it's a struggle

It truly is a struggle to get fit again. I was approx. 140lbs now 184lbs, look about 4 months pregnant and decided I can't live like this any more. I have to do something different; eat better, exercise, think better! 2 days ago my left side of back along my spine started hurting and yesterday was even worse, taking ibruprofin to help with the pain, thinking I must have tweeked it or something. I just want to do better.


  • melmerritt33
    melmerritt33 Posts: 1,058 Member
    You can do it, it’s really hard with this condition but I’m sure you can find some exercise that works for you. Just be careful not to push yourself too hard, I’ve done that a lot and it always ends up with not being able to do anything for weeks. I’ve just started exercising again and am trying to take it easy, not get overexcited and do too much!
  • elsie6hickman
    elsie6hickman Posts: 3,864 Member
    I have an appointment with an ortho on the 17th. My pain is on the left too. If I find out anything interesting, I will report. I have a prescription for generic Celebrex, but lately it hasn't been helping. I don't know if you treadmill, but I find when I do a 1% incline, it feels better than walking flat.