: 185.2
    8/16: 186.00

    8/16: Well. WTH. I didn't stray too far off the beaten path. I walked 3 days at lunch, did 3 days of the shred and burned some serious calories Sunday between cleaning and going to the amusement park. My eating wasn't AWESOME but it wasn't AWFUL either. I didn't sleep well a couple of nights, but I thought going to bed early the last few nights was making up for it. Hmmm. A little bummed that things aren't going more my way. But I shall keep on keeping on.

    8/17: 30DS L1D8 (followed by a bunch of errands, a birthday party, then a BBQ at a campground)
    8/18: 30DS L1D9 (followed by yet another birthday party)
    8/19: 30DS L1D10
    8/20: Yoga
    8/21: 30DS L2D1
    8/22: 30DS L2D2
    8/23: 30DS L2D3
    *At least 3 days of walking at lunch; not sure which days yet.
  • Cheeky_and_Geeky
    Cheeky_and_Geeky Posts: 984 Member
    AUGUST SW: 160lbs
    AUGUST GW: 155lbs

    8/4: 159lbs
    8/7: 159lbs
    8/9: 158lbs
    8/16: 156lbs

    I started MFP last month & lost 8lbs. I expect to lose 5lbs this month. I'm a SAHM but I start working next week! So I'm worried about being able to exercise & eating healthy but I'll be on my feet all day so hopefully that helps. I hope we all meet our goal weight & anymore who is active on MFP & motivated, feel free to add me!

    8/9: 158lbs
    So now I'm 2 lbs down, got 3 to go! Hope everyone accomplishes their goals! (:

    2lbs down this week & 1 pound to go til I hit my August goal! Worked out 3 days this week, wanted to workout 4 days but stayed active everyday. Only went over my calories once.
  • chandanista
    chandanista Posts: 986 Member
    SW 7/26 : 170.

    8/2: 167.6

    8/9: 165.6
    8/16: 163.8

    But, the two days since I've been 164.2, so that may have been a low fluctuation.

    We have made the (scary??) decision to homeschool. So, this week and next, my goal is to encourage my daughter to be fit with me. We are going to the rec center together, so she can rock climb (Phys Ed). She will help with healthy meal planning (Home Ec). She's already in tumbling, and already in great shape, but if I'm going to get myself fit and healthy I need to pass it on to her; the schools here certainly won't! Their lunch schedule is ridiculous.

    Anyway. I'm going to aim to eat within calories, and work out while she's tumbling and rock climbing, and see where that takes me. Cheers!
  • kgerm317
    kgerm317 Posts: 191 Member
    SW 7/26 : 170.

    8/2: 167.6

    8/9: 165.6
    8/16: 163.8

    But, the two days since I've been 164.2, so that may have been a low fluctuation.

    We have made the (scary??) decision to homeschool. So, this week and next, my goal is to encourage my daughter to be fit with me. We are going to the rec center together, so she can rock climb (Phys Ed). She will help with healthy meal planning (Home Ec). She's already in tumbling, and already in great shape, but if I'm going to get myself fit and healthy I need to pass it on to her; the schools here certainly won't! Their lunch schedule is ridiculous.

    Anyway. I'm going to aim to eat within calories, and work out while she's tumbling and rock climbing, and see where that takes me. Cheers!

    Great! I wish I could participate in phys ed with you! That sounds fun!!
  • Cheeky_and_Geeky
    Cheeky_and_Geeky Posts: 984 Member
    AUGUST SW: 160lbs
    AUGUST GW: 155lbs

    8/4: 159lbs
    8/7: 159lbs
    8/9: 158lbs
    8/16: 156lbs
    8/23: 154lbs

    I started MFP last month & lost 8lbs. I expect to lose 5lbs this month. I'm a SAHM but I start working next week! So I'm worried about being able to exercise & eating healthy but I'll be on my feet all day so hopefully that helps. I hope we all meet our goal weight & anymore who is active on MFP & motivated, feel free to add me!

    8/9: 158lbs
    So now I'm 2 lbs down, got 3 to go! Hope everyone accomplishes their goals! (:

    2lbs down this week & 1 pound to go til I hit my August goal! Worked out 3 days this week, wanted to workout 4 days but stayed active everyday. Only went over my calories once.

    I've lost 6lbs this month. My goal was 155lbs & I've surpassed that by a pound. My goal for the rest of the month is to workout 3X week.
  • chandanista
    chandanista Posts: 986 Member
    Congrats Alexluevano19! I'm glad you've met your goal!!

    As for my goals....
    SW 7/26 : 170
    8/2: 167.6
    8/9: 165.6
    8/16: 163.8
    8/23: 162.8
    ...I'm there too!

    I love the successes in this thread!
  • Hollywoodm55
    Hollywoodm55 Posts: 155 Member
    8/5- 130
    8/12- 130
    8/23- 132

    So my weight stayed the same...:grumble: I just have to stick with it and hope it goes down this week. On the brightside I feel great! I feel firmer, stronger, and more comfortable in my own skin. Best of luck to everyone!

    So my weight has gone up! I feel great so I'm not upset about it and I have progressed in my weights so I'm excited about that! I can see muscles!

    Congrats to everyone meeting their goals!
  • Cheeky_and_Geeky
    Cheeky_and_Geeky Posts: 984 Member
    Congrats Alexluevano19! I'm glad you've met your goal!!

    As for my goals....
    SW 7/26 : 170
    8/2: 167.6
    8/9: 165.6
    8/16: 163.8
    8/23: 162.8
    ...I'm there too!

    I love the successes in this thread!

    Thank you! You're doing great too! I'm proud of all yall (:
  • chandanista
    chandanista Posts: 986 Member
    Last check in tomorrow! Who's excited??

    We should do this again in September, it's pretty inspiring!
  • chandanista
    chandanista Posts: 986 Member
    SW 7/26 : 170
    8/2: 167.6
    8/9: 165.6
    8/16: 163.8
    8/23: 162.8

    8/30/13, final weight log: Well I am splitting the difference, I was 162 the last 2 days and today I weighed at 161 so I'm going with 161.6 to be safe.

    Eight pounds in a month. I am EXSTATIC.

    How did all you lovely women do??