Medication - What do you take for Fibro?



  • heatherbrosigyaskow
    heatherbrosigyaskow Posts: 28 Member
    I have had fibro for 5 years. I was started out on Felxeril. but my doctor changed that after two years when the max dose was no longer helping me.

    I currently take
    Tizanidine 4mg/tab at bedtime. My normal dose is 16mg. My doctor gave me this so I can adjust my dose as needed. I have been working out for two months and now need only 12mg to help me sleep.
    Naproxen 500mg BID PRN I take this so little that my prescription almost always expires.

    I refuse to take any anti depression medications. They make me feel funny.
  • getfitthinkpositive
    getfitthinkpositive Posts: 12 Member
    Effexor XR - been on it for years
    Tramadol - I love this stuff, but doesn't relieve the pain. Just ... makes me not care about it.

    Stretching with exercise (using a foam roller and/or still point inducers) and eating well have been the biggest life changers for me.
  • dianneeverding
    dianneeverding Posts: 4 Member
    Cymbalta- I have the hot flashes, night sweats, and reduced energy but Cymbalta has the least likely hood of causing additional weight gain as far as the Anti-Depressants go. Still I have managed to gain 40lbs in five months.

    Lyrica- Helps with the pain not the stiffness though.

    I also have to take meds for blood pressure and Cholesterol so I am not sure how they factor in. I have taken Narcotic pain killers they were a nightmare. Flexarill worked but had to increase the dose until it was unsafe and even then it stopped helping.

    Physical Therapy- this was a huge relief. They introduced me to exercises that I could do in the pool and on land that were not painful. They also were able to teach me to listen to my body. I have been in pain for so long I as not aware where I lost the benefit and started making things worse.

    Tylenol, ibuprofen, Aleve all work about as well as Tic Tacs

    Massage - does not work for me, I stay tense.

    Yoga and Stretching- work wonders for my mobility.

    I have insomnia and have tried Benadryl, Melatonin, OTC sleep aids, and Herbal aids nothing works. I have sleep apnea as well and a CPAP but still get up repeatedly at night.

    I have tried several different vitamin and herbal remedies for relief I have found the best things for me are Magnesium and Malic Acid I have taken several different "fibro" mixes form several different companies and as long as they have these two in them they work well and they give me energy.
  • wideeyedla
    wideeyedla Posts: 138 Member
    No activity for a while, but I will post anyway. Feel free to friend request :smile:

    15 years of random neurological stuff and depression. Meniere's, Raynaud's, migraines since childhood, hip pain, knee pain, sciatica, muscle spasms, and finally a blown cervical disk that led to surgery. First neurologist didn't take me seriously or listen. This one listens, conceded I meet the criteria for fibro, but doesn't believe that fibro is actually a diagnosis. Time for a rheumotologist who treats actual fibro, I think.

    At any rate, the real and ongoing PAIN did not start until perimenopause which is now full menopause a year or so later (a little early, I was 48).

    Current meds on the "we treat symptoms, not syndromes plan."
    30 mg of Cymbalta (this was a big decision for me. I go through horrible SSRI withdrawal that lasts for months, even with tapering, so it was a VERY long term commitment). Hip pain gone, depression better.
    2 mg of Clonapen (for muscle twitches due to nerve damage for surgery)
    Topomax 10 mg (has not eliminated migraines, but has reduced number and severity)
    Maxalt 40 mg for active migraine
    Aleve 800 mg for active migraine
    Toradol nasal spray for intractable active migraine
    Vicodin (take this as sparingly as possible, as I am a recovering alcoholic, sober 20 years)

    During a flare up, NOTHING helps except the Vicodin.

    So I went Paleo and low carb and added glucosamine and daily walking. I have much more energy, but still walking the fine line between enough exercise and too much. Overdid it Monday and triggered a flare up.

    What is most frustrating to me is the inconsistency. Some days I can do an activity and I am fine. Some days the same activity will trigger a flare up. I am strictly logging all food and activity to try and learn what works. I have learned that bananas trigger intractable migraines. NO more bananas .

