The hardest part.

which part of your workout gives you the most trouble. im lv1 of 30ds and the second set of push ups absolutely destroy me. i just about manage the first 20 but when we drop back into them i manage about 4 then collapse.


  • pennystextiles
    pennystextiles Posts: 45 Member
    The anterior raises and legs right at the end of level 1! I think my weights are too heavy and I have to put them down near the end, actually I just weighed them as they are adjustable (my other halves) the bar alone weighs 2kg and I have 1kg weights on there. They weigh 6.6lbs, oh my life I didn't realise, I wondered why it hurt so much at the end!! On the plus side my muscles are certainly bigger and more toned already!!
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    The front raises with the side lunge. I am very bad a any lunges at all but add in the front raise and I'm pretty much like a new born foal. All over the place.
    Hopefully this will be the thing that will get better soon doing this.
  • ProgressNotPerfection32
    ProgressNotPerfection32 Posts: 1,155 Member
    Dear I have 3 lb weights. Go light at first and work yourself up. I used 5 lb and half thru day 1 I went to 3 lb

    Hardest for me is oddly the butt kicks and jump rope. Also the bicycle crunch at the end hurts my thighs. The rest I can ALMOST do 100%. Damn cardio. Thought it would be easier since I run. Nope.
  • danirosevoelkel
    danirosevoelkel Posts: 511 Member
    I have a few moments of weakness areas.

    Those dang pushups -I'm a girl yes, but still can't do girlie push ups for nothing!

    Those bicycle crunches at the end!!! It seems like they NEVER end!

    Oh and those arm raises with the side lunge are killer with my 3 lb weights are impossible for me so I now hold one weight with both hands and it still gives me a good work out.
  • ProgressNotPerfection32
    ProgressNotPerfection32 Posts: 1,155 Member
    We all seem to have troubles with the same things!
  • Tam2oh
    Tam2oh Posts: 27
    Static lunges! I started doing walking lunges during that segment. Idk why they are easier for me. I seem to be able to get into a deeper lunge that way and my knees don't hate me!
  • danirosevoelkel
    danirosevoelkel Posts: 511 Member
    Which are the static? are those the ones where you have to dip down kind of and then do a bicep curl?
  • GlitterMamma11
    GlitterMamma11 Posts: 143 Member
    Shoulder raises. Ugh. I'm so sore today I'm trying to decide it I should use a lighter weight.
  • Tam2oh
    Tam2oh Posts: 27
    Which are the static? are those the ones where you have to dip down kind of and then do a bicep curl?

    Yes, the ones with the bicep curl are the ones I call static. When I do her dvd, I have it on music only, so I don't know what she calls them, lol.
  • danirosevoelkel
    danirosevoelkel Posts: 511 Member
    Shoulder raises. Ugh. I'm so sore today I'm trying to decide it I should use a lighter weight.

    I had to use a lower weight for these and it helped so much.
  • danirosevoelkel
    danirosevoelkel Posts: 511 Member
    Which are the static? are those the ones where you have to dip down kind of and then do a bicep curl?

    Yes, the ones with the bicep curl are the ones I call static. When I do her dvd, I have it on music only, so I don't know what she calls them, lol.

    Ah okay, I listen to my ipod the whole time. Those are rough on my knees.
  • ryanndavignon
    ryanndavignon Posts: 86 Member
    The side lunges are the hardest for me. I do not know why either, but I just cannot seem to get it right. I have been using 3lb weights since I started (I'm on day 5 now) but my arms and my sides from my armpit to the bottom of my ribs were so sore, it hurt to breathe. But I'm a lot better today and ready for my next work out!
  • mrshallewell
    im in level 2 now and i have to say she hasnt half stepped it up. day 6 today if my knee can manage it and i think the hardest part (un injured) is the chair squat with the v lift. its MURDER on my arms. Plank moves are very hard too though
  • sealevels
    sealevels Posts: 123
    I HATE the anterior raises. And for some reason, even after doing the workout 7 times, the first circuit is always murder for me. The pushups are the only okay part of the circuit...I do them the girly way.
  • ProgressNotPerfection32
    ProgressNotPerfection32 Posts: 1,155 Member
    I HATE the anterior raises. And for some reason, even after doing the workout 7 times, the first circuit is always murder for me. The pushups are the only okay part of the circuit...I do them the girly way.

    Yea, getting through that first circuit can be murder. Maybe because we aren't really warmed up yet? I find it easier to do the DVD after my run.
  • LorienCoffeeBean
    LorienCoffeeBean Posts: 227 Member
    level one, the first circuit of cardio :( the jumping jacks and skipping. it hurts my knee, kills the backs of my legs, and makes me pee. ya, TMI but anyone else that's had a bunch of kids im sure can relate. i have a very hard time getting through it. the rest of the workout i can handle. my squats are getting better already after only 5 days!

    when i really cant do the jacks and skipping any longer i switch to butt kicks for a couple seconds and i modify the skipping by alternating legs and bring my knees up (does that make sense?) i try to go back to the proper move as soon as i can. i figure im still moving at the same pace so it should still be ok? thoughts on that??
  • LorienCoffeeBean
    LorienCoffeeBean Posts: 227 Member
    The side lunges are the hardest for me. I do not know why either, but I just cannot seem to get it right. I have been using 3lb weights since I started (I'm on day 5 now) but my arms and my sides from my armpit to the bottom of my ribs were so sore, it hurt to breathe. But I'm a lot better today and ready for my next work out!

    make sure you are sticking your butt out. its easy to do lunges incorrectly.
  • danirosevoelkel
    danirosevoelkel Posts: 511 Member
    level one, the first circuit of cardio :( the jumping jacks and skipping. it hurts my knee, kills the backs of my legs, and makes me pee. ya, TMI but anyone else that's had a bunch of kids im sure can relate. i have a very hard time getting through it. the rest of the workout i can handle. my squats are getting better already after only 5 days!

    when i really cant do the jacks and skipping any longer i switch to butt kicks for a couple seconds and i modify the skipping by alternating legs and bring my knees up (does that make sense?) i try to go back to the proper move as soon as i can. i figure im still moving at the same pace so it should still be ok? thoughts on that??

    I've heard of a lot of people alternating different cardio moves so I'm sure it's fine. Jillian even says that the punches are a great way to get your heart rate up if you have any sort of lower body injury. Great that the squats are coming along! I can squat and lunge for days but have zero upper arm strength, push ups destroy me and sometimes, my confidence too :(
  • LorienCoffeeBean
    LorienCoffeeBean Posts: 227 Member
    i have no upper body strength either. each day im finding the push ups a bit easier though.
  • cassienoe
    cassienoe Posts: 126 Member
    Yup the side lunge move as well as the pushups. I did get through the first set of push ups doing "big girl" pushups but the 2nd set dropped the knees.

    Also the first set of crunches where you're working the lower belly pooch...I have a yoga mat on my hardwood floor but it still hurts my spine. Not enough cushion.