Saturday 8/17

PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
Any diehards around today? Weekends are pretty quiet but wanted to post and wish everybody a happy Saturday!

Supposed to be hot here today so I got my run in early. Nice to get my 10K steps in by 9:00 am. :happy: Otherwise just my usual commitments - eat well, drink lots of water.


  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    I'm planning to run today and tomorrow and finish up Week 3 of my 5 to 10k program and also to get some yoga in. I just got a new yoga/pilates dvd and did one of the routines last night. I think I'll do that routine again today and tomorrow. Other than that. I'll keep eating to plan and get my water in this weekend.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    I'm planning to run today and tomorrow and finish up Week 3 of my 5 to 10k program and also to get some yoga in. I just got a new yoga/pilates dvd and did one of the routines last night. I think I'll do that routine again today and tomorrow. Other than that. I'll keep eating to plan and get my water in this weekend.

    What yoga/pilates DVD did you buy? And you like it? I would like to work yoga into my current workout routine.
  • krk5235
    krk5235 Posts: 220 Member
    Just got back from our team's scrimmage, took a nap and now headed to a friend's bd party. Its at their golf club so not to good of a day for dieting or exercise!
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    I got Louise Solomon's Yoga & Pilates: Total Body Toner. At first look it seems worthwhile and Amazon had it on sale for $5.75 so I figured it was worth the risk.

    According to the DVD it has three routines, core, arms, legs, and total body which I think is just the first three strung together. I did core last night. It seemed at the right level for me. There was a lot of breathing and clenching of muscles moves (versus moving of muscles moves). I would say about half moving and half clenching. What I'll have to see is if I improve as I continue and get more flexibility and/or strength. I did that with the Rodney Yee videos I had years ago. I really need to find those again because I liked them. The yoga only dvd I just bought is great for relaxation before going to bed, but likely won't lead to an improvement in my body, but better sleep which is some benefit.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    I got Louise Solomon's Yoga & Pilates: Total Body Toner. At first look it seems worthwhile and Amazon had it on sale for $5.75 so I figured it was worth the risk.

    According to the DVD it has three routines, core, arms, legs, and total body which I think is just the first three strung together. I did core last night. It seemed at the right level for me. There was a lot of breathing and clenching of muscles moves (versus moving of muscles moves). I would say about half moving and half clenching. What I'll have to see is if I improve as I continue and get more flexibility and/or strength. I did that with the Rodney Yee videos I had years ago. I really need to find those again because I liked them. The yoga only dvd I just bought is great for relaxation before going to bed, but likely won't lead to an improvement in my body, but better sleep which is some benefit.

    Okay thanks. I'm probably looking for more traditional yoga. I wish I could find a class - I enjoy the variety of a class environment.