    And I am willing to give that supplement a try!
  • fjrandol
    fjrandol Posts: 437 Member
    Okay gavians, your unpaid advertisements have finally convinced me to take a chance with the Fibro-Response. You said you take 4 in the am, is that correct? How is that dosage working out for you?
  • Deanna149
    Deanna149 Posts: 147 Member
    Fibro Response Question - has anyone had the opposite affect while on this? I switch from Liver Guard to Fibro Response to help with my hypoglycemia as I don't need the insulin stabilizing stuff as much anymore that is in the LG, but going into the 3rd week my fibro was horribly flared up, worse than usual. so I switched back to the Liver Guard and was doing better a few days later. not sure if this reaction was due to the fibro or the decrease in Alpha Lipoic Acid which I need for my energy cycle (long story there - sorry) wanted to just see if anyone else had similar reactions...thanks for sharing and glad I at least gave it a try....
  • gavians
    gavians Posts: 72 Member
    Yes, I take four every morning. However, I am a big guy so if you are say under 170 pounds, three may suffice. I have never had the reverse probably that Deanna has. I find that interesting -- an unfortunate. I guess we are all a little bit different. fjrandol, please let me know how this worked for you. Make sure you give it at least a week to really start having the effect.
  • apatheticsloth
    Hi all, I'm new here.

    I've been ill with CFS and Fibro since 2005 and have been on so many medications I'd need to sit down and make a list. Gavians, I did want to address your earlier comments about Cymbalta. I was on it for a few years and attempted to taper off once before. I am now on day 8 of my second attempt to get off of it, my last pill was taken on Tuesday, August 13th and the withdrawal is still pretty bad. As you can see from my writing, my brain is quite scrambled.

    Hopefully I'll come out of the fog soon and contribute more here. :ohwell:
  • vpsorrels
    vpsorrels Posts: 35 Member
    I am fairly new with my official diagnosis; but I have been prescribed skelaxin to help me sleep at night. It does work, however I am finding recently I am having more pain during the day and am thinking of asking for something more. I do try ibuprofen which sometimes helps. My job entails a lot of driving during the day so I need to stay alert and be able to focus. Any suggestions would be helpful. Thanks
  • CharisSunny
    CharisSunny Posts: 276 Member
    I think I will try Vit D. I have little left to lose :)
  • vpsorrels
    vpsorrels Posts: 35 Member
    So far I have only been prescribed skelaxin to take at nights. I am seriously thinking about asking for something else though. I have days that I am in pain all day then others where the pains come and go, usually mild. Not sure if I want to try OTC / herbals or what? Any suggestions?
  • joybedford
    joybedford Posts: 1,680 Member
    Hi I am currently taking no meds as the 2 I have tried didn't agree with me at all. I was initially prescribed amytriptiline and I couldn't wake up in a morning and felt groggy all day. I then tried lyrica I hated this I felt spacey fatigued and generally vague. My work colleagues said I looked terrible while taking this. I use exercise as my drug a combination of weight lifting and running but I am getting fed up of feeling tired and the constant leg and neck pain plus daily headaches is really getting me down. I am awaiting results of food intolerance testing I have previously been diagnosed with food intolerances so hopefully food exclusion will help. I have heard the paleo diet can help anyone tried this and does it work. I will try anything other than drugs at the moment, I have 3 children with special needs and need to be awake and fully functional. I am not against meds but hate the way they make me feel.
  • Darklady5
    Hello :smile:

    for pains:
    1 - i'm taking Zaldiar ( tramadol+ paracetamol) - it doesn't work that much to be honest no matter how many I take. I've tried just Tramadol, it was even worse it had no effect at all!!!

    to sleep:
    1 - Valerian root pills , this works for me in one way, I explain, I take these during the day to help me to calm down and at night to help me to sleep but I dont take them every day.
    But I suffer from insomnia since very young and the pains during night are terrible especially the sensation of burning in my legs :sad:

    2 - Cyclobenzaprine (Flexeril) is a muscle relaxant but I only take it when my muscles are really stiff. It is supposed to put me asleep but it doesn't really :sad:

    anxiety / stress:
    1 - Victan (Ethyl loflazepate) I take 2/day to fight anxiety and palpitations. this one really works for me :happy: . I am very sensitive to noise and the only way i can fight this is take one of this in morning, select some music in my mobile and turn Runkeeper app and go out for a walk.
    2 - Xanax (Alprazolam) when I can't control my stress levels and feel like killing someone.

