Important stuff will go here one day.
Is this group still active? I was just diagnosed a couple weeks ago and could use some advice with fitness and weight loss.
Medscape updates on clinical studies (Medical Professionals' Continuing Ed site) re: FM
In my inbox on March 6/2015 re: FM & prevalence of cardiovascular problems. Complete quote from Study Discussion: (I put some of the main points in bold type here) "Journal of Clinical Rheumatology Fibromyalgia and Nondipper Circadian Blood Pressure Variability Salih İnal, MD, Esra Erkol İnal, MD, Gülay Ulusal Okyay, MD,…
Seeking Chronic Illness/Chronic Pain Friends
Fibromyalgia Undifferentiated Connective Tissue Disorder Wonky joints Consistently injured gym rat I want to be able to share both my whining and my triumphs on my feed without feeling like I'm b!tching at the ether. That's about it.
Let’s Move Challenge
Anyone up for a sedentary fibro appropriate fitness challenge? For instance, my year average on steps is 300-500. I need and want to get them at least to 1000, maybe 2000. I can’t DO 10k yet. 8k almost killed me this week. Another idea is to log minimum minutes daily, like... 20 minutes of something that qualifies as…
Post- exercise recovery
I don't seem to be as limited in my ability to exercise as many with FM do, although i'm limited by own stamina & strength, both of which have greatly improved as I've been working out over the past year. But it seems that I can do more in my workouts than I can recover from. Meaning I'm totally exhausted and can hardly…
it's a struggle
It truly is a struggle to get fit again. I was approx. 140lbs now 184lbs, look about 4 months pregnant and decided I can't live like this any more. I have to do something different; eat better, exercise, think better! 2 days ago my left side of back along my spine started hurting and yesterday was even worse, taking…
Weight gain
Weight gain for gabapentin
I think I found my Tribe
Glad to be here. I have fibro and depression and arthritis in my knees. That I why I am here in my overweight condition - first I went through months of depression, and then I had a year long fibro flare, leaving me wishing I had a walker just to get from the house to the car. the pain was bad enough, but the fatigue was…
New to group and app. I’m 38, mom to 5, night owl. Was diagnosed with fibro about 2 years ago, though I’d known for a long time before that. I was recently diagnosed as diabetic as well. Fatigue is one of my most major symptoms and with extremely high blood pressure to boot, exercise just is super hard to figure out! Even…
Amitriptyline and Weight Gain
One of the medications I’m prescribed to help with the fibro pain is Amitriptyline. I have been taking it for about two years, ever since my official diagnosis. Right before the New Year, I realized that I forgot to call in my refill in time and ended up running out. On the second day of not taking it I noticed that I…