Check in here!

How did everyone's weeks go? I started Monday up 5 pounds from a long weekend wedding celebration so I knew (hoped) it would come off during the week since it couldn't have been 5 actual pounds. I tracked my food and exercised everyday and I'm now down 4 of those pounds. Woot woot! I plan to stay on track this weekend so that I won't have to keep losing the same pounds over and over again!

My goal is small so now I have 6 pounds to lose by October 1st. Most importantly I want to get back the muscle tone I've lost over the past year and to fit into my smaller pants again.


  • This week was pretty good! Stayed mostly on track, had a few bites of ice cream and a couple of chips which are the things that usually send me into a tail spin where I find myself at the bottom of the chip bag/pint of ice cream wondering what the hell just happened.
    I've been eating this way for almost a month now, which I think might be the longest I've gone. It's been almost like an awakening to be able to have a handful of chips and realize it's not the end of the world.
    I keep reminding myself to focus on small 5lbs goals instead of the end goal, when I think "oh **** I still have 40 pounds to go" I feel helpless and want to give up.
  • feelgoodnic
    feelgoodnic Posts: 66 Member
    My week has been okay. I stuffed my face on Tuesday with some amazing chocolates my boss brought back from his holiday, I have no friggin self control with sweets. The chocolate was right in my line of sight at my desk so like the sneaky *kitten* I am, I moved it to the area where the interns are. They fully devoured it within a day, so I'm no longer tempted by it. Mwahaha.

    Aside from that I was well within range for the rest of the week, and my physio gave me permission yesterday to up my time on the stationary bike if it doesn't cause me pain in my knee. It's not quite the same satisfaction/burn I get from HIIT or lifting but at least it means I can get some exercise. The rehab exercises are boring as **** though, I hate doing them and they take forever.

    We ordered pizza for lunch in the office today so I looked up the nutritional info and factored two slices into my daily allowance and I'll have my packed lunch for dinner instead.

    My mother and brother are visiting for the weekend so it's going to be tough sticking to a routine. That woman can drink me under the table and we're also going to a burger place for dinner tomorrow that also serves alcohol based milkshakes, I'm not sure how easy it'll be to resist THAT kind of temptation :( but we'll also be doing lots of touristy stuff so I should get tons of walking in.

    Hope everyone else's weekend is going well! Anyone have anything fun planned for the weekend?
  • I don't remember Monday. Tuesday was the day I posted my stats on GOMI so I'm starting my week with that. I didn't weigh myself today (I'm going to wait until next Tues). I was on the first day of my period last Tues so my next weigh in should show a pretty good loss (if I don't blow it) because I retain like 3 lbs of water during my period.
    I did really well though with both food and exercise this week. My plan was to eat 3 meals/day. On Tues I skipped breakfast, but Wed and Thurs were good and today will be also.
    Body Pump (Tues and Thurs)
    Boot Camp (Wed)
    I don't feel like going to the gym today. I may do some core work at the house or run a couple of miles. I've done very little cardio this week. I only did 10 mins after each bp class. There's some cardio in boot camp, but I consider that more of a strength class.
    Weekends are when I usually go off track with both diet and exercise, so will have to be very careful
    Looks like it's going to be raining all weekend so will have to avoid the temptation to go out to eat because we're bored. And find something else to do.
  • This week was pretty good! Stayed mostly on track, had a few bites of ice cream and a couple of chips which are the things that usually send me into a tail spin where I find myself at the bottom of the chip bag/pint of ice cream wondering what the hell just happened.
    I've been eating this way for almost a month now, which I think might be the longest I've gone. It's been almost like an awakening to be able to have a handful of chips and realize it's not the end of the world.
    I keep reminding myself to focus on small 5lbs goals instead of the end goal, when I think "oh **** I still have 40 pounds to go" I feel helpless and want to give up.
    I'm trying to focus on the small 5 lb goals also. I started at 150 so I want to be close to 145 by 1 Sep and then lose another 5 and then it will just seem easier and more likely to get to the final goal.
  • Novezero
    Novezero Posts: 17 Member
    Back on the exercise wagon today with my 30DS 20 minutes workout. I didn't really eat too much yesterday and came in under my 1200 cals. Mouth ulcers are making it hard to eat much at all :(

    Trying to remind myself that I have lost almost 41lbs and a fluctuation on the scales means nothing!
  • My week was pretty good. I ate out more than planned, but I made decent choices (opting for fruit or grilled vegetables as a side instead of fries, halfing or thirding my entree). I'm 1 pound away from 20 pounds lost so I'm very excited about that. I mentioned in the forum that I went down a size in jeans this week. First time in 4 or 5 years!
  • EthelBelle, sounds like you're doing awesome!! Congrats on the 20 pounds!!

