How many Carbs do you eat a day?



  • tamsin66
    tamsin66 Posts: 10
    My nutritionist gave me a goal of 160 but my diabetic care manager gave me more carbs to play with. I don't know if the right hand is talking to the left. After reading these posts, I think my carb intake is too high. I would like to reduce a bit and see how my sugar reflects that reduction.

    Anyone here have any good suggestions for bread that's not too carb-ridden? I work a lot. I eat a lot of salads, but I also need a sandwich here and there to break up the monotony.
  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    @ tamsin66

    After going through a massive personal rebellion with my carb restriction, and pinning it down to the "summer foods" the family likes to eat, I finally had someone give me a wonderful recipe for a quick, low carb/ high protein bread.

    1 tbs butter
    1 whole egg
    1 scoop of protein powder (for more of a desert/breakfast flavor unless you can find a good, non flavored powder)
    1 tsp baking soda (if you want - it helps it rise a bit more)

    Melt the butter in a DISH - like one of the glass storage bowls (I like to use the 2 - 3 cup size range)
    stir in the other ingredients
    nuke on high for about a minute or until it rises.

    For my actual "breads" I've taken to replacing the scoop of protein powder with about a half cup of ground flax seed. (Almond flour will serve as well, it's just so expensive here! The ground flax seed I find at Walmart in the cereal isle near the health nut granola type cereals.) It comes out a LOT heavier and denser because the flax doesn't absorb the egg and butter as well, but it makes a wonderful bread. Once you pop it out of the dish, and give it a couple of minutes to cool, just slice in half for 2 round pieces of "bread".

    These two things have really helped me get my carb rebellion knocked down, and things back under control.
  • Lizzym911
    Lizzym911 Posts: 301 Member
    I try and stay under 150 and i usually do and im doing great on BG with that.
  • KenSmith108
    KenSmith108 Posts: 1,966 Member
    My dietician wants me at 60 grams each meal. So far, I have failed her... I just can't get there without losing control. Plus, I cannot consume grains, and I am not a great fan of the potato... It seems difficult to get 60 grams from vegetables.

    To answer the question, my best days are about 30 grams.

    I can do 30 grams a meal for about 6 to 8 months, lose a bunch of weight, then have such carb cravings I lose control of the diet, my sugar control, everything.

    This time around my doctor wants me on the plate method. 1800 to 2000 calories.
    2 starch, 1 milk, 1 fruit, 4 oz protein, all the veges i want.

    3 small snacks if I want them 1 starch, 1 protein

    Hopefully I'll do better this time around.
  • jaygreen55
    jaygreen55 Posts: 315 Member
    Unlike most of the people in this group I am not on a low carb regimen. I prefer instead to burn off the carbs I eat through an intense exercise regimen. I average around 45 percent of my calories from carbohydrate and depending on how much exercise I do I eat between 1800 (rest days) and 3500 (endurance training days) calories a day which means between 200 and 400 grams of carbohydrates a day.

    My A1C has been running between 5.7 and 5.9 for years and after 24 years with diabetes I have absolutely no signs of any diabetic complications and according to the cardiologist who administered my last stress test I have the aerobic capacity of a 25 year old athlete so it works for me
  • bdubya55
    bdubya55 Posts: 506 Member
    Using basal (background) and bolus (fast-acting) insulin therapies I've set my target to 150 and pretty much stayed within this range since my start date. Now that I've reached my weight loss goal, I'll be slowly increasing my calorie and carb intake in small increments, transitioning to a phase of maintenance, thus an increase in carbs, giving myself a new target of 180-200 per day max including snacks.

    To that end I'm of the school, insulin isn't a license to drive the carb-mobile like a maniac, so moving forward I'll continue avoiding the usual suspects that spike us and add more veggies and proteins with an occasional treat thrown in now and then.

    This thread has been an interesting read so far, and I appreciate the opportunity to learn from everyone sharing their experiences.

  • HouseWolf1960
    bump for later
  • tamsin66
    tamsin66 Posts: 10
    Question, I'm a type 2 diabetic (diagnosed 4 months ago). I'm taking atorvastatin for cholesterol and metformin for the diabetes. I ran out of the statin and my blood sugar dropped to around 100 when I wasn't taking it. When I resumed taking the statin, my blood sugar went back up to the 120s and 130s. Does anyone have any insight on this?
  • Aussielooser
    Aussielooser Posts: 139 Member
    I try to stay around 70grms a day and it usually works well for me. Anything above 100 is a killer for the bgl
  • tamsin66
    tamsin66 Posts: 10
    Thanks KCaffee!
  • EinTX
    EinTX Posts: 104 Member
    @ tamsin66

    After going through a massive personal rebellion with my carb restriction, and pinning it down to the "summer foods" the family likes to eat, I finally had someone give me a wonderful recipe for a quick, low carb/ high protein bread.

    1 tbs butter
    1 whole egg
    1 scoop of protein powder (for more of a desert/breakfast flavor unless you can find a good, non flavored powder)
    1 tsp baking soda (if you want - it helps it rise a bit more)

    Melt the butter in a DISH - like one of the glass storage bowls (I like to use the 2 - 3 cup size range)
    stir in the other ingredients
    nuke on high for about a minute or until it rises.

    For my actual "breads" I've taken to replacing the scoop of protein powder with about a half cup of ground flax seed. (Almond flour will serve as well, it's just so expensive here! The ground flax seed I find at Walmart in the cereal isle near the health nut granola type cereals.) It comes out a LOT heavier and denser because the flax doesn't absorb the egg and butter as well, but it makes a wonderful bread. Once you pop it out of the dish, and give it a couple of minutes to cool, just slice in half for 2 round pieces of "bread".

    These two things have really helped me get my carb rebellion knocked down, and things back under control.

    When I make this "bread" I use a glass bread pan to microwave it in. Once it is done you can just cut the piece in half and you get really two average size pieces of "bread". Works great.