Hello Friends!
Back at it - I was on a biking holiday with friends all last week and then my son's soccer tournament this past weekend. Am quite sure I haven't lost, but have hopefully maintained. Looking forward to tomorrow.

I have to say that without this group, this is the time I would have gone off track. You are all motivating me, whether you know it or not!

See you tomorrow!


  • gwangjujulie
    SW: 204.5

    LW: 198.8

    TW: 194.9

    Yes! :happy: :happy: :happy:

    This is the lightest I've been since I ran the Seoul marathon in 2011! I've been 89kg (196lbs) since Wednesday - my 2lbs fat loss from the biking that didnt show up last Tuesday - I dont know what caused the additional 0.6kg to come off since yesterday morning, but I like it....and hope it decides to stay gone!

    Sounds like you had a busy fun week blam :smile:
  • ECTexan
    ECTexan Posts: 195 Member
    SW: 257
    LW: 230
    CW: 228

    -2. Yeah! Haven't been this low in a long time either :)
  • blam
    blam Posts: 110
    Nice work both of you!!!! I'm up a pound to 229 - feeling totally like this is where I fall off the wagon. My interest starts to wane and I 'give in' to my bad habits. I'm also on vacation next week - so very challenging for timing.

    It looks like others are feeling the same way - reflective of the number of posts here!!! I'm going to stick with it though - and try to get some people posting again. (suggestions are welcome!).

    Keep up the fantastic work - you two are very motivating, and you must feel GREAT!
  • zacksnana
    zacksnana Posts: 3,230 Member
    Start weight. 193.8

    Last week 184.7

    This week. 188

    Well my vegas vacation was bad on keeping off last weeks loss but i am happy that it was not more!!!

    Back on track and hope for a loss next week!
  • Diamond05
    Diamond05 Posts: 475 Member
    Saw your call in my friends feed... Even though I really don't feel like posting it ( don't like facing the uggly truth), I decided to be a grown woman and deal with what I've done...

    SW: 232.4 or 6

    LW: 216.2

    CW: 220.2:sad:

    What a slap in the face! Maybe I needed it to get it back together! Last friday I was at 214 and yesterday I was at 221.8! Yeah, apparentely I can still go up by 8 pounds in 3 days... Gosh I ate like a gluton, I couldn't expect anything else. I know it's not all actual pounds, lots of water retention but in 8 pounds I'm sure there's at least a real gain of 2 pounds... I hope this really puts me back on track, I've been doing a poor job lately.... I'm having an hard time accepting I jumped back in the 20s... I'm suppose to go down, not up! My goal of one-derland in September is definately out the window... I'm shooting for October and I promise myself that next Tuesday I will be here with a loss! I'd love to come back with 214... Well, we will see!

    For you Blam, what are you doing to lose the weight? If you're not getting results something definately needs to change. Maybe you're eating too little? Too much? I know cutting carbs like rice, potatoes, pastas, white bread and limit my sugar intake works wonder for me. I I would suggest more if I knew a bit more about what you are doing :smile:
  • blam
    blam Posts: 110
    zacksnana - you have come sooooo far, and are in the 180's!!! way to go :0)

    Diamond05 - I'm trying to take a moderate approach out of fear of losing lots quickly and then not being able to maintain. Obviously this is not working and I need to step up. The problem is time - I work full time and three out of five days have a one and a half hour commute each way. My kids are 8 & 9, and need to be shuttled back and forth to camp, my son has multiple severe food allergies (to eggs and nuts - which I don't like to have in the house which also seem to be a basis for many diets), both kids are in sports and my husband can eat whatever he likes and doesn't gain weight. These are all excuses - but I always seem to feel like I should be doing something else or being somewhere else and therefore not taking the time to meal plan for myself. Also, on my days in the office, I leave at 5:30am and don't make lunch, so end up eating at the cafeteria. I'm home by supper time and throwing something together for everyone (the thought of making something separate is overwhelming). I'm hopeful that the kids going to school will normalize the schedule a bit - but I'll likely come up with more excuses. Feeling frustrated and grumpy :(
  • gwangjujulie
    Nice work both of you!!!! I'm up a pound to 229 - feeling totally like this is where I fall off the wagon. My interest starts to wane and I 'give in' to my bad habits. I'm also on vacation next week - so very challenging for timing.

    Blam if it helps at you said you were spending a few days biking last week, I was the week before and also gained a lb. It feels really unfair but dont let it throw you off, some of the extra will be your muscles retaining water to protect/repair themselves. I came back this week with a good loss because the water had sorted its self out and the fat loss registered.

    Small steps are the way forward x