What Makes You Eat More Than You Should?

MORECHABLIS Posts: 164 Member
When you're on a diet or not, what are the triggers that make you eat too much, or have a binge? Boredom? Stress? Not Enough Sex? Cold Weather? Feeling weak/light headed?


  • ursiestar
    ursiestar Posts: 45 Member
    Two things for me, stress and boredom :0))
  • JustMeee333
    Boredom, and feeling emotional in any way (Good, and bad)
  • Patrick0321
    Patrick0321 Posts: 102 Member
    Boredom and drink
  • 127saz
    127saz Posts: 25 Member
    definitely if stressed, tired, emotional and bored - unfortunately most things make me over eat!
  • honsi
    honsi Posts: 210 Member
    Socialising with friends and family, which usually involves lots of food and drink.
    Ive managed to shake off the eating when stressed / bored/ emotional pattern that I used to be in which is a relief.
    MORECHABLIS Posts: 164 Member
    My main triggers for over eating or drinking are; Boredom on some evenings To tired 'to do anything', but wanting to do something... Plus not enough sex... and Stress on occasions for comfort eating/drinking...

    Its trying to 'get through these periods' and through the other side without over eating/drinking...
  • Kaali1985
    Kaali1985 Posts: 41 Member
    Not enough sex=bad mood=eating crap.
    Time of month (chocolate)

    I'm a bit crap really.....lol. :p
  • ingeh
    ingeh Posts: 513 Member
    for me its when Im bored and the kids are quiet and dont need me for anything. I feel at a loss for things to do then decide Im hungry when Im not, Im just looking for something to do. Before kids when I worked 5 days a week I never snacked and ate three times a day and was fine at keeping in my calorie allowance. Im waiting on my other half to get a day hour job instead of day/nights shifts so I can get an evening job then hopefully Il be too busy all day and evening to eat junk!
    BEEUK Posts: 113
    Boredom, and feeling emotional in any way (Good, and bad)


    I hate parties and gatherings where there is a buffet, you just 'pick at' bits too as you don't realise what you're munching.
  • linzijoy
    linzijoy Posts: 109 Member
    Boredom, and feeling emotional in any way (Good, and bad)


    I hate parties and gatherings where there is a buffet, you just 'pick at' bits too as you don't realise what you're munching.

    Yep, being tired / stressed / bored for me and also buffet & "picky" food situations - all mindless eating!
  • harley1968
    harley1968 Posts: 218 Member
    Anything can make me overeat....boredom, bad mood, stress.....
  • ChristyJade
    ChristyJade Posts: 186 Member
    HANGOVERS! haha I'll eat all day when hungover....

    Also tend to eat unnecessarily when I'm tired...My willpower has improved recently so don't tend to eat when bored anymore :)
  • kiekie
    kiekie Posts: 289 Member
    I tend to overeat or, most often, make terrible food choices when I'm tired, stressed, procrastinating on something or when I'm so busy tending to the kid and husband's food/needs (my daughter has allergies so I'm always preparing different meals), that I just need to scoff a bit of toast to keep me going.

    Hot buttered toast is my weakness.
    BEEUK Posts: 113
    HANGOVERS! haha I'll eat all day when hungover....

    Also tend to eat unnecessarily when I'm tired...My willpower has improved recently so don't tend to eat when bored anymore :)

  • iwannabeonthebeach
    iwannabeonthebeach Posts: 146 Member
    Boredom, gets me every time. And I can't have a glass of wine without nibbles, even if I'm going to have something to eat imminently. My excuse is that I'm stopping the alcohol going to my head.
  • runningcat76
    drinking leads me to over eat. I tend to have 1 glass of wine on a Saturday then go mad and have more wine... and chocolate... and more chocolate!!
  • spg71
    spg71 Posts: 179 Member
    Any restaurant would fit the bill. Or walking into a MacDonalds with biker buddies and watching them feast on evil dirge. Im sorry but the chicken selects are nice !!!!!!
  • Bella_Figura
    Bella_Figura Posts: 4,086 Member
    Social situations, especially those involving buffets, are my biggest trigger. I now tend to eat before I go out and stick religiously just to crudités and fresh fruit from the buffet, telling myself everything else is off limits for me. I avoid alcohol for the same reason, as it lowers my resolve and willpower.

    Stress and anxiety - especially in relation to my hubby's health crises - used to trigger poor eating for me, but I've developed coping strategies to deal with that trigger now, so it's no longer such a derailing event for me.

    First time I've ever heard someone cite insufficient sex as a trigger for overeating! ;-)
  • ChristyJade
    ChristyJade Posts: 186 Member
    Any restaurant would fit the bill. Or walking into a MacDonalds with biker buddies and watching them feast on evil dirge. Im sorry but the chicken selects are nice !!!!!!

    I. LOVE. CHICKEN SELECTS! I could eat them all day, hence why I never ever go to maccies anymore haha
  • LilMissDB
    LilMissDB Posts: 133
    Cravings. Not necessarily for a particular food, usually just for a LOT of food - enter binge. I've not binged in ages though which I guess is a good thing.

    Other than that, being busy/lazy - when I had a 1.5hr commute each way from work, if I'd had a really crappy day, the last thing I wanted to do was cook when I got home and most of the time I wanted comfort food!

    Also travelling (especially because I tend to get motion sick if I'm hungry) and social situations.