    1 - Nimesulide - I take this one for my tendinites and for my spine; I have problems in my backbone and left joint hip. It's really good and it helps me with pain also.

    these really kill me when they come there is not much I can do about it but wear earplugs for the noise and close myself in a dark room to avoid light. I take Migraleve - is the brand name of a range of migraine-relief medications made by Pfizer.
  • HeavyHilda
    Anybody else have hair loss with Lyrica? Was on it a month and lost hair not to mention sleep. Cymbalta, geesh with just one pill I was nauseated and flat out, bad drugs!

    Started with Flexaril - it's helping, take only that and advil. Can't handle the other drugs. Added x-tra fish oil and other supplements. Ever hear of black seed oil? Something new to add to the list, will get back on if it works or not.
  • CharisSunny
    CharisSunny Posts: 276 Member
    Anybody else have hair loss with Lyrica? Was on it a month and lost hair not to mention sleep. Cymbalta, geesh with just one pill I was nauseated and flat out, bad drugs!

    Started with Flexaril - it's helping, take only that and advil. Can't handle the other drugs. Added x-tra fish oil and other supplements. Ever hear of black seed oil? Something new to add to the list, will get back on if it works or not.

    i had/have MAJOR hair loss but we couldnt attribute it to just one thing. Im still not sure if the Lyrica had a hand in it :(
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    I have been diagnosed for 4 years by my MD and my Rheumatologist (I also have Arthritis in my L ankle - workplace accident, both hands, neck and low back). Presently I take 800 mg of organic Reishi mushroom extract 1/2 hr before breakfast (helps with the energy issues in the mitochondria), Multivit and mineral with extra D, calcium and magnesium and Omega 3's. At night I take 5 mg of melatonin and sleepytime tea as my bedtime ritual. I also get a chiropractic treatment once a month - yes it hurts as he's working on me although he is not the 'bone-cruncher' type of chiropractor. It feels so much better immediately after though. I also eat strictly Gluten free although I have a sensitivity and not celiac disease (had several tests). This makes a HUGE difference in my pain levels during the day. Any tiny slipup and I will suffer for 3-7 days.
    This week I'm not feeling so good - a fair bit of pain and sleeping only 5 hours straight - but the temperature ranges this week are wild. From -18C one day to +5C the next, swinging back & forth. No wonder I hurt. I take a 20-30 minute walk outside anyway just to keep moving - & do a stretching program every day.

    My docs besides being MD's are also into alternative modalities and suggested some of the things I use instead of the usual drugs.
  • Chillyfrog
    Chillyfrog Posts: 207 Member
    I was just diagnosed Tuesday and my doctor has started me out on 30mg of Cymbalta. He said it's likely I won't feel any real relief from this low a dose, but that he wanted to ease me onto it. So far I've had quite a bit of nausea/loss of appetite and my limbs feel like useless limp noodles. I'm hoping the side effects pass fast because it's driving me nuts!

    I quit trying anything. They all had side effects that I felt just wasn't worth it. Cymbalta was one of the worst... horrible chest pains. Another one gave me ticks (my limbs would go flying or jerk). And another one made me lose half of my hair. I just stick to OTC stuff (Advil or Aleve)... I do miss the muscle relaxers though. They came in handy at night with a flair up. I might have to ask for those again at my next appt.
  • ShanoodleDoodle
    I use PowerStrips. They're easy to use when working out and all natural. I stopped my pain meds when I found these. I get mine at I thought I'd share the love! :flowerforyou:
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    I use PowerStrips. They're easy to use when working out and all natural. I stopped my pain meds when I found these. I get mine at I thought I'd share the love! :flowerforyou:
    What are the ingredients in power strips? or are they a heat patch for back, etc??
  • EbSC234
    EbSC234 Posts: 4 Member
    My MD won't prescribe anything for me for pain. He put me on an anti-depressant for sleep once (I can't even remember which one), but all it did was give me horrible dry mouth that made my ability to sleep even worse, so I stopped taking it. I use ibuprofen for really bad days with mixed results.