Letting others affect us.

sarahthin Posts: 221 Member
Why do we let others affect the way we do things. Our family has just gone through a terrible loss. I feel helpless in trying to be there for our daughter-in-law. She isn't accepting anything that I try to do to comfort or support her and I find myself feeding all day on things that I shouldn't. Give me some ideas on how to not let her actions bother me.:cry::brokenheart:


  • belladiva47
    belladiva47 Posts: 44 Member
    Hi Sarah,
    I left you a message about this yesterday on your profile. As part of the grieving process some people get very angry and unapproachable. They are actually angry at the person who passed for leaving them. This is what happened to me and it may be what is happening to your daughter-in-law. Everyone grieves in their own way. Some people benefit from grief counseling and others don't. Your family is not only grieving a loss but also regretting all the pain your grandchild went thru. I would say just be patient, don't offer unless asked for. Let her know that you're there for her and then give her space till she comes to you. Don't be hard on yourself. This is also the time for you and your husband to heal. God love you and keep you strong.