Following the Eating Plan.

mdivamuffin Posts: 164 Member
I'm a vegetarian and think I'm going to find it hard to follow the eating plan and to get all the protein I need. Has anyone seen results without eating all that protein? And is it absolutely necessary to drink the protein shakes, the whey protein. I really don't like eating so much processed/artificial stuff.

Thanks for replies :smile:


  • BreMurie
    BreMurie Posts: 50 Member
    The New Rules of Lifting for Women has a facebook page and the writer commented on there that they have since changed their stance on protein, they no longer believe that the timing of the protein or how you get the protein is as important. So if you prefer to eat eggs but still get the protein you should be okay.
  • mdivamuffin
    mdivamuffin Posts: 164 Member
    Thanks for your reply!
    So it's no longer necessary to drink the protein shakes after each workout like they say in the book? That's great, takes some pressure off.
    But are they still advising we eat 150g of protein a day?
  • BreMurie
    BreMurie Posts: 50 Member
    I think so, he didn't say anything about that on the fb page, someone had posted asking about the protein shakes after the workout and he said that they've researched it more and it doesn't matter! I was also happy to see that :)
  • mdivamuffin
    mdivamuffin Posts: 164 Member
    Great thanks for the info.
    Do you have a link to the fb page where he posts?
    Thanks again :smile:
  • BreMurie
    BreMurie Posts: 50 Member
    Great thanks for the info.
    Do you have a link to the fb page where he posts?
    Thanks again :smile:

    This is the FB page, it looks like its regarding all of the NROL books.
  • suzmedder
    suzmedder Posts: 49 Member

    So glad I have seen this, I was about to go out and buy some tubs of protein powder, so perhaps now I won't, might get some bars instead though and up my intake of eggs and fresh meat on lift days!!

    Thanks again BreMurie :)
  • mrs_jorgenson
    mrs_jorgenson Posts: 10 Member
    I really don't like drinking or eating super processed food, either. Have you tried kefir? Its like a drinkable yogurt, probiotic drink (they sell at Whole foods, Trader Joes, etc). A cup of nonfat kefir has 120 calories and 16 grams of protein! I think its a life saver for an after lift snack.
  • mdivamuffin
    mdivamuffin Posts: 164 Member
    Thanks for the tip :-)

    I live in Ireland, I wonder if they sell it here