Exercising while feeling extremely tired

I started Jillian Michael's 30 day shred on Monday, and she is really kicking my butt! I have felt pretty good, but the last two days my 8 1/2 mo. old son has been waking up 3-4 times in the night. I usually nurse him once around 3 am, but I do not know why he continues to wake up. Any ideas on how to not feel so tired? Sometimes I can catch a nap during the day, but I also have a 3 yr. old so between him napping after lunch, and the baby napping in the morning and afternoon, I do not always have that luxury. Thoughts or ideas?


  • amanda_lessofme
    amanda_lessofme Posts: 26 Member
    No answers, just commiseration. My six month old wakes to eat three times a night on a regular basis. For the third, early morning, feed, I pull her into bed with us, and she drinks off and on at will for two hours till I finally wake up at 7. I'm exhausted. Would love to know the magic answer to your question. ;)
  • ks4e
    ks4e Posts: 374 Member
    The shred is hard to do when extremely tired! I haven't been able to do a full 30 days straight of it, so I take the necessary breaks while still staying active with walks, runs, etc. It's amazing how exercise can wake you up.

    That being said...I do rely on coffee.