That is how I feel when I look at myself in the mirror. I am Jack Nicholson yelling at myself. I don't log my food because I cant handle the truth... I know that I should... why don't I.... Because I don't want to face the truth of what I am eating... It is redicoulous because I am hiding from myself!...I was consistent in the past and would log everything. Then I fell off and I am pretty sure I fell of because one day I had a bad day and didn't want my bad day staring back at me... You know even though you are the only one that sees your log (I keep mine private) it still is a major reality check I mean you won't eat something when you know you have to log it and it will count against your calories and I get that is the point of logging but shoot... I want a snack gosh darnit and maybe two! LOL...Ugh the shame... SO today I am going to try and get back on this wagon and log... No excuses... Hopefully :sad:


  • mrob04
    mrob04 Posts: 88 Member
    I totally understand what your saying!!!!! Seriously I think the SAME THINGS!!!!!! And even thought I know what it takes to loose the weight it like Id rather just make excuses as to why Im not loosing! Its terrible and makes me feel terrible!!!!!!
  • SweetTea111104
    SweetTea111104 Posts: 338 Member
    Oh my goodness! That is exactly the way that I feel. I tell my students all the time.. when you know better you have to do better... Ummmm (looking myself in the mirror) "that goes for you too lady!" I so know that logging will help me loose weight.. I know that being hungry is not the end of the world (even though it feels like it)... I know these things and yet I still sabotage myself. I swear I have like some sort of condition or something. I told my husband that I have an addiction but he said whatever!! LOl
  • a_lynn_white
    a_lynn_white Posts: 33 Member
    I am just getting back on the wagon today too.......I was lucky and only gained a pound back over the summer....but I was not logging, not exercising and eating most of what I wanted to. I am lucky I don't have more to make up than the one pound. My theory was, "If I'm not going to do it all the way, I'm not going to do it at all." While that may not be the best motto to go by, it's what I was doing. So here we go again, and good luck to all!
  • yari0525
    hello everyone. My name is Yadira and for what I see we all doing the same. I am 43 and in need of loosing 60+. I will stay on track and loose 5 and gained 7. Is very hard but I'm very ready to stop the yo'yo and stay on track. i feel very bad about my gain weight, I too look in the mirror and don't like what I see. I let my self go to please my ex husband and now I'm alone and fighting to get this weight off. I have the tendency to start-stop and start again. i need help :(
  • faith_76
    faith_76 Posts: 199 Member
    Me too! I haven't logged in so long...
  • DesignerJojo
    DesignerJojo Posts: 17 Member
    Oh this is soooo my roller coaster too! Over the last few months I have done the same thing...log in to MFP but not log my food...or I will start each day and not finish because though I started with the best of intentions, I finished poorly. The scale has said the same thing for months now and I keep making excuses about why it isn't moving, but the truth is I am eating like crap. Also the day I learned about eating back my exercise calories was the end of my my head I have been allowing myself to snack because hey I burned 675 calories this morning so I have the flexibility to do that right...not. Finally last week I logged a couple of those days just to give myself the real truth, and wow...I ate back those exercise calories times 2 or more...crazy eye opener for me, and yes I was totally lying to myself. So like many my 'diet' starts Monday (today).
    The goal is to be real and true to myself and not fake my effort any longer.
    Thanks to the OP for posting this's a good one and very timely for me.

    Good luck to all in your journey.
  • nikky31
    nikky31 Posts: 63 Member
    That is exactly how I am! Starting the day eating well then its like downhill from there! I'll eat good for lunch then snack snack snack snack all the way up to dinner. I have started to control it better by stopping and thinking am I really hungry? Or I will go do something and realize it was really afternoon boredom taking control of my appetite. lol but everyday is a new day to take control :smile:
  • SweetTea111104
    SweetTea111104 Posts: 338 Member
    So how are we doing ladies!? I logged today and it was hard lol. But it is so telling. It controls you from grazing. Which is my nemesis!!! So I was hungry a little while after lunch. So I hopped on the tread mill and burned 275 calories so I could eat more later! Lol how crazy does that sound!? But hey I mean my gluttony encouraged me to excercises. The irony? Lol. I am a mess and I know it!
  • DesignerJojo
    DesignerJojo Posts: 17 Member
    My day ended all came down to me and a baguette...the baguette won...curses! Tomorrow is a new day.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    Sweettea, I also excercise so I can eat if I want to...those extra cals are back up for the just in case :-D

    ALTHOUGH yesterday I had 440 cals left cos I did so much exercising..great you say? no!! cos at bedtime hubby and I tucked into sausages and chips - shared from the takeaway, so all my 440 extra cals were gone and then some!! it is a bit of a self sabotage thing and not actually what I normally do but we've alot of stress going on with family issues right now and its making us eat differently!! I'll be the one with the sad face come Friday and the scales are showing a gain! :(
  • SweetTea111104
    SweetTea111104 Posts: 338 Member
    You know I always look at it as at it as a step in the right direction that we are at least conscious of what we are eating and the fact that we went "over". You know before I had no concept as to how many calories were in some things and how quickly calories added up from this and that. I know we may not be completely as disciplined as we should be but we are at least awake and know that we may be making a decision we are probably going to have to pay for later. I know that I used to and so many people around me currently are so oblivious to what they are eating.. They just eat with no thought into it... Thinking about what you are eating I think is a huge step... the next step is thinking about it and not eating it... I don't think I have got there yet! LOL
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    You're so right, I had no concept either about what cals was in what before!! I reckon before MFP I was easily eating 2500/day!
    and now I stress if I eat over 1500! doh! but its good to be aware - we are re-educating ourselves and I don't know about you but I can pretty much guess the amount of calories in anything now, I always over estimate to be on the safe side too :)

    We can do this!! we are going to be much fitter and healthier and we are going to get to goal!
  • teamjojo1971
    teamjojo1971 Posts: 12 Member
    I am just figuring this logging and Groups and stuff out. I came back to the site on Friday(August 9, 2013) and I have been logging my food religiously, even the food I do not want to see added up. I had one day which was Monday (August 12,2013) that had my highest numbers and WOW I definately went over. lol:laugh: but I am o.k. with it because it is about learning for me. I believe that whether it is good or bad I need to write it down so I know what are my downfalls. I am hoping I am finally on the right track.