I'm back.

I went by the name SionnaVeritas. I just deleted that account because I was ashamed at how awful my binges have been. Lately I have been buying bulk bags of candy after work and eating all of it before I go to bed. I gained five more pounds in just a couple of days and I just want to hide. I know the gain is beyond noticeable and I wish I didn't have to leave my house..

This needs to stop..

I mainly posted this to regain my friends/support.. so feel free to add me.


  • I am really struggling. I can't seem to get past the first day. I wake up feeling awful from the previous binge and then I just continue to eat everything in sight. It's been another straight week of 5000+ calorie days. I don't know how to break the cycle.

    For all of you that have, what did you do to 'restart'?
  • EllieYuruker
    EllieYuruker Posts: 54 Member
    I haven't beaten it yet but want you to know you can add me if you like. Mine have been particuarly bad recently as well but keep going. every day is a fresh start!!! xxxx
  • lua_
    lua_ Posts: 258 Member
    I binged almost every day this week. The biggest binge beater for me is exercising 1-2 hours after a 200-300 calorie breakfast, and spending some time on here every day. It's something I've struggled with since I was about 10, so I expect relapses. However, I'm challenging myself to go 10, 20, 30, 40, 50+ days without a binge. Join me if you like :) Add me if you need to talk to anyone, I definitely know how you feel.
  • I am beating myself up even more because I have been thin before. I was 180 back in high school and went all the way down to 107. Now I am in the 150's. I am so discouraged.

    Thank you both, lovelies. I just saw your replies now, thank you for the support.. I will send requests. <3
  • eddie8131
    eddie8131 Posts: 600 Member
    I hope it's ok to reply as a man. I've thought a lot about this question in my own life over the years. When I did stop as I have since June 3rd (only one binge in about 70 days), why? I just think it is finding your rock bottom. For me I couldn't stop until I felt so uncomfortable so awful so ashamed so physically sick, etc. I know that is bad but every time it was what motivated me. I can't say that one thing motivated me to stop other than just hitting rock bottom. I'm glad you are back this is such a great place to be, it's helped me so much to feel good again.
  • cindyb1984
    cindyb1984 Posts: 203 Member
    I know the feeling. I am in the same place that you are. I was doing so great in my weight loss, and then my husband left me. I also just found out that he was cheating as well. I feel like all I do is eat. I am up 12lbs in less then 3 weeks. I also don't know how to get out of this! My whole life just feels so out of control right now....
  • strongmindstrongbody
    strongmindstrongbody Posts: 315 Member
    Eating bags of candy...I can relate. Did it for years on almost a daily basis. :blushing: Haven't done that in months and I think what helped me was changing my mindset. I used to tell myself such awful things after I binged and it only made me feel hopeless and then I'd binge some more. I had seen on a blog some positive mantras to repeat (like, "Food fuels my body" and "I am committed to my health") and started saying them every day, especially after a binge just to get me out of bad thought habits.

    I also found that stopping the restriction phase after a binge has helped. It was like the restricting (the "punishment") was just setting me up for another binge. I'm getting a little nervous as I get further into my weight loss and have to cut calories. So hoping the increased hunger doesn't trigger a binge.

  • I hope it's ok to reply as a man. I've thought a lot about this question in my own life over the years. When I did stop as I have since June 3rd (only one binge in about 70 days), why? I just think it is finding your rock bottom. For me I couldn't stop until I felt so uncomfortable so awful so ashamed so physically sick, etc. I know that is bad but every time it was what motivated me. I can't say that one thing motivated me to stop other than just hitting rock bottom. I'm glad you are back this is such a great place to be, it's helped me so much to feel good again.

    It's more than okay!

    I am so embarrassed, but I am logging all the binges. I am so upset with myself but I just can't seem to stop.
  • I know the feeling. I am in the same place that you are. I was doing so great in my weight loss, and then my husband left me. I also just found out that he was cheating as well. I feel like all I do is eat. I am up 12lbs in less then 3 weeks. I also don't know how to get out of this! My whole life just feels so out of control right now....

    I am so sorry, love..

    I think I am doing this out of all the loss I have suffered as well. It's like I am mentally trying to gain all that I lost back.. but in the form of weight and not the love I miss. =/
  • I hope I can get back into that mindset again.
  • EllieYuruker
    EllieYuruker Posts: 54 Member
    You will, we all will, and have people have shown here, it can be beaten! xxxx
  • eddie8131
    eddie8131 Posts: 600 Member
    This is where I come to find hope each and every day - just logging in every day and logging my food and feeling everyone's love. Hope is really the source of all of my successes. We can all do it together.