    Novezero, Congrats on the 40 pounds! I'm sorry about your mouth ulcers, that doesn't sound fun at all.

    I'm up a pound from Saturday. Obviously nothing to stress over since your body fluctuates day to day but I'm definitely going to strict for the next few days as I'm flying home on Wednesday for a few days for a family function and I know I'll probably gain a few while I'm there.

    I'm thinking of doing a couple challenges in September if anyone would like to join me. Sober September and September Squats. Sober September needs no explanation. The squat challenge I'm going to adapt from a challenge I did last December, it gives you a number of squats to do everyday and increases everyday. When I did it in December, my butt definitely saw results.

    (I'm writing the same thing in both places so I apologize if you have to read my ramblings twice!)
  • I'm down a tiny .4 of a lb. :grumble: BUT the scale said 173.8 which is exactly 10lbs down from when I started a month ago. So yay!
    :happy: Only have to do that...4 more times!
    After logging my food on Friday I am questioning if I am eating enough. I need to get a bit more militant about keeping track. I'm not hungry and every meal I have is filling and substantial, to the point where my big salads are hard to finish.

    Saturday I did a few hours of yard work, moving rocks etc. Sunday I ended up walking for over 5 hours. I'm feeling a bit sore today from it all.
  • I've only lost 1 pound and after a weekend of camping, still only down 1 pound. This is actually good considering I ate and drank a lot on the trip. I still tracked my calories and ate fruits and veggies though. I also avoided s'mores, which was hard but in the long run, I felt better than I would have if I'd eaten them!

    Now I'm back to the same old stuff- 1200 calories a day and trying to get some exercise every day! Maybe more pounds will go this week!
  • I'm going to weigh myself tomorrow morning bc that's when my week started. I did really good with eating -especially over the weekend when it rained and the power went out every day for several hrs each time. Normally, I would have said let's go eat or do something bc I'm bored, but I resisted. Well, I did eat my 1 cheat meal for the week on Saturday night. It was all junk food pizza, chips, candy bar, and a drink. Usually, I'm absolutely all or nothing, but I needed to do that to prove to myself that I can eat a "bad" meal and that's it -not use it as an excuse to just go crazy. That's the only time this week I've counted calories -bc they were all on the packaging -1600ish for that one meal. Yikes! Everything else I've eaten this week has been home made.
    As far as exercise (my T/W/Thurs is in my earlier post), I ran 1.8 miles on Fri (17 min) so I could say I did some cardio. Did 20 min weights/machines and 20 min cardio at the gym on Sat. Sunday was a rest today. And I'm about to go the gym for a CXW and do some cardio.
    Hoping to see about a 2 lbs loss in the morning. I have to be realistic and not expect to lose much more than that per week.
    Maybe if I was doing it Biggest Loser style and working out 6-8 hrs/day and eating 1200 calories, but that's not going to happen.
    *no offense to anyone who is eating 1200 calories, I'm just using that as a #, I have no idea how many calories I eat/day* If I don't lose weight as I like, I may have to start trying to figure it out.
  • bhnguyen82
    bhnguyen82 Posts: 49 Member
    A bit shocked when I stepped on the scale this morning and I lost nearly 3 pounds since last week! Some of it is water weight (some salty food last week) but for me personally I notice that I lose more when I up my strength training, whereas the scale sometimes won't budge for days if I exclusively run. Still excuse me while I do a victory dance and eat like a boss today.
  • eraweir
    eraweir Posts: 41 Member
    My weekend was... not great. Not terrible (you know how sometimes you have a weekend and you look at it and it just COMPLETELY undid the entire week that came before?) but I got cranky that I was working and that I kept eating in restaurants and that I wasn't at him and just didn't give a *kitten*. I was going to have something warm for dinner, damnit!

