New Here!:)

Hey everyone! I'm new to the group. I am 19 and have been a binge eater for the past 3 years. It started as border line anorexia and now I am on the opposite side of the spectrum. I can't control how much I eat once I start. I have been to several doctors and no one has been able to help me. The only help/advice I get is to eat healthy. I know I have to do that, but what people most people don't understand is that it is not that easy for a binge eater.
I guess I am just looking for some advice that helps some of you all. I am going off to college and don't want to have to deal with this. What should I do???


  • EllieYuruker
    EllieYuruker Posts: 54 Member
    There is loads of self help websites but im having the same problem as you trying to get help but am on "waiting lists" all the time x