    But, what can you do? I still got up and moving at least half the days while out of town (elliptical and walks). And now I'm HOME and can actually make some of my own meals! So I think this upcoming week is going to be a looooot better and I am most excited.

    Oh, and I had my physical for conductor training today and I might be down 2 lbs from the last time I weighed myself. Eh. Too many variables to trust it.
  • I'm up two pounds after the weekend. Not too surprised considering yesterday's sushi feeding frenzy. Really, I'm shocked that I wasn't more. At any rate, I'm back on track today and kicked of my morning with Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred. I predict that I'll be feeling very sore tomorrow. Food wise, I'm juicing in the day time (just for three days) and doing dinners of lean proteins and non starchy vegetables for dinner. Overall, I'm feeling good and while I was disappointed to see the number on the scale go up, I'm not beating myself up over it.
  • brooke800
    brooke800 Posts: 94 Member
    I'm petrified to get on the scale! In the past 3 years it has ONLY gone up. So it is hard for me to set weight goals, but I am going to go by the way my clothes feel. Although, I'll admit that even that is hard because I still haven't bought new clothes so I wear a lot of running shorts/yoga pants to avoid having to face the weight gain.
  • Novezero
    Novezero Posts: 17 Member
    Befit1980, thank you!

    The ulcers have mostly gone so I can go back to acidic foods like tomatos, other fruit etc. I think it was just a warning/knackered body thing as I had some other run down type things going on as well.

    Today I managed to get to the gym and almost did my usual cardio workout, but my mp3 player broke in the middle of it so wasted time trying to fix it and had to cut it 5 minutes short. Luckily huscat will grab me a new one tomorrow!

    Weighed myself and seem to be the same weight (although it was afternoon, just before dinner so I can't be sure) Trying not to be down about the slower rate of loss as I get smaller.

    This week, I will aim to cut down on the bread products. I am quitting garlic bread (I was allowing myself just a tiny slice some evenings as the huscat would cook it, but it was happening too frequently) and will stick to the wholemeal I have.

    Glad to see everyone checking in, here's to positive weeks all round! :drinker:
  • brooke800
    brooke800 Posts: 94 Member
    Novezero- When I drink too much crystal light I get ulcers. They suck.
  • RWtD
    RWtD Posts: 4 Member
    I am working to try to get back on track with exercise and diet after going on vacation, so I haven't weighed myself since I weighed in when I got back (and had gained 5 lbs since the last time I'd weighed myself... argh.) Once I'm back in a bit of a groove I'll weigh myself again, maybe in a week or so. But I somehow miraculously made it under my calorie goal for today even after eating a lot of pizza, so I feel like I'm coming out of my slump.
  • feelgoodnic
    feelgoodnic Posts: 66 Member
    Yeah, as I expected my weekend was not so healthy. On the plus side I didn't gorge myself beyond the point of full like I usually would. I tried listening to my hunger cues for once (zomg intuitive eating!!) and ended up skipping lunch both days and having larger breakfasts and dinner out. 3 nights of booze though, ugh. According to my Fitbit I got 30,000 steps in across Saturday/Sunday which was pretty decent!

    So yeah, still need to work on not going crazy when it comes to routine, alcohol and eating out. It really doesn't help that I'm a recent convert to meat after being a vegetarian for a long time so I still haven't quite gotten over the novelty of how damn delicious burgers, bacon and buffalo wings are.

    Yesterday went smoothly (I did have 2 biscuits/cookies watching TV with the housemates but I had calories to spare and 2 biscuits is a definite improvement over eating half the packet) and I'm feeling pretty good about today as well.
  • Love everyone's attitudes! Keep it up, ladies!

    My scale's batteries died this morning and I was like, AAAArrrrrggg! How will I know what I weigh today?! ;) But no big deal, I'll just pick up new batteries tonight.

    I'm going through a flare up of my ulcerative colitis (just call me Tuna) and my doc prescribed me new medication yesterday so I'm hoping that will nip it in the bud.
  • pdxmeghan
    pdxmeghan Posts: 4 Member
    Wow there's a lot of people on here. And you're all real people, not just people who post on GOMI for my entertainment.

    I weighed last Friday and I weighed again today - no difference, but I'm not worried about it. Especially since, like I said on GOMI, my husband made homemade ice cream on Sunday and uh.. we've been